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Sami Yusuf - Worry Ends

Worry Ends
: Worry Ends
: 3.42 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 90 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 62 İndirme
: 12-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sami Yusuf - Worry Ends )
  1. azzeddine8883 azzeddine8883

    Your are the best👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  2. Nohaila Nur

    The voice . The instumentals .. 💎


    I love this song so much بارك الله بكم

  4. Farnaz Khan

    This song spoke to me - worry truly ends when faith begins.

  5. Zahida Kabir


  6. Diana Acad

    Really heart touching song and voice! thank you so much ,Sami Yusuf !Ikki dunyo saodatini tilayman!!from Uzbekistan

  7. Malu Angels

    Worry ends when faith begins... So true!!! Your songs are a poem of Faith, Love and Hope!!! Thanks, dear @SamiYusuf

  8. divyesh Patel

    True pure lines songsAwesomeJeeBelieveTrustJee ❤️❤️

  9. kyaw swa

    Very good sami yusuf by. Iam crazy. Ever like.

  10. Malu Angels

    Dear @SamiYusuf I'm so happy!! Thank you! Another beautiful and touching song that fills my heart with encouragement, love, faith, peace... God bless! #Love #Faith #Blessings

  11. Hanaa Sy

    This song is able to help out of any hell in my life !

  12. Md Alam

    so Butiful


    B E A U T I F U L

  14. Mohammed Faraz


  15. هيماباني باني

    اين ما تكون يدعو قلبي لك بل نجاح 💥

  16. Murtaza Ali

    So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much much much much much much much much much much beautiful and her sound is so much good


    Like 2019

  18. sevınc avcı

    Aşığım bütün şarkılarına aşk çok kötü birşey atsanda kalbin izin vermiyor ❤️

  19. vhtg sjhv


  20. Rosmah Machik

    So lose not heart, nor fall into despair, for you will be superior if you are true in faith....

  21. Momo Momo


  22. Momo Momo


  23. umran kara


  24. Mai Eldeeb


  25. Aubeeluck Francesse

    I see me in this song... really nice.

  26. Rica's nightcore

    I love Islamic songs more than regular songs , who is like me ?

  27. Raj Ckp

    Assalamu alaikum

  28. ملاذ شريفة

    الله الله

  29. Hla Aljukdar

    After 7 years I still listen to this piece like first time 😭😭😭😭❤️I really love this song

  30. Shahtaj Shaikh

    Great voice from pakistan😙😙😙😙😙😍😍😍😍

  31. Shahtaj Shaikh

    MashaAllah MashaAllah its really heart touching


    I'm following you since 2009I can sing like you Bro

  33. Nina Tila

    Wonderful song,thank you so much👋👋👍👍

  34. Nida khan

    Speechless 👏👏♥️



  36. aisha_ mkala2802

    Your voice caresses the heart and soul! Thank you, Sami Yusuf! 👍👏🏻🙏🏻🌹🌹🌹


    When you don’t know whose your friend ,,, don’t be sad ,,

  38. New One

    :):):);) Subhannallah ya Malik .

  39. Mnm Mnm

    Life is challenge indeed. Mash Allah brother Sami Yusuf. Thanks a lot.

  40. I am not Sad

    Thanks a lot .....I was so mad because of the behaviour of people and then I listened to your songs and just two songs "trials of life " and "worry ends" have filled me with positive energy and motivational speakers of the world give me lots of knowledge but these are only your songs that give me peace and positive energy by connecting me with the Divine .....innumerable humans of the coming generations will be charged up with peace and positive energy through your are the singer who is born once in many centuries ...stay humble because all the praise is just for the Creator who is using you to give peace to His people one can be impressed by the good looks because real beautiful is the Creator of the beauty and He knows about beauty that's why He has created it one can be impressed by wealth because real wealthy is the Creator Who is the Owner of unlimited stars and planets come one can be impressed by a highly qualified person when real intelligent is the Creator Who has perfectly created this world out of nothing ......"Teira bunda wasif bai khubar ....Teira raz samjha hai is qudar ....tughai jub pukara chushmai tar .....Kai manzilain thein Jo tul gain"...wasif Ali wasif

  41. Iulia Mihaela


  42. Iulia Mihaela

    Amaizing 😍😍😍😍😍😍

  43. mina muhamad

    that's song's very amazing 😇😇😇

  44. Souria Ali Zergoune

    2018 ❤

  45. salma khaled

    Worry ends when faith begins❤❤❤❤


    marvellas sami yusuf

  47. Ssm Ssm

    I had been listening to this beautiful song since 2013 , and each time I fall in love with it .

  48. scorpio26

    Worry ends when faith begins❤

  49. Aj khan

    Awesome ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  50. Satan the great -come to hell

    May Allah releive the ummahs kurbaat...Your heads our organs to a hadeeth.....Another building...all hold all in one part! All worried about self.....fearing Satan n his followers....?Lambs Or Lions?Smiling is charity n if sad look at self in mirror PEACE

  51. امل حياة

    Very Nice sami 😘😘😘😘😘❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  52. Syrgak Zhylkybaev

    Worry Ends LyricsDon’t be saddened by what youseeBy all the lies and treacheryLife is cruel but don’t worryIn your heart lies the keyTo unwind all the secretsOf this life we seeWhen you feel you’ve lost it allWhen you don’t know who’syour friend or foeYou wonder why you’re so aloneWorry ends when faith beginsDon’t be sad by what you seeIt’s true life has its miseriesBut one thing’s always workedfor meWorry ends when faith beginsDon’t be saddened by what youseeI know life can be crazyA showcase of hypocrisyIn the form of pietyIt’s just one big mysteryFor you and meI found my peace deep withinCalling insideFollow what you feel is rightSo trust your heart go aheadDon’t lose sightFollow that voice deep insideWhen you feel you’ve lost it allWhen you don’t know who’syour friend or foeYou wonder what you’re soaloneWorry ends when faith beginsDon’t be sad by what you seeIt’s true life has it’s miseriesBut one thing’s always workedfor meWorry ends when faith beginsIf you’re weak it’s not a crimeDon’t you know it’s blessing indisguiseTo know who’s honest and whospread liesWorry ends when faith beginsDon’t be sad by what you seeIt’s true life has it’s miseriesBut one thing’s always workedfor meWorry ends when faith beginsWords: Sami YusufMusic: Sami YusufProduced by Sami Yusuf:)

  53. Robloxian 10

    2018? Still love this so much

  54. Amina Eti

    where do u get those words?😞 I am just amazed.... truely Allah has blessed u so u.. 😍may Allah protect u and all of us from being astrayed......I am hearing u from 2014... cause I had known u since then from radio during ramadan....I was amazed with "al muallim song."...

  55. Merciless Vamp

    He has the most beautiful and soothing voice in the world

  56. Aseel Mubarak

    Big like

  57. Faisal Rafiq

    its true islamic rock star

  58. asma asma

    لايجوز موسيقى

  59. youdontknow youdontknowme

    Every time i had bad day i always listen to your music and really does calm me down.. Thank you sami yusuf salam from Indonesia ❤

  60. kashif jatoi

    Can’t explain how beautifully delivered from Sami Yusuf ……………Allah bless you and your family.

  61. Areeba khan kasi

    Sami yusuf mashallah ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  62. Omer Kamal

    creative ❤

  63. Glyd 95

    I love this song, so real 💜💜💜

  64. The Watcher

    I get a echo and it makes this song powerful.

  65. Muhammad Najat

    It's the song that make me stronger. And often I can't stop crying.

  66. little stone109

    what a brilliant he is...written by sami wonderful inspired words.....Allah blessed him. alhamdulillah.....Allahu akbar...✌💜 u sami.😍

  67. RoMaNa

    Like if you still listen to this song <3

  68. little stone109

    it's called singer...sami love u....

  69. Jdjdb Jxjdjj

    انشوده راءعة تعطيك الامل

  70. anees khan

    my sami

  71. imzy xo

    Masha'Allah what a beautiful song with such a strong meaning ! 🕋

  72. güzel melek

    when you feel you have lost it all.. when u don't know who's your frnd and foe.. you wounder why you're so alone.. worry ends when faith begins.. <3 love this part sometimes i really feel strange that who is really on my side

  73. güzel melek

    Mashallah Sami yusuf i love your songs.. your songs touches my heart.. <3 love you i hope to see you soon..<3

  74. Anime Show93

    I remember when I did listen to it all I was thinking is just a music in 2013 :/ now in 2017 am in depression and still listening to it with feeling ,sad,fear,hate, but I know life can be crazy ;)

  75. nellofar S

    the words of this song a hope 💙💙 my life

  76. Fatma Demir Kücük

    Worry Ends"Don’t be saddened by what you seeBy all the lies and treacheryLife is cruel but don’t worryIn your heart lies the keyTo unwind all the secretsOf this life we seeWhen you feel you’ve lost it allWhen you don’t know who’s your friend or foeYou wonder why you’re so aloneWorry ends when faith beginsDon’t be sad by what you seeIt’s true life has its miseriesBut one thing’s always worked for meWorry ends when faith beginsDon’t be saddened by what you seeI know life can be crazyA showcase of hypocrisyIn the form of pietyIt’s just one big mysteryFor you and meI found my peace deep withinCalling insideFollow what you feel is rightSo trust your heart go aheadDon’t lose sightFollow that voice deep insideWhen you feel you’ve lost it allWhen you don’t know who’s your friend or foeYou wonder what you’re so aloneWorry ends when faith beginsDon’t be sad by what you seeIt’s true life has it’s miseriesBut one thing’s always worked for meWorry ends when faith beginsIf you’re weak it’s not a crimeDon’t you know it’s blessing in disguiseTo know who’s honest and who spread liesWorry ends when faith beginsDon’t be sad by what you seeIt’s true life has it’s miseriesBut one thing’s always worked for meWorry ends when faith begins.

  77. khaled Ounaha

    Warm Regards And Greetings To You sami

  78. khaled Ounaha

    truly life is full of lies

  79. Rawda Mohamed

    worry ends when faith begins ❤

  80. Sophy Asra

    hello sami how are you just reply me once I request you ☺

  81. Dahmouni Ahmed

    انت مبهر ♥

  82. arshiya tazeen

    Sami yusuf you are wounderful but don't allow music in Naat

  83. Ahmed Shaikh


  84. Hafsa Khan

    What else is it the ?

  85. Z Flaw


  86. a7mh_ m.h


  87. Karim Sylla

    le son warry trop coule et tope j'ame sa

  88. Hafsa Khan

    I love this nasheed

    Abdulaziz Badi

    this is not a nasheed

  89. Ivalina Gancheva

    I love this song!

  90. . انعام روحي فداك يا رسول الله

    masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah masha allah

  91. . انعام روحي فداك يا رسول الله

    ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله ماشاء الله

  92. . انعام روحي فداك يا رسول الله

    احبك فى الله يا سامي يوسف 😊

  93. . انعام روحي فداك يا رسول الله

    اتمنا اشوف سامي يوسف 😭😭😭

  94. . انعام روحي فداك يا رسول الله

    l hope Ahof sami yusuf 😭😭😭

  95. . انعام روحي فداك يا رسول الله

    masha allah on you oh sami yusuf

  96. . انعام روحي فداك يا رسول الله

    بسم الله ماشاء الله صوتة جميل جدا بارك الله فيك يا سامي يوسف

  97. . انعام روحي فداك يا رسول الله

    الله يحفظك يا سامي يوسف ويحفظ المسلمين امين يارب العالمين

  98. Meggy Ma

    wow thats my Favorit love it ♡

Worry Ends Şarkı Sözü
Sami Yusuf Worry Ends Şarkı Sözleri

Don't be saddened by what you see
By all the lies and treachery
Life is cruel but don't worry
In your heart lies the key
To unwind all the secrets
Of this life we see

When you feel you've lost it all
When you don't know who's your friend or foe
You wonder why you're so alone
Worry ends when faith begins
Don't be sad by what you see
It's true life has its miseries
But one thing's always worked for me
Worry ends when faith begins

Don't be saddened by what you see
I know life can be crazy
A showcase of hypocrisy
In the form of piety
It's just one big mystery
For you and me

I found my peace deep within
Calling inside Follow what you feel is right
So trust your heart go ahead
Don't lose sight
Follow that voice deep inside

When you feel you've lost it all
When you don't know who's your friend or foe
You wonder what you're so alone
Worry ends when faith begins

Don't be sad by what you see
It's true life has it's miseries
But one thing's always worked for me
Worry ends when faith begins

If you're weak it's not a crime
Don't you know it's blessing in disguise
To know who's honest and who spread lies
Worry ends when faith begins

Don't be sad by what you see
It's true life has it's miseries
But one thing's always worked for me
Worry ends when faith begins

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