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Sami Yusuf - It's a Game

It's a Game
: It's a Game
: 3.53 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 118 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 94 İndirme
: 12-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sami Yusuf - It's a Game )
  1. Nqcqkk 42

    09.11.2019 Türkiyeden Salam olsun ❤️

  2. Wenni Alhasan


  3. 311 Jazzy


  4. Clip Blogger

    So cute❤😍


    أفضل منشد عالمي سامي يوسف أجمل من جميل

  6. Mohmmed Alshammari


  7. A.m A.e

    صلو علي حبيبي

  8. A HEsenli

    Möhtəşəm bir klip. İnsanlar arasında rəng, din, irq ayrıseçkiliyi olmamalıdır. Kaşki həyatda eyni ilə bu klip kimi olsaydı. Hər bir halda mehriban yaşamaq mümkündür. Yetər ki, istək olsun. Nəfsə deyil, sevgiyə istək olsun. Allaha əmanət)

  9. ᎷȚ ꪻ


  10. ömer burak berber

    you are so good

  11. Zijada Karalić

    mashalla he is really good

  12. Aamir Bhatti

    This a great song so people know what is going on in the world

    Aamir Bhatti

    Just commenting on my on comment

  13. Dani Dani

    الف الصلاة و السلام على حبيبنا محمد هادي البشر و شفيعها يوم القيامة .اللهم ارزقنا رفقته.شكرااااا سامي

  14. Zaki Dz

    صلى الله عليه وسلم⁦♥️⁩⁦♥️⁩

  15. Muyassarxon FMIM

    Ayvallahi çok guzal sesiniz var ya ağzınıza sağlık

  16. Çok da Nickimde

    Good 😍👍🏻

  17. danyal khan afridi

    Wawo grat

  18. Nohaila Eyas'sb

    هههههههههه هاذ الاغنية روعة وحيوية وكمان الفيديو

  19. fiZa naWaz

    It's my favorite that's for you

  20. mottery 305

    اخر مرة سمعتها كنت في ثالث ابتدائي الحين انا في أولى ثانوي

  21. Bryar Ghafoor

    Perfect dear Sami, Loved it.

  22. Amine Emanet

    İ love this!!!!!!💖💖💖💖💖💖😘

  23. KATYA SAMADOVA Hovoslblrsk

    🥰💞💖🌹Assalamu aleykum love from Uzbekistan

  24. Mohamed Elmoardyi 9l

    حلوااااااااا اوي راحه النفس دي انا بسمعها 2019

  25. Aasiya Powell


  26. Tofiq Abolnasr

    Video shows the basis of Islam Thank you Sami, we should express your feelings as we are Arab اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على سيدنا ونبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

  27. Hanane Sadji

    2019 ??

  28. Sleman


  29. android phone

    صلي على حبيبك ❤

  30. android phone

    صلى الله عليه وسلم ❤

  31. musa Chattha

    English urdu Turkisharabic 👌👌

  32. shynaa sonam

    I am gone mad on sami Yousuf and his sound .god bless him

  33. Deyrizor Arabi

    Hay hak☝️

  34. Mohamed Elmoardyi 9l

    بااااااااااااااااااارك الله فيييييييييييييك. مبهر ، ممتع ، مذهل، مبهج،مفرح♡[:);)=):D♥♡

  35. Kpvt 2323


  36. Meri Meri

    .اللهم صل وسلم عليه وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين.

  37. Sabir Ali

    It's a game

  38. Karim Mezar

    I love it

  39. نبضي استغفاري

    *اللهُم صلِّ وسلّم على نبينا مُحمد ﷺ 🌸💚*

  40. English to Kurdish Trans


  41. English to Kurdish Trans


  42. English to Kurdish Trans


  43. English to Kurdish Trans


  44. ولنا في الغد حكايه

    حبيبي يا محمد (صلى االه عليه واله وسلم)اشتعل داخلي من لهيب حبك ابحث و اسال عنك و اتطلع دوما لرؤيتك

  45. Uřo0j ZęHrA

    So good

  46. سوزان الحاج

    اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد

  47. Zech

    thx yusuf

  48. Emir Ismani

    I love this bicause its game☺😊.

  49. Asya Asya

    انت رائع سامي يوسف

  50. Cosmic Tear



    l hello have you Azerbaijan..


    Brovaaa.....brovaaaaa brovaaa brovaaaaa brovaaaaa bravoooo bravoooo bravoooo bravoooo bravoooo😍

  53. Afshan Durrani

    MA amazingAnimation 👍But yeah funny 😂i love it

  54. zahra sabhi


  55. Ruzimetov_0603 Gangster_767

    Sami yusuf number one

  56. hanaa

    whose listening to this in 2019?

  57. Noor Sy

    💙لا🎵 لا🎵 لا🎵لا💙

  58. Chichek Tube


  59. gül solmaz


  60. Ersin Ersık

    Türkler izleyin

  61. Karim Mezar

    الهم صل على سيدنا و حبيبنا محمد و على آله و صحبه أجمعين

  62. Hamna's Autumn

    Mashallah...Urdu is really good........ RESPECT n luv from Pakistan...........

  63. nada ali

    اللهم صلى وسلم وبارك على سيدنا ومولانا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين ❤2019 ❤

  64. Abdullah Muhammad

    Tera tasvar mera hi sakoon (Urdu language 🇵🇰) salaam

  65. arkasokaklarfantv

    Hz Muhammed (sav) 🙏🙏🙏

  66. Khadija Khalfawi

    اللهم صلي وسلم على خير الخلق محمد

  67. Ayse

    Cok guzel

  68. MohiAEGF

    i love the Urdu translation

  69. mhmoud mohmed

    ممكن صلوات على أعظم الخلق 😍😍

  70. Hazim Ayaz

    2019 anyone?

  71. yousef ali

    أحب كل أناشيدك يا سامي يوسف 😘 I love the you nasheeds Sami Yusuf

  72. instrumentals 110


  73. Mohammed Shadab


  74. Fatma Gül SARI


  75. bassam sabra

    جدا جميل ربنا يوفقك ويرزقك يا رب العالمين

  76. hû knows

    It's a gameeee

  77. This is Me and theyere

    اللهم صل وسلم على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله واصحابه اجمعين ومن سار على دربهم الى يوم الدين

  78. tbirk tbirk

    حلو الله

  79. Kamal Ben Arous

    اللهم صلي وسلم على سيدنا محمد

  80. sham Ahmed

    Çok güzel 🤩💚💜💙

  81. Serap Tonyali

    Her dil yakışıyor yaaaa.her halin yakışıklı.Sami yusuf sen aşksın yaa.😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🙆

  82. Yağmur'lu Gece

    Türkçe olan kısım 1:38

  83. umut yiğit

    Sen alemlerin sahibi sen kudret sahibi sen bağışlayan sen yol gösteren sen var olan sen yoktan var eden benim de dualarımı kabul et sen hayırlı olan kapını benim için sonuna kadar aç ya Rahman isminle bizleri mükafaatlandırAMİN !!!█▀█─█──█──█▀█─█─█─█▄█─█──█──█▄█─█▄█─█─█─█▄─█▄─█─█─█─█

  84. sevınc avcı


  85. Amine İnşirah

    MaşaAllah Sami Yusuf'a.. 🌸🌸

  86. Mera Pakistan

    😍😍😍 marvellous words 😍😍😍

  87. Ruth Esajas

    it'very nice

  88. Mah Rukh

    its so cute,sweet and lovely ma sha Allah

  89. Seyyid Taleh Boradigahi

    Masallah 😊🌹❤️ Allah seni qorusun

  90. اقر ا

    Ur way of speaking urdu ❤️❤️❤️ make me smile 🙂🙂 Allaah bless u

  91. zineb kermaya

    احسن مخلوق هومحمد ص هادي جميع الامم

  92. muazzez bodur

    I love you Sami Yusuf please come to Turkey/ Gaziantep please please please please....

It's a Game Şarkı Sözü
Sami Yusuf It's a Game Şarkı Sözleri

It's a game
That they play

شتموه لما جهلوه
(They insulted him when they didn't know who he was)

تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه
(They became his followers when they truly knew his way)

What a shame
What they say

شتموه لما جهلوه
(They insulted him when they didn't know who he was)

تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه
(They became his followers when they truly knew his way)

Where are you in my dreams?
You feel so close but so far
When All I want is to see
Your face in front of me
You make me chase around
Shadows in the moonlight
Only for the sunrise
To open my eyes
Makes me jump to my feet
Walk around the city streets
Hoping that I'll find you
By my side
Then I feel your sunlight
Beautiful and so bright
Feeling I'm in your arms
For a while
Hours pass like a breeze
Moving through the palm trees
Hand in hand you and me
With your smile

شتموه لما جهلوه
(They insulted him when they didn't know who he was)

تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه
(They became his followers when they truly knew his way)

What a shame
What they say

شتموه لما جهلوه
(They insulted him when they didn't know who he was)

تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه
(They became his followers when they truly knew his way)

(You, my delicate beloved)

(You, the apple of my eye)
(Tied to you, at the heart)

(You are my deepest love, my beloved)

(Inhaling your scent, just like smelling a rose)

(Burning inside, with the fire of your love)

(I always look for, and ask of you)

(Always dream of reaching you)

تیرا تصور میرا ہی سکوں ھے
(The very mention of you becomes my tranquility)

تیرا نام لینا میرا ھے جنوں
(To take your name, it becomes my sanity)

وہ میٹھی باتیں تیری ھی سنوں میں
(Those sweet conversations of yours I would listen too)

دنیا برا مانے تو میں کیا کروں؟
(If the world deems them offensive, what do I care?)

شتموه لما جهلوه
(They insulted him when they didn't know who he was)

تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه
(They became his followers when they truly knew his way)

What a shame
What they say

شتموه لما جهلوه
(They insulted him when they didn't know who he was)

تبعوه لما عرفوا هداه
(They became his followers when they truly knew his way)

I need you in my life
Like the air with which I breathe
Salutations upon my beloved
So let them say what they want to say
Salutations upon my beloved
It's the same game they always play
Salutations upon my beloved
I'll turn my ears the other way
Salutations upon my beloved
It makes no difference either way
Salutations upon my beloved
It's a game they're always going to play
Let them say what they want to say
Salutations upon my beloved
It's a game, It's a game
It's a game, It's a game
It's a game, It's a game
They're always going to play
play, play, play, Play

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