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Sami Yusuf - Mother

: Mother
: 4.39 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 363 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 316 İndirme
: 12-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sami Yusuf - Mother )

    Its make me non stop cry😭 oh allah plźzzzzzz give a long life to my parents

  2. Method Rim

    كل العالم أمي ❤

  3. Kikou Kikou


  4. Ahmet İmrak

    allah speed you sami yusuf.

  5. Sam Hot

    If u HV mother, respect her

  6. I found My chants

    I speak fluent arabic and english and whenever i hear his angelic voice i get chills

  7. Qasim 12342

    Am sorry mama for everything and I love u mama may ALLAH bless our mother with heath and long life

  8. Mitrovica Torcida

    May Allah rewards our mothers with jannah firdeus.Amin

  9. Mohamad B

    💙 very beautiful

  10. RASKA

    ❤️❤️mother 💔💔

  11. hazeen family fun

    Ya Allah afrija alana

  12. Neide Evangelista

    faz eu chora sou fam da india

  13. Neide Evangelista

    linda música indiano

  14. Maria May

    I miss you mom..I love you so much 😥😥

  15. Ahmed Ali

    i like mother song by sami Yusuf and my Best Islamic singles 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  16. firuza kurbanova

    Love my mom so much, and my kids too , I can’t count my love to them 😘😘❤️❤️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

  17. OusSama Bino

    2019 لازلت اعشق هذه الاغنية 💔

    Soff ff

    صحيح انا ايضا


    Allah chafik oummi ya nour hyati🙏

  19. alshafize

    Blessed is your faceBlessed is your nameMy belovedBlessed is your smileWhich makes my soul want to flyMy belovedAll the nightsAnd all the timesThat you cared for meBut I never realised itAnd now it's too lateForgive meNow I'm alone filled with so much shameFor all the years I caused you painIf only I could sleep in your arms againMother I'm lost without youYou were the sun that brightened my dayNow who's going to wipe my tears awayIf only I knew what I know todayMother I'm lost without youUmmahu, ummahu, ya ummiwa shawqahu ila luqyaki ya ummiUmmuka, ummuka, ummuka ummukaQawlu rasulikaFi qalbi, fi hulumiAnti ma'i ya ummiMother... Mother... O my motherHow I long to see O mother"Your mother, Your mother, Your mother"Is the saying of your ProphetIn my heart, in my dreamsYou are always with me motherRuhti wa taraktiniYa nura 'aynayyaYa unsa layliRuhti wa taraktiniMan siwaki yahdhununiMan siwaki yasturuniMan siwaki yahrusuni'Afwaki ummiSamihini...You went and left meO light of my eyesO comfort of my nightsYou went and left meWho, other than you, will embrace me?Who, other than you, will cover me?Who, other than you, will guard over me?Your pardon mother, forgive me.

  20. imad bouita

    God bless all ur moms!

  21. Memmed Agazade

    Canlm Anam .Mekanln Cennet olsun

  22. Jamila Malluf


  23. Ernalita Ita


  24. Muhammad Faisal

    it makes me cry,makes me emotional,love and respects for mothers around the world from bangladesh.

  25. Bhawal GORsSi

    ❤Mom❤ huge respect and love❤ for all mom in the world ..aslam u alikum from pakistan 🇵🇰

  26. januar pribadi

    never i state

  27. moussa seelarbokus

    Beautiful song Sami Yusuf. From Mauritius❤

  28. Era Azemi

    Ya Allah give my mom the highest place in Jannah 👐Amin! 😔

  29. Valbona Kapijaj

    mother is my life is wonderful song

  30. Fardosa Bulle

    I love my mother this one is for her

  31. Armada Armada

    Мам я вам должен жзн.☺


    أنا أسمعها دائما أغنية جميلة جدا ❤❤❤

  33. ikran ahmed

    May the Almighty grant my mom the highest level of Paradise.Ameen.plz pray for my mom so that Allah is pleased with her😥😥

  34. Hilbeen Nzar

    Annem kurban olurum ben sana ❤️🥰

  35. Areefa Habib

    Plz respect your parents when both of lost in life you lost every thingh

  36. Bhat Saqib

    oh Allah plz make me aulad-e-saleheen for my parents I love my " mom " a precious gift from Allah

  37. Bhat Saqib

    oh Allah grant my family to jannat -ul- firdos

  38. Nurten Kocaman

    We only have one mother may they be a place for them in cennet insallah

  39. Mclla

    Bu melodide baska bi sarki daha vardi sanki

  40. salim taibouni

    Ya allah the most powerful song i ever heard. O allah give our muslim mums the best place in janah (ameen)

  41. Samid Semedov

    Superdi qardaw

  42. ilyas doc

    Seven years has passed i still miss you mom

  43. melisa berisha

    Ishalla ma ban hala nana jem se um ka rrit me munndim dhe pa kushtee te mir me fal shum nese te kam idhu te kam lendu tasht e di se esht te jesh nen

    melisa berisha

    Dhe kur te lendon femijaa :(

  44. Naba Alhameed

    2019six years after he uploaded this video.

  45. Magui Sane

    I ❤❤💗💗💖💕 u mommy

  46. يمان الخشاشنة

    480p قبل ست سنين كانت high qualityياخي الك وجه تتطلع فيه على ال 8k?

  47. Kimy kimy


  48. Sunset Mystical

    I love my mother the same as I love everyone I the world but I love her more as she is my Jannah

  49. Siham Hadji

    Waw Sami Yusuf

  50. mun zaroah

    Alhamdulillah aku jadi ibu,،😭 seperti itu,,

  51. Ali Brahmia

    Anyone 2019..,? 🇩🇿🇩🇿

  52. iqra hammad

    Best lyrics

  53. Yasir Yaseen

    i love it

  54. alisauzemlji čuda


  55. Simona Puppas

    The First Time i looked this video i was a young women today i'm a mather of 3 child and Always i cry ...very beauty, this song touches the Heart!!

  56. Zara Sadaf

    Due to lots of stress I lost my tears for 2 years this song bring them back thanks may Allah give I lots of rewards !


    today we live in a difficult society that makes us doubt us and oppresses us. We must put on the protection of ALLAH to succeed. ////

  57. arrow head

    رحمكي الله يا امي😥😭😔

  58. no name

    a one song

  59. Sabit Abdullayev

    Dunyanin en gozel musiqisi...

  60. khalid dafir

    2019 still my favorit

  61. Leviatan Jinez

    Es inevitable no llorar, porque al escucharla y sentirla con el corazón...mis pensamientos vuelan a mi madre adorada.

  62. Amine Emanet

    My mom,she has 4 kids includes me.She’s having a hard time😰,people let god know i love my beautiful mom🧕🏻.

  63. rhymie jhiee

    I love you mother

  64. rhymie jhiee


  65. Yahye Abdullahi


  66. Abdellauii

    lay downtry not to cry cry a lot

  67. Wandi Juandi

    Aku hanya bs menangis bila ingat kau ibuuuuu.... 😭😭😭

  68. Ayoub Pova

    I love my mom

  69. mohammad safdel

    Mother janam asti .mother if i have to il sacrifice my self for you as you know it by heart my dear mother jnm

  70. Lala Lala

    سامي يوسف قال انا لم يعجبني شعري في هذا الكليب وصار يكره هالفيديو بس عشان شكله مو غير شي ههههههه

  71. esat esati

    02/03/2019 😪🙏

  72. hairullah mohammed

    Am proud to be a Muslim

  73. Ardita Sulejmani


  74. Shabib Rawi

    This brought me to tears😢😢

  75. Shabib Rawi

    This brought me to tears 😢😢

  76. fahed anan

    امي،، قد فارقتني وتركتني، كيف لي أن ابدأ صباحي بدون فنجان القهوة من بين يديكِ، كيف لي أن أذهب لعملي من دون سماع كلمة رضاكِ عنّي، كيف لي أن أجلس في اجازتي بالبيت لوحدي من دونكِ، كيف لي أن أبدأ حياتي الزوجية من دون اختياركِ ومشورتكِ في شريكة حياتي، أمي يا حبيبتي، قد فارقتني جسدًا ، لكنك والله في روحي وفي قلبي، أماه يا حبيبتي، أسأل الله أن ألقاكِ في جنات النعيم مع الصدقّين والنبيّين والشهداء،، يا نور عيني، التي تشهدُ انك لازلتِ وستبقى بها .. دعواتي بالرحمه لك وسائر المسلمين، سنلقاك في الجنة ان شاءالله ...

  77. Fiqirete Jata

    Happy Ramadan 2019 brother and sister ❤

  78. Ahmed Nuur

    انا احبك علي العالمين في أمي

  79. Naima Moni

    this is beautiful Mashallah

  80. naim hossain

    hurt touching

  81. naim hossain

    hurt touching

  82. Tural Bahadurlu


  83. Fardosa Bulle

    So heart touching there is no tym av listened 2 it and not cried may Allah grant my mother jannatul firdaus

  84. Fardosa Bulle

    Sami Yusuf M.A we love you so mch

  85. khadija

    I love my mather

  86. وفاء علي

    الام شي ثمين وغااالي لا يعرف ثمنه الا من فقده 😭😭الله يرحم امهات المسلمين والمسلمات 💔💔.

  87. RERE Batam


  88. _kingmajid__ Majidsuleman

    and glory be our prayers 😭💚💚💚💚💚

  89. _kingmajid__ Majidsuleman

    😭😭😭 glory be to almighty Allah

  90. راشد Ali

    Mother 💔

  91. Florjan Badalli

    Allahu ju shperbleft

  92. حياة حواء Eva lifestyle

    I live all my life without mother and father So I can't feel this feelingI hope one day I can feel it with my kids

  93. Fuat Bayat

    Türkler +1

  94. Arman 816

    I love you mother..

  95. rijal firdaus

    I love my mom

  96. Amina Haider

    Respect and love to all the mothers out there ❤🙏🤗👑may Allah bless all the mothers endlessly and give them the strength to strive in this life and forgive all their sins. 😫😫Mama

  97. Maya Ismailova

    Mashaallah 😭😭

  98. Talon Main

    Who can just dislike it? I can not understant it?

Mother Şarkı Sözü
Sami Yusuf Mother Şarkı Sözleri

Blessed is your face
Blessed is your name
My beloved
Blessed is your smile
Which makes my soul want to fly
My beloved
All the nights
And all the times
That you cared for me
But I never realised it
And now it's too late
Forgive me

Now I'm alone filled with so much shame
For all the years I caused you pain
If only I could sleep in your arms again
Mother I'm lost without you

You were the sun that brightened my day
Now who's going to wipe my tears away
If only I knew what I know today
Mother I'm lost without you

Ummahu, ummahu, ya ummi
wa shawqahu ila luqyaki ya ummi
Ummuka, ummuka, ummuka ummuka Qawlu rasulika
Fi qalbi, fi hulumi
Anti ma'i ya ummi
Mother... Mother... O my mother
How I long to see O mother
'Your mother, Your mother, Your motherIs the saying of your Prophet
In my heart, in my dreams
You are always with me mother

Ruhti wa taraktini
Ya nura 'aynayya
Ya unsa layli
Ruhti wa taraktini
Man siwaki yahdhununi
Man siwaki yasturuni
Man siwaki yahrusuni
'Afwaki ummi
You went and left me
O light of my eyes
O comfort of my nights
You went and left me
Who, other than you, will embrace me?
Who, other than you, will cover me?
Who, other than you, will guard over me?
Your pardon mother, forgive me

Mp3 indir

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