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Sami Yusuf - Healing (Live)

Healing (Live)
: Healing (Live)
: 3.90 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 133 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 105 İndirme
: 12-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sami Yusuf - Healing (Live) )
  1. Pedroca

    Amazing backing vocal's!

  2. karim plays guitar

    What a beautifull masterpiece !! but who is this beautifull on the right at 3:14 ?

  3. Yoongi Films

    Goosebumps!!! 😢❤❤❤❤

  4. Dhea meerk4ts

    leave me speechless

  5. قمر منير

    كم مسلم يوجد هنا ؟؟ إثبت وجودك👍👍هل اجد 100 شخص يصلون على النبي 💟 للأسف لا احد يساعدني للوصول إلى 25 الف مشترك 😢😢 ساهموا معنا في نشر الخير 🙏 الدال على الخير كفاعله

  6. ayla bayar

    Sözler, müzik, ses hepsi harika...⚘⚘⚘

  7. Buddy Govender

    Thank you......thank you

  8. Insha Alam

    I see some people everytime in the comment section in each of his wonder any person who likes one of his masterpiece, ends up loving all...its not a song, its a legacy

  9. مهند عبد الله

    اني مريض جدا .. ادعوا لي بالشفاء 🥺

  10. umran kara


  11. bamarni dohuk


  12. n'zha sadek

    I keep bealiving

  13. Aslı Özdoğan Arslan

    Arabic is an inexplicably touching language when used in prayers and religious songs

  14. Александра Станина

    песня моего сердца

  15. gül solmaz


  16. Proud Pakistani

    This man is amazing loved it! thank you so muchLet's start Healing....

  17. gül solmaz


  18. umran kara

    Rabbim şifa versin 🙏🏻😭🇹🇷hiç hastalık bırakmasın🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  19. Ghostriderex

    2019 Anyone?



  21. Anissia D.

    thank you for this art! 🙏❤️

  22. Kim Nordberg

    Thank you for bringing such love and healing to my broken soul with this wonderful music. I’m truly grateful for your masterpieces and honestly it goes on repeat for hours! 🙄🌸 Love to you all from Sweden!


    you're not alone :) That's what I keep telling myself and this song captures my prayers perfectly. O Lord, cure the illness and heal in a way that leaves behind no ailments. Isn't that beautifully said?

  23. Faiza Feroz

    Love you sami.😇

  24. Waseem Aslam


  25. kartanesi


  26. kartanesi


  27. kartanesi


  28. Büşra Durak

    Yüce rabbim herkese şifasını versin, derdine derman versin amin nn

  29. Azharul Islam

    pls anybody share lyrics

  30. chacha chacha

    We love you sami youssef💕💕💕

  31. Muddassir Ahmed

    Wow just a pure masterpiece and so amazing to behold. Sublime..

  32. Aqib Gatoo



    Ya sami askin nurun sadece dostlarini deil Dusmanlarini dahi eritecek guctedir Allah senden razi olsun


    Bu kainat sůkůr etmeliki yer gok hamd etmeliki sizin gibi zatlarla bizim gônlůmůzű aydinlatmistir bilmem ki Rabbime ne hosuna gitmistirki důnya gozuyle zatinizi görmek nasip oldu bize... Zaman mekan her sey Sana minnetrar dir ey benim gibi gunahkarlarin yolunun isigi Allaha emanet ol Rabbim her iki Cihanda makamini yuceltsin amin.

  35. Umair Khalid

    Golden Words!!!!قلب بين يدي قلب ويد الله كل قلبعين ترعى عينا، وعين الله ترعىكلمة طيبة صدقةتبسمك لأخيك صدقهكل معروف صدقةاللهم اشف شفاءً لا يغادر سقماً

  36. Mano Mano

    My Bro well done. be happy 😊

  37. Asad Khan

    Very very love this video and voice and music thanks bro

  38. Hudson Ryan

    All time favorite

  39. E. Nees

    My soul is relaxed and at peace now🙏God bless you for your creativity and voice.

  40. Ysolde Claire Duffy

    Sami this song is stating how i feel waiting to go home, beautiful song 💚🍀🇮🇪 chara, sláinté

  41. Zaveen Hassen

    The best always and forever ...Please come to syria ❤🌷

  42. Rasid Asi

    كل عام وانت بخير. سامي يوسف. رشيد من سوريا

  43. Tajinar_ Can

    It's my favourite I can sing it even when I was sleeping

  44. Tajinar_ Can

    Even the melody is enough to heal me

  45. Tijul Alam Tajid TK

    I love Sami Yusuf.!!!!!!!!

  46. A Spirit

    deep ❤

  47. Teymur Sadiqov

    MasAllah sagol Sami Azerbaycan senle fexir edir

  48. Berani Gagal

    even better than original

  49. E. Nees

    Pure bliss 💖

  50. ahmed abbas

    يا الله

  51. Mohamed Bakkali

    Yo quiero esta cancion

  52. My SUFI

    Müthiş bir takım..Harika insanlar..dostluk hat safhada..Hepiniz müthişsiniz mükemmel yapıt kral Sami..seni çok seviyoruzsen bizim gururumuzsun herşeyimizsin 👏👏👏👏👏💞💞💞

  53. ellnaz

    I m fan of you

  54. Dinka Bajramovic

    Es Selam alejkum from Bosnia and HerrzegovinaI love this song...💖💖💖 it is great... Thx Sammy.

    Muhammed Atmaca

    Alejkum selam

  55. Selos Ozieoz

    It's amazing.. right from the hart.. i can listen to sy the hole day long.. love you brother sy 💞

  56. Rasid Asi

    ماشاءالله. .

  57. fakhrullahsiddiqi lokman

    such a performance

  58. Soha Karim

    Outstanding 👌🏻👍🏻Big up bro👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻sami💖

  59. Saeed Babar

    Sami Yusuf😭😭❤❤

  60. eleanor 22

    One of my favorite songs 😍♥️♥️ who the performance was prefect and I love it it’s really makes me feel better when I listen to it 😍 wish you to come Kuwait 😅♥️

  61. rihza galih

    I love the way you share peace ^_^

  62. Ayse sntr


  63. Ismail Qasim

    Each time I listen to this song, I feel tranquility and healed.

  64. LAILA12.


  65. Jennifer C Nanton

    love SJ's music....

  66. Saadet Gundogdu

    Nice MasAllah Allah be always with you.

  67. Nitro X

    In one word Awesome!!!!!!!

  68. Asel Baktybekova

    I love this song😍

  69. Muhammad Saleem

    OMG i think i was born to hear this pleasure ...

  70. الحياة لحضة وانتهت

    روووعة سامي يوسف

  71. Eman

    Oh, Allah! Heal us all! 😢

  72. Mohamad Shaxi


  73. Dalia Khamis

    حقيقي عظيمه والله بجد ❤❤❤❤❤

  74. Bana Jange

    OMG of this voice i love youuuuu from Kurdistan

  75. Faez far east

    Ya Allah... So healing what I hearing... Goosebumps!

  76. TheComposer1979

    feel my ears are cleaned :)

  77. Chihaya Furu

    😌😌😌😌😌 very special ❤️🍀

  78. Mostafa Mahmoud Shendy

    So stunning and speechless. Have no words to describe this incredible masterpiece. LOVED IT SO MUCH

    aitzhan kulumzhanova

    Mostafa Mahmoud Shendy totally agree, his songs leave the same feelings all the time

  79. Mostafa Mahmoud Shendy

    Love you sami , all Egyptian Love you Brother ;)

  80. Dilek Dilek


  81. pink rose

    Mavalse😍😱😱😘😘👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👌👌👌👌👌grat work bro

  82. Abuahmed Khaled

    ر ووووحححح الله يحميك

  83. Ouided Yahyaoui

    really wonderful

  84. Laeeba Qureshi

    Oh my god!! that arabic part was so sami ur voice is so heart touching...

  85. Taqwa Alkofahi

    awesome! ✨

  86. ayatullah behesti


  87. Sadi Ateş


  88. Heaven's Nur

    I have never saw any concert that we're so perfect as sami yusuf's.....this song is performed soo beautifully!

  89. Joice Leme

    That's absolutely amazing. No words to describe it. It's just divine and perfection, the full expression of God and his beauty. God bless you Sami, the musicians and singers that help you to build such masterpiece! You are an inspiration and thank you for giving this feelings to those who listen this music. God bless!!

  90. TTB26275

    I wish I could have attended this masterpiece in-person. Jazak Allah Brother Sami. Your work uplift the inner-souls.

  91. zamane imane

    the most beautiful words hamdullah for islam

  92. Rumana patel


  93. zaid hamidi mahd mayedi

    i got goosebumps when the Arabic lyric comes

  94. Сахиб Жон Ергашов

    mashalloh sami yusuf senkuyu

  95. Selma Imamovic

    So beautiful! "See all the beauty that's left around you and be happy"- Anne Frank

  96. Piyari Heer

    A smile can chsnge ur life nice song bro

  97. Rahman Islam

    Astonishing music. Sami Yusuf strengthens the continuity of traditional music through his work. This song is one of my favourites and has been amazingly remastered to be perfect for a live audience. I'm so glad Adante Records is publishing his concerts on youtube. I hope Mast Qalander in Dubai Live will be released.

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