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Sami Yusuf - Khorasan

: Khorasan
: 3.73 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 114 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 80 İndirme
: 12-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sami Yusuf - Khorasan )
  1. Hamid Yaqubi

    I wish Afghanistan's name switch back to Khorasan where all people proud

  2. Wayna Janam


  3. Davlatjon Sotimov

    maşallahı ne güzel ses, harika music. #horasan.👍🇺🇿

  4. سَآ جِدَة

    💘💘💘عاشقة حبيبي سامي يوسف ماشاء الله عليك ربي يحفظك إن شاء الله أحبك أحبك أحبك 💘💘💘

  5. Turgut MERT

    Çok güzel bir ses ..🇹🇷

  6. Angel TO

    When I feel homesick (almost every night), I listen to this one...

  7. rana

    Bize Allahı güzel sesinle anlattığın için teşekkür ederim!

  8. Nasrene Kim

    My Be Loved khorasan 🇮🇷

  9. Farshad Behbood

    I am from Khorasan (Afghanistan) and so proud of that.Thank you so much for making this nice video!

  10. Fatima Loria Cartin


  11. Mona Elise Muhammed


  12. Eleonora Allaw


  13. heba hosny

    💕💕💕send me home

  14. Meri Meri

    خراسان ...اسم تردد في مسمعي منذ طفولة عندما كنا نحكي عن امجاد حضاراة الاسلام واراضيه المترامية الاطراف...اغنيتك حملتني الى هناك الى التاريخ المجيد الذي لن انفك عن الفخر به ...رغم واقع امتنا المحزن و كم الجراح الني تخللت جسد هذه الامه الا ان الجمال والنور والعلم لا يشتكي من الظلام بل يبددهبكل هدوء وانسيابية ورونق...مريم..المغرب.

  15. Rupa Deogharia

    Is this man even a human? He soothes my depressed days! You're so devoted! Omg! I am so blessed to hear you😍😍😍😍😍

  16. Xonaxish Jee Iftikhar Chughai

    It has been three days since I am listening continuously and Falling in love more and more!!

  17. Umair Khalid

    Sami Yusuf live always better than the original song!!

  18. checkmeout Yo

    Khorasan is afghanistan proud to be who we are

  19. Ameerah ,

    الله الله 👏👏 الحنين للوطن 💚

  20. B B

    Khorasan = Afghanistan

    Gav Gavi

    Khorasan is not just afghanistan. Afghanistan is a part of khorasan.

  21. kedi

    Amazing song 😌 sooo satisfying and flawless 👏❤❤

  22. Angel TO

    My eternal life mood... ♥️♥️♥️😳😳😳

  23. Ahmad Monir Hassan

    Peace be to you allMiss you my dear Homeland Khurasan (Afghanistan)خدا یا شوکت وشان میهنم باز ده


    ان شاالله از دست جهل طالبان رها بشید. به امید بهبود اوضاع. با احترام از ایران

  24. fatihayfer gezer

    Offf harika birşey bu

  25. IIAF 1920

    🇮🇷 🇦🇫 🇹🇯 Khorasan The Land Of Golden Sun

    AF-P Queen



    khorasan my earth my blood my origine where l am froom ❤️💚

  27. Luzia de Fatima Nalin

    BarikAllah. Allah razi olsun.Masha Allah.

  28. Saber Tajik

    Khorasan means old Afghanistan🇦🇫

    AF-P Queen


  29. gazala jawed


  30. Asmaa bgh

    😍😍 Amazing ماشاء الله راحة نفسية

  31. Mr King

    Khorasan 🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫

  32. Beryham Aziha

    انا لا اعرف خراسان لم اراها في حياتي لكن احببتها بسبب موسيقى سامي يوسف 👍🌼💜

  33. Sarah Nour Eldeen

    I love Sami Yusuf

  34. Anissia D.

    No words can describe this performance. It`s just pure 🙏❤️


    خراسان ❤

  36. Iman Fatima

    None can reach His level of CREATVITY💯❤💞👌 He is a Living Legend ❤ Our Proud 🙏👒💞 Our Ustaad ❤💞

  37. Milad Quraishi

    Khorasan = Afghanistan

  38. Zareen Fatima


  39. Amira Valentic

    Beautiful song. Mashallah.Love your songs.💛👋🌸🕌🌙⭐

  40. Moe abu wishah

    this is what you call art and creativity. through his words and musical genius, we walked through an epic place in our own fantasy.

  41. 63sunni

    Khorasan is on the rise again, inshallah.

  42. Farhad-GM

    My Khurasannn😭❤️

  43. B B

    We Afghans love you sami

  44. Esra Kartal

    Absolutely amazing song💕 thanks from Turkey🌹

  45. Isabelle Seckin

    I love it the so greatest Song about Khorasan....Tausend year old soul dance to greatest Song ...I'm Thankful

  46. OPERATION:crazy

    Shoulda used a Rabab, it is a bit more native to Khorasan, but the Tanbur works too lol.Otherwise, great song!

  47. Saida Салахова

    Nice 😍😍😍😚💕💕🌹👏👏

  48. hafsa sa

    as always u make me cry with this song

  49. abdellatif samlali

    اللهم صلى و سلم على أشرف الخلق حبيبنا المُصطفى عليه أفضل الصلوات و التسليم💚💚💚💚...صوت ر💖ئع

  50. Khaled Omar

    Where's Khorasan?

  51. Amel Mekaliche

    Hypnotizing !!!!

  52. Khyber Naikzad

    I am a khorasani but unfortunately we have lost this name to Afghanistan 😢

    Luzia de Fatima Nalin

    Agradecimentos Afeganistão pelo apoio e carinho. Paz e Luz.

  53. Masoud Yawari

    ای جانم سمیع یوسف به خراسان خواندی🇦🇫

  54. Abdulaziz

    I am from Tajikistan and Tajikistan was part of Khorasan. Love you ❤

  55. Zzz

    I almost cried 🤧🤧

  56. Najib Elallaoui

    very beautiful song

  57. Hazal Yuksel

    Andante records i saw "paul coelho_ chemistry ^ in this song.. is that true? 😊

  58. Necati Ugur

    maşallah nazar değmesin

  59. Zobair Sultany

    العلما العرب ام یقول العلم و الاسلام شجره (بدأ) من بلدان عرب، والثماره (ثمره) من الخراسان (افغانستان). Khurasan (Afghanistan) hospitable people 💙.

  60. Zobair Sultany

    Afghanistan is located in the heart of Khurasan 👑🇦🇫. Wars destroyed our treasures from Balkh to Bamyon, Herat to Kabul, Ghazni to Kandahar. 🙏Thanks Sami Yusuf for your beautiful voice heart touching khurasan-lyrics.

  61. umran kara

    Duygu yüklü cok etkileyici Horasan Türkiye🌍⭐️🙏🏻👌🇹🇷00.40🙏🏻😭😭❤️

  62. Sevinc Avcı


  63. dragon14 dragon14

    just amazing

  64. Ha-mimul Islam Araf

    "Khorasan"KhorasanI have comeHere aloneIn my dreamEarth and stoneTurned to goldWas that youLong agoKhorasan?Can you guide me to the treasures I have lost?Can you show me every secret I forgot?When I came you asked me where I had come fromYou said my homeland was my kingdom all alongKhorasanI must goSend me homeBreathe in meI have healedI have grownGive me peaceIn my soulKhorasanCan you guide me to the treasures I have lost?Can you show me every secret I forgot?When I came you asked me where I had come fromYou said my homeland was my kingdom and my secret all alongKhorasan,Send me homeKhorasan...........................(end)assalamu Alikum From Bangladesh

  65. Liridona Cekorja

    I can't stop hearing this, bravo Sami Yusuf

  66. Sadia Hakak

    Speechless !

  67. sandra mirian dell aquilla


  68. Scrap Note

    Love from kerala my beloved ... Asalamu alaikum to all by beloved brothers and sisters .....

  69. Sevinc Avcı


  70. OPERATION:crazy

    I am from khorasan, oh I miss my motherland, north western Pakistan

    AF-P Queen

    NWFP is afghanistan never claim it as pakistan!

  71. Ali Bii


  72. A Narcissus

    ممكن ترجمه

  73. عمر يمانى

    ماشاء الله تبارك الرحمن

  74. Tania nawaz


  75. Ali Kazi

    Listening to this give me shivers and brings me inner peace ❤️

  76. murtaza

    Absolutely mind blowing !!! This a live performance

  77. Zolgai Faizi


  78. HYPHENGaming

    My 🌟 always my favorite.. Allah bless know your biggest fan Rufi from India 😚😚😚😘😘🌹🌹🌹

  79. Sara

    I'm sorry I don't understand what Khorasan has to do with this im only 14 so can someone explain please?

    Zobair Sultany

    Khurasan is today Afganistan.🇦🇫 The song is remind us of beautiful historic country that beauty of knowledge, poetry, art, music rised there in Khurasan.

  80. wasool 97

    it's naturally I'm crying whangarei I listen to his voice ?! 😪❤

  81. omayma

    oh mon dieu quelle sensibilité. de très belles paroles, la voix n'en parlons pas, un ange qui chante. Je suis transportée à un autre monde ❤

  82. taleb khaled

    يحقي طيجق

  83. Hariwa tube


  84. Masoud Yawari



    ❤❤❤ 🇹🇯🇹🇯🇹🇯

    AF-P Queen


  85. Video hai Khorasanyan

    خراسان ❤❤❤Khorasan ❤❤❤

  86. Ariaban Afshar

    Sami Yusuf in his song shows the Kingdom of Khorasan which once was the land of peace and light.

  87. mariaimran27

    So amazing lyrics, vocals, music..everything about this song is beautiful 👍

  88. Huda Sofi

    U r the best

  89. Alireza abolfathpoor

    Best music video I ever seen👏👏👏

  90. Twenty boy


  91. Sonia Shaikh

    Amazing... Outstanding performance... Mashallah... ❤

  92. Muhammad Saleem

    stuuuuuuuuuuning seriously i am amazed and still have tears in eyes i loveeeeeeeed it..

  93. Ahsan Meer

    wwwoooooooooo. it gives me shivers

  94. Daria Volyanskaya

    I cry when I listen to this I can't believe you exist.


    I had the same powerful emotions too when I first heard it.. especially the part he sang "can you guide me to the treasures I have lost"... I has this profound meaning.. a physical thing can be found physically, but not a spiritual one.. It lies within all along.. and Sami's voice is just... He is also wonderful to just look at when he sings from his heart!

  95. ellnaz

    Magnifique 😢 je suis fan de France je suis iranienne


    Lotfan yek concert dar Paris begzarid 🙇

  96. Binekent Yenibine

    gozel ifa gozel ses.

  97. Andra Vasile

    Khorassan, place of Imam Ghazali ( ra) ..makes me make a story out of the lyrics. This person went to Khorassan to wake up spirituality but it s not about the place, the power, the answear was always inside of " Khorassan sends him home"

  98. Andra Vasile

    Makes me cry everytime.this idea applies to so many diferent aspects of life..we always search for things outside when the answear is actualy was always there..we think that if we go to this place we will change or if we could just reach a certain goal or buy a certain thing we will find the happiness, the peace we so much desire but in reality we dont...we have to find these things inside

  99. Flamencoista

    Speaking to the homesick soul, a song that transcends spiritual boundaries. Love this over and over.

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