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24kGoldn - Been Here Before

Been Here Before
: Been Here Before
: 2.89 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 18 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 18 İndirme
: 14-02-2021
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (24kGoldn - Been Here Before )
Been Here Before Şarkı Sözü
Ooh, ooh

Been here before, seeing you often

Walk in the door, and then I seen you saucin'

Guess you in your bag right now

'Cause you ain't hit me back right now

Been here before ('Fore), seeing you often (Yeah)

Walk in the door (Door), and then I see you saucin' (Woah)

Guess you in your bag right now (Now)

'Cause you ain't hit me back right now (Now)

Been here before ('Fore), seeing you often (Yeah)

Walk in the door (Door), and then I see you saucin' (Woah)

Guess you in your bag right now (Now)

Got me looking back right now (Now)

Baby, don't go away

'Cause I don't wanna throw away

All of the times that we had

Said I broke your heart, that's my bad

Baby, don't go away

Ain't tryna find love today

But you lookin' bad on your birthday

What I gotta do to deserve…

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