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Sami Yusuf - The Key

The Key
: The Key
: 3.44 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 136 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 102 İndirme
: 12-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sami Yusuf - The Key )
  1. Poppin’ In

    Absolutely quality. Nahawand, a beauty.

  2. 311 Jazzy

    Lamma bada. The key.

  3. Сарижат Гусаева



    The Key"In Andalucian morning lightIn seas of azure, in dawning skiesI watch you bloom, the birth of springYou are the song that all lovers singYou are the key holding me inI am a prisoner, I can't escapeThe key is inside the forms you takeYou are the web I cannot spinYou are the pulse beneath my skinYou are the key holding me inYour love is a door I cannot findThe only way out is from deep insideI'm humbled by the light you takeWhen you cover every colour of the dayI'm brightened by the night you bringYou are the divine eternal ringYou are the end where everything beginsYou are the key holding me inI'm humbled by the light you takeWhen you cover every colour of the dayIlluminated in the night you bringYou are the divine eternal ringYou are the end where everything beginsYou are the key holding me inThe only key holding me in

  5. Hülya Özgen


  6. Raghda Abid


  7. Hülya Özgen

    Mest - i- şahane 😊

  8. black pearl

    راااائع جداً جداً💖💖

  9. Souria Ali Zergoune

    | ❉ لـما بـدا يـتـثنـى ❉ |هو موشح عربي تراثي شهير ينتمي إلى مقام نهاوند، ويعتبره البعض أشهر موشح عربي.اختلف المؤرخون في تحديد اسم صاحبه الأصلي، فمنهم من نسب النص إلى الوشاح الأندلسي لسان الدين بن الخطيب ، و منهم من نسبه إلى المغني المصري محمد عبد الرحيم المسلوب وكما أنه نسب اللحن له أيضاً.━━━━━━ • ✿ • ━━━━━| ❉ كـلـمـات الـمـوشـح ❉ |لما بدا يتثنى لما بدا يتثنىحبي جماله فتنا أمر ما بلحظة اسرنا غصن ثنى حين مالوعدي و يا حيرتي وعدي و يا حيرتي من لي رحيم شكوتي في الحب من لوعتيالا مليك الجمال الا مليك الجمال الا مليك الجمال الا مليك الجمالوعدي و يا حيرتي وعدي و يا حيرتي من لي رحيم شكوتي في الحب من لوعتيالا مليك الجمال الا مليك الجمال الا مليك الجمالامان امان امان امان━━━━━━ • ✿ • ━━━━━━

  10. Adiba Abdula

    Love from Kurdistan

  11. Элиза Мадалиева


  12. Hiba Arnous

    I love this song

  13. sevınc avcı


  14. Dua sa

    "You are the web i can not spin"Who wrote this meaningful expression!

    dina dina

    Yes... i am crying...this is deep

  15. Monica Salas

    Glory for my creator!!!🙏🙏🙏

  16. Faisal Fahim

    Masa Allah.. Whats a grate song.. Amazing

  17. Faisal Fahim

    Masa Allah.. Whats a grate song.. are the end, when everything is begains....outstanding sentence

  18. Moon Light


  19. abtin

    this song is so beautiful and it explains who god really is

  20. divyesh Patel

    AwesomeHeart fillingsJeeSky love beguim sahebaJee ❤️❤️❤️

  21. divyesh Patel

    Neighbor Hood policyJee ❤️

  22. revan 2008

    ماشاء الله

  23. Khady SYLLA

    Mashallah! So what's the matter with thoses who pressed the dislike button?

  24. Abdallah Gamal

    incredible music ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  25. Jemal Kakayewa

    Şami yusuf ben senin sharkilarini sevyorum

  26. nahid akther

    So Deepest !

  27. Shayc Babs

    Read about Andalusia and how the Moorish Arabs influenced Spain. It's always refreshing to read/ learn about the past to know how time changed the course of history. I wish to visit Spain one day to see the Moorish relics.

  28. Sbah O.N

    ماشاء الله 🤲❤

  29. umran kara

    🌍⭐️👌🙏🏻muhteşem bir eser brawo🇹🇷

  30. Luzia de Fatima Nalin


  31. Linya Outaleb

    Samy iosef tooooop😍😍😍😍👍👍👍👍🇲🇦

  32. Mark, Robert, Cuthbert

    I am Irish blood and Scottish blood. I Grá ( Love ) this music. So Deep, from The Heart and Soul.Mark C.

  33. Sarah Nour Eldeen

    I love u Sami

  34. divyesh Patel

    Gyaan dhyaan performance son jeeMiracles happen 🙏🙏 🙏🙏 🙏🙏 🙏Together always ❤️ together

  35. divyesh Patel

    Agree my dear sonJee

  36. HUssein Jassim SH

    الحان موشحه لما بدا يتسنى ⁦❤️⁩⁦❤️⁩

  37. raghad arbaji

    لما بدا يتجلا

  38. Sevinc Avcı

    ⚘ ⚘ ⚘ ⚘ ⚘ ❤❤❤❤🌏

  39. fatima boumadyan

    سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا اله الا الله والله أكبر

  40. Sevinc Avcı

    Nice Kapılar vardır ardına açılan .Kalpler pas tutmayan ⚘

  41. Maaz Mohammad


  42. Soha Karim

    💞💞Mashallah💞💞💞💞 💞💞Mashallah💞💞👑❤❤

  43. Hassna Bouadou

    The best one i fall in love with this song😍💓

  44. Sami Al Hasan

    I like your song

  45. Elif Zahir

    Muhteşem yorum...

  46. Asude Uysal

    So awesome😇😍

  47. Sümeyra Babacan

    Huzurun tınısı

  48. Hanna Sy


  49. Malohat VLOG

    bu sarkını dınledım zaman.bana guzel ve tatlı gunlerımı bana hatırlatıyor.tesekkur ederım canım samı yusuf!

  50. Shireen Aliewa

    What can I say? Beautiful will not justify. ❤

  51. Saba Bintishaq

    MA Shaa Allah Bravo sami brother Stay blessed 💕

  52. Saba Bintishaq

    Beautiful Just in love with it 💝

  53. محمد

    صوت شجي

  54. Medine Suleymanova

    So beautiful

  55. Xeyal Mamedov

    Ya helede qulaq asilir bu mahniya . Cox gozel mahnidi.

  56. asmae nqi

    هذا اللحن مأخود من التراث الأندلسي .أداء رائع ما شاء الله .

  57. Fatima Loria Cartin

    Sami Yusuf. Hayirli Akramlar Cumalar Olsun. . ( Sabat el jer) WONDERFUL MUSIAC AND VÍDEO SO BEAUTIFUL ARTE...ISLAM. FÁTIMA. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. ♥♥♥. THANK YOU VERY MUCH " YOUTUBE " ♥♥♥.

  58. فيض من نور

    ولكن ما هءا الابداع الذي يتفجرما شاء الله

  59. Mina Yousafzai

    Lama bada yatathna

  60. nur mimi

    Subhanallah . beautiful song "The Key " religion . i love you💕#Samiyusuf #Spiritique🎸

  61. Mrs Utami

    Very beautiful...

  62. Our Vibes

    fell deeeeep into dream

  63. Ryhme Ali

    في ضوء الصباح الأندلسيفي بحار من أزور ، في سماء زرقاءأشاهدك تزهر ، ولادة الربيعأنت الأغنية التي يغنيها جميع العشاقأنت المفتاح الذي يحملنيأنا سجين ، لا أستطيع الهروبالمفتاح هو داخل النماذج التي تتخذهاأنت على الشبكة لا أستطيع أن أدورأنت النبض تحت بشرتيأنت المفتاح الذي يحملنيحبك باب لا أجدهالسبيل الوحيد للخروج من الداخلأنا متواضع من الضوء الذي ستأخذهعندما تغطي كل لون من اليومأنا أشرقت من الليل الذي تحضرهأنت الخاتم الأبدي الإلهيأنت النهاية حيث يبدأ كل شيءأنت المفتاح الذي يحملنيأنا متواضع من الضوء الذي ستأخذهعندما تغطي كل لون من اليومأضاءت في الليل الذي تحضرهأنت الخاتم الأبدي الإلهيأنت النهاية حيث يبدأ كل شيءأنت المفتاح الذي يحملني

  64. Rena Priyatin

    MashAllah very beautiful songs..i am rotated many time hard to stop on @samiyusuf love you ❤

  65. Salman Tabatabai

    Lovely ❤️Allah bless you. ☺️

  66. Sara Alkufahy

    This is so nice♥!

  67. Zohra Zairi

    les mots très jolie avec la music assortie magnifique bravo sami yousef ~~~

  68. fatemah si

    the key of slam

  69. قناة أجمل وأروع الأصوات Damou


  70. Omid Rajaei


  71. Jannah Christi Damisela


  72. Nata Medeiros

    Beautiful !!!!! .....

  73. Merciless Vamp

    Made me cry

  74. ameni dhouib

    i love this song i love all of them god bless you sami youssef

  75. Duygu T

    Cok guzel greetings from TURKEY

  76. mashal khan

    Is soooooooooooo beautiful 😘😘😘

    Nazeer Shaik

    Yes ,,,sanakhan

  77. Harshmello [x_x]

    Can anyone explain the lyrics?

  78. Naz Spahi-Shoaib

    Salaams Sami, Hope you and your family are well. God bless you for the beautiful compositions. Love and salaams as always.

  79. fairus abd wahab

    The key meaning this song is Rasulullah.

  80. Tscenic

    What does it mean by you in this song

  81. Delwar Hossain

    You are the end, when everything begins...You are the key holding me in....Excellent two lines....

  82. mahy nabel


  83. mahy nabel


  84. oumaima أميمة

    انا بحب كل اغانيك سامي يوسف حلويييين جدا

  85. Humaira Saeed

    Beautiful ..

  86. Noor naser


  87. Sen Krt

    when I hear this lyric , ı want to close my eyes and fly above the clouds.;=) :=))

  88. اية اسرة

    beutiful beutiful

  89. اية اسرة

    you must sing the key in Arabic..

  90. اية اسرة

    لابد من ان تنشد المفتاح بالعربي

  91. Ahmad shabir Baba

    Mashallah awersome song

  92. The BatBoy

    masha Allah very beautiful ... i love this type of music can anyone say which type of music is used in it??

  93. Ahmad shabir Baba

    mashallah Allah is the greatest

  94. Nur Fadilah

    i love this song..

  95. Soha Karim

    It's amazing video so beautiful art work The key song love brother Sami. U r the best singer in the world@-}--:-*@-}--

The Key Şarkı Sözü
Sami Yusuf The Key Şarkı Sözleri

Don't be saddened by what you see
By all the lies and treachery
Life is cruel but don't worry
In your heart lies the key
To unwind all the secrets
Of this life we see

When you feel you've lost it all
When you don't know who's your friend or foe
You wonder why you're so alone
Worry ends when faith begins
Don't be sad by what you see
It's true life has its miseries
But one thing's always worked for me
Worry ends when faith begins

Don't be saddened by what you see
I know life can be crazy
A showcase of hypocrisy
In the form of piety
It's just one big mystery
For you and me

I found my peace deep within
Calling inside Follow what you feel is right
So trust your heart go ahead
Don't lose sight
Follow that voice deep inside

When you feel you've lost it all
When you don't know who's your friend or foe
You wonder what you're so alone
Worry ends when faith begins

Don't be sad by what you see
It's true life has it's miseries
But one thing's always worked for me
Worry ends when faith begins

If you're weak it's not a crime
Don't you know it's blessing in disguise
To know who's honest and who spread lies
Worry ends when faith begins

Don't be sad by what you see
It's true life has it's miseries
But one thing's always worked for me
Worry ends when faith begins

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