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Sami Yusuf - Shadowless

: Shadowless
: 3.06 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 131 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 76 İndirme
: 05-05-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sami Yusuf - Shadowless )
  1. Yavuz kişmiroğlu

    Very beatıful song ...l am listening everday so much ..Tanks alot Sami yusuf😍😘

  2. صلي على محمد

    مافهمت الاغنية عن مين وايش !!

  3. Queen Mohamed

    We are having a nasheed competition and my friend is doing this one

  4. Мусуль _манка


  5. AN Km

    لو تمعنت بنفسك وكل مايحيط بك..سيقودك الى خالقك..ستراه وتشع بنوره ..💜💜💜

  6. Shahada Magomadova

    Love this ❤️❤️❤️😍



  8. Mehmetbuğra YILDIRIM

    Efsane olmuş

  9. Saba Zaman

    This man is genius. Love all of his compositions 💕

  10. Arly Francis

    Am I the only one who cried while listening to this?

  11. Komila Radjabova

    Классно 😍

  12. Ahmed ali

    very nice 😍😍

  13. HALA 01

    فيما يخص معنى الكلمات انها تعبر عن محبة ووجود الله في حياتنا وكأنه يخاطبناو يدعونا ونحن في غفلة.. قد يكون ذلك صحيحا... وقد ينطبق الامر ايضا على ذاتنا الحقيقية "ارواحنا"هذه النفخة المقدسة من الله وحديثها مع النفس او "الأنا".والله أعلم.

  14. HALA 01

    لو طلب من الفن والرقي والابداع ان يتجسد في أحدهم لأختار سامي يوسف.

  15. وصال عتروس

    أغنية جميلة،😍😍

  16. Ahmad mohammad

    I think the song is about Lovers generally who love other people that they don't feel the same way toward them , although they give them all kind of love .And I disagree with the explanation that explained the song to be between God and human .

  17. Rayyan Awais

    Subahanallaha May god bless you

  18. Thiouma Sow

    I like this song 🤩🤩i live in senegal

  19. Zemfira

    So beautiful song 🌿🌿🌿🌿

  20. fatiha yusuf

    Just your songs ...I can't be boring. By listening them even I repeat it 10000000 times

  21. ale Ale s


  22. Amine Emanet

    I’m going to faint in 3 2 1.....I’m back I fainted because how beautiful this song is 😃😃😂😂

    Amine Emanet

    Leave a commet!!!!

  23. Zain Sheikh

    Sami yusuf lv u alot

  24. amadou diop

    I love you

  25. Nafisa Axmedova

    Very beautiful music

  26. maha zoubi


  27. gousiya sulthana Shaik

    Assalamualikum sami bro I am big mad of ur lyrics nd nasheed Lov frm india to my Lovingly brother sami yusuf😚😚😚😚😚

  28. Hibatt Arrahman

    ما شاء الله لا قوة إلا بالله على اناشيدك اخي سامي يوسف

  29. Feriala Rabei

    اللهم صلي ع محمد عليه افضل الصلاة والسلام💚

  30. Vildan Kismiroglu


  31. Finley 3

    Are you here with me. Please let me know by a sign. please

  32. icy grl

    I can't STOP listening to this!!! So attractive nasheed " as far as I think!"😊 Sami yousef - may ALLAH🕋 bless you in both worlds, here and afterlife .

  33. Malu Angels

    Wow!!! Beautiful song!! <3 Thank you dear and beloved @SamiYusuf for your love, charity, sweetness, simplicity... #Love #Shadowless #Blessings #SamiYusuf

  34. eman siddiqui

    This is beautiful

  35. Волшебная кисточка

    favorite modern musician

  36. Niang Adama


  37. Finley 3

    Beautiful song. I read the meaning of the song and it helped me to understand what it meant. You are indescribable Sami. Your music lifts me up. Thank You. 🎶🎼🎤🎹

  38. umran kara


  39. Ovi Shagor

    Love you Sami Yusuf

  40. amin bela

    love sami yusuf

  41. Kurdm Kure kurdstani


  42. عبير الحريبي

    I Love you 🥀

  43. hamod 2014

    رااااااااااااائعة بكل ماتحمل الكلمة من معني

  44. Sabeen Baloch

    Lots of love from pakistan♥️

  45. Asmaa Bakr

    Love from Egypt 🇪🇬❤️❤️❤️

  46. mariame Taik

    Shadowless...... LOVE

  47. Fatima Loria Cartin


  48. MOna Dazai

    I don't agree about this song consider as God addressing us, I still think it's about a mother to toward her ungrateful son, makes more sense considering the lyrics.

  49. Malyar Betanai

    Love from Germany 🇩🇪 ♥️

  50. aminata gueye

    Good song! Beautiful! 😊. Ma Sha Allaah. Shadowless as our Muhammad's ( Alayhi sSalam) Prophet or again as the light's candle.

  51. abdur rahman


  52. Jasna Mijovic Majlinger

    Tko je moja ljubav i senka I True in love chirs

  53. Fatime Haciyeva

    How I download this video?

  54. word eyes sky

    I really love it

  55. Hadiqa Hadiqa

    Love this😍😘

  56. Adams World

    Beautiful beautiful

  57. Filiz Kahvecioglu-Buske

    I Love you

  58. Hafsa Abdi


  59. Rafiya Afzal Afifa Urwa

    Masha Allah , really it's heart touching . The words and the way of singing is like touching the depth of the heart. 😊👍Amazing!

  60. Idiatou Diallo

    😊😊😊😊 I love

  61. samira bennis

    You cain come in canada . plese samy youssef !

  62. Rahima Begum

    love his songs nasheeds so much i always hear it when i am in the car it makes me calm

  63. skyi nuri

    Best visualization

  64. umut yiğit

    Sen alemlerin sahibi sen kudret sahibi sen bağışlayan sen yol gösteren sen var olan sen yoktan var eden benim de dualarımı kabul et sen hayırlı olan kapını benim için sonuna kadar aç ya Rahman isminle bizleri mükafaatlandırAMİN !!!█▀█─█──█──█▀█─█─█─█▄█─█──█──█▄█─█▄█─█─█─█▄─█▄─█─█─█─█

  65. sevınc avcı

    Yürür ve ve yine yürür görür ama görmezden gelir bir an yakalar göz göze gelir ve duyar konuşur ama birbirlerini göremezler mesafe vardır o anı hep tekrar tekrar izler özledikce kayt etmiştir ❤️

  66. Halima Hafiz

    ShadowlessSami YusufWhat do you see?Tell me what do you taste?Tell me what do you hearwhen I whisper your name?You see through my eyesand turned me awayIn madness you'd spiralif I did the sameOh my love I'm waitingOh my love I'm callingOh my love I'm yearningI shine but you'reShadowless, no you don't see meShadowless, bright as I can beShadowless, no you don't see meI shine but you'reShadowless no you don't see meShadowless bright as I can beShadowless no you don't see meI shine but you'reShadowlessMemories you tooklike grapes off the vineIn citrus, in sweetnesswith you all the timeYou tasted my loveand turned me awayYour tears would make oceansif I did the sameShadowless, no you don't see meShadowless, bright as I can beShadowless, no you don't see meI shine but you'reShadowless no you don't see meShadowless bright as I can beShadowless no you don't see meI shine but you'reShadowlessShadowlessShadowlessI shine but you'reShadowlessShadowlessShadowlessI shine but you'reyou think don't see me(I know) you think don't hear me,(Tell me) If you ever need meKnow that my love isLimitless, Boundless, Waiting there for you(I know) you think don't see me(I know) you think don't hear me,(Tell me) If you ever need meKnow that my love isLimitless, Boundless, Waiting there for youShadowless, no you don't see meShadowless, bright as I can beShadowless, no you don't see meI shine but you'reShadowless no you don't see meShadowless bright as I can beShadowless no you don't see meI shine but you'reShadowlessShadowlessShadowlessI shine but you'reShadowlessShadowlessShadowlessI shine but you'reShadowless

  67. Saffana Siddiqui

    Well is taken from the point of god calling to you to see all the miracles he created for us. (I am not a big fan of these type of songs) but still ..the interpretation would mean..1) the 'oh my love ' part - God loves all it's creations. So yes it's platonic love here2) yearning - it'd true God doesn't need us...we need him. But he would like all of us to enter heaven and not go to hell. He created us...he wants the best for us. 3) he is shining and he is the source of light in our life ...but we ignore his calling and go in darkness 'its dark so we have no Shadow's4) we ignore him up if he ignored us even for a tiny bit...we will be so helpless we will cry. The song has a good meaning..i just don't like the style that much.

  68. Mimi Meriem

    ما معناها بالعربية من فضلكم

  69. Smr Rs

    👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 HELAL OLSUN ÇOK BASARILI

  70. وجدان قداس


  71. Rabbit Avcısı

    Türkçe alt yazı olsa çok iyi olurdu

  72. zahra esfahany

    He is great .I have been his fan since I was 13years old .

  73. Armaghan Ahmad

    ماشاءاللہ heartouching

  74. amar alnahi

    come to america Michigan pleasseeeee

  75. ,亲爱的亲爱的


  76. ,亲爱的亲爱的


  77. Peta Peta

    Kjo keng I kushtohet zotit,I kish syt e kaltert si qielli,dmth qiellin e krijuar ne baze te syve edhe detinkush e ka shkruar kete tekst e ka par zotin.

  78. Akila Hilala

    Çok güzel olmuş ❤️❤️❤️

  79. Uci Kamsiah

    Assalaamu'alaikum sami yusuf 💖💖💖

  80. Ayaa Mohammed

    So kindly

  81. ibtissem travel


  82. clique pilot55

    Tears of ease 😍

  83. comouter Mobile tips


  84. Saida Салахова

    Love it ❤😍😍😍💕💕💕

  85. Fatma Gun

    Allahım deaşı kahret o islam düşmanı müslüman ların en büyük kattili ve pkk dhpydp uzantısı harami ve insanların dost luğna kurşun sıkan zalim örgüt un maskesini düşürür kendi tuzağında yok et bu insanların felaketi olan haramilelri

  86. Mohammed Idrees

    I like this song the most

  87. sher khan

    Amazing ♥️❤️

  88. Shah Obair

    He is talking about Prophet muhammad s.a.w❤❤❤ he was shadowless...

  89. Marocain Loujdi

    Verry amazing single 🎶💿💯👍👏


    mashallah the lyrics are very strong

  91. Bond 006

    ShadowLess 😍😍😍 i dedicate it for my Allah.. Wow thanks sami Yusuf.

  92. Asliddin Asliddin


  93. Alia Mohammed

    Love love love ❤

    ilhami danış

    Alia Mohammed Yhhhhıhk

    Hama Jaff

    Ollkkjkm!kkuyuyik Kjjhuhbbned

    Hama Jaff

    @Alia Mohammed oollllook!kkm!

    Zainab Ul Ghazali

    @Syeda Nazneen Begum hahahaaa 😁😁

    Nadia L

    Alia Mohammed Salam Aleykoum,Oui ont t'aime aussi Oukhti ...♥️🌹

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