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Sami Yusuf - Glorification (Live)

Glorification (Live)
: Glorification (Live)
: 4.78 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 207 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 171 İndirme
: 12-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sami Yusuf - Glorification (Live) )
  1. دكتور محمد RORo

    روعه وربي

  2. Assalomu aleykum

    маша оллох 😭

  3. Mimoh Koli

    This is a masterpiece.I listen it almost everyday

  4. Sou Sou

    روائعك يايوسف

  5. s s

    The high heavens exalt Your Name,from which all names take their grace.Timeless glories mark out Your reign,from Your lofty dwelling place. Understanding, bounteous One,eternal gift of plenty;omniscient, just and divine,our Judge in all Your glory. (Arabic) Sabbaḥat bismika-l-magîdi-s-samâ'Wa-tasâmat bismika-l-'asmâ' Ya ʕaẓîman, ya Ḥalîman wa-FardanMin ʕaṭâyâka dâmati-l-'âlâ' You give breeze to the wheeling birdsSustained high up in the sky,as You nurture us here on earth.In Your warmth we glorify. You sent messengers to us, Lord,Revealing Your word and light.You taught the scale above the sword,Your justice is all men's right. (Arabic) ʕindahâ nartagî mina-llâhi ʕafwanḤîna ya'tî Muḥammadun wa-l-liwâ'Fâgaʕali-l-Muṣṭafa shafîʕan wa-kun lîGhâfiran dhâka maṭlabî wa-r-ragâ'u We seek the mercy of God.I beg, Prophet, speak for me!Led by Muhammad's great banner,Your forgiveness is my plea.

  6. shukran butt

    i love your all performance u all are perform nicelyyyy.....

  7. Safiri Mehdi

    this 's live is Such perfection

  8. Ch Raees Warraich

    So beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  9. And windy

    So beautiful I love it 😭😭😘👍

  10. Арслан Конусов


  11. Арслан Конусов


  12. Karamatkhan Temirova


  13. Muhammad Awan

    Who else is wondering how his clothes change from red to black

    Muhammad Awan

    Yes I liked my own comment lol


    Yeah how?

  14. Manar Halwachi

    very emotional song

  15. Dilfuza Tillabekova

    Ассалом- алайкум Сами Юсуф я очень люблю слушать вашу музыку и как вы паеть дай вам Аллах здаровия и успехов творчестве.🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿

  16. Shukhrat Mustafaev

    Oh My Got

  17. Dheena Sadik

    Watched it so many times. *goosebumps and tears* every single time.

  18. Ahmad Emil


  19. الأستاذة نور الإيمان

    Love you soooooo much🥰💓💓💓💓

  20. Hussain Shaikh

    Alhumdulillah ❤❤❤❤❤Feeling jannat 😊😊😊😊😊

  21. Karem mohamed

    سامي يوسف اعظم فنان على وجه الارض وكفايه ان بيخدم دينه بكل مواهبه منشد وملحن يضع نفسه ضمن الاساطير التي لن تتكرراحب سامي يوسف حب لايوصف

  22. Qasim Khan

    Love from abbottabad

  23. leila BEDJ BEDJ

    mashallah thank you subahanallah sami yusuf

  24. İlgar Murad

    Perfetto.bravo.salam aleykum.

  25. Tamara Esgerov

    Ehsen yusuff

  26. Erzsébet Balogh

    háromszög , hegy , g pont ,de nem három lábal járunk gecik

  27. Erzsébet Balogh

    én vagyok csak felboszantottak , mert egy kézzel akar élni valamelyik idióta . és ez is valami hülye muszlim geci találta ki .két kezünk van nem egy , és két lábbam . igy két fasz dugja a faszát a picsámba , hogy ne egy lábbon járjatok . idióták . akinek nem tetszik levágom a lábát kezét . két bb mert két lábbunk van , nagy helyes írás tudosok . és kéz kezzünk

  28. الله ج تکیه گاهمی دوستت دارم

    ماشالله ماشاالله به ذات پاک قسم که هربار نعت سمع یوسف رو میشنوم اشکم جاری میشه خداوند حفظت کنه 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢خدایاااااااا عاشقانه دوست دارم خیلی دوست دارمممم خیلی خیلی خیلی ...........❤🕋❤😘😘😘😘😘😘

  29. Mohsin Ali

    love u sami yusuf im indian ❤

  30. Yağmur Kubilay

    Wow amazing elhamdülillah i am a müslim

  31. promdonchart


  32. Muhammad Shuaib

    Whats ironic is that "Words by HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum ", same Muslim man who has awarded Narendra Modi, mass murderer of innocent Muslims.

  33. عالم الجمال tv

    يشبه اسلوبو للمسقار العالمي ياني

  34. مصطفى النعيمي

    بارك الله فيك احسنت

  35. Auto_ Progress

    Amazing from Russia

  36. Senem G.


  37. Malik Jameel



    شخص راقي و ارتقى بفنه الى الأعالي ...هذا هو سامي يوسف ..عندما يلتقي الجمال و الثقافة المميزة 👍👌🏻👏🏻..

  39. Shakeelah Essa

    Truly captivating! MashaAllah

  40. Mehak s.

    Everything is false except Him.The Ultimate Truth, the ultimate destination...Better to get ready for that Ultimate truth in this very short life of ours

  41. Сарижат Гусаева


  42. my love my lov


  43. Yohan Nivedh

    Seriously, love it to the core! Heaven.

  44. Arsil Sadik

    Beautiful ❤️

  45. Yagut Abbasova

    Allah deyen diline qurban!

  46. Funny Vedio

    MasaAllah😍😍From Bangladesh

  47. Asif Dzafarov

    Tesküllar gardas Allaha rari olsun. 🤘🇹🇷🇦🇿🇵🇰🇹🇲🇺🇿🇰🇿🇰🇬

  48. naziaro kradra

    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 أفضل انشودة سمعتها

  49. little angle

    sami yusuf you are great bcoz you are awesome ,you are awesome bcoz you are legend ,you are legend bcoz you are Muslim..GOD bless you

  50. F Haque

    Another beautiful soul searching song. So sublime, peace evoking. Love from Bangladesh.

  51. Ahmet Karakaş

    Maşallah allah emanet olun👏👏🇹🇷🇹🇷💗

  52. Ömer S

    Had real goosebumps. Amazing...


    SubhanAllah Alhamdulillah Allahuakbar wa La Hawla Wa La Quata Illahbillah wa La Ilaha Illallahu MuhammadurRasulAllah SAAS.Great indeed

  54. Alen Camic

    bravo maestro!!!

  55. Toxir Otojanov

    Raxmat спасибо

  56. Kurshad Qaya

    Greetings from Azerbaijan. I am proud of sharing the same blood with Sami Yusuf.

  57. aeesha chan

    Perfection. God proves his perfection through Sami’s music. Magical. Allahu akbar

  58. Dunya Dulaimi

    Every time I listen to this , i have goosebumps ❤️🙏🏼 so grateful to feel this way 🌹

  59. Din Samir


  60. Umi lestari. Mys

    wwwwwwwwwww Alhamdulilah

  61. Nour NTI


  62. Hgfghj Gdhko

    احسن مغني واحسن غناء

  63. Ahai1111

    Subahanallah 👍👍👍👍

  64. H Yousef


  65. aburosyid depok

    I am Indonesian, its an amazing music and give us a pleasure!! Conglaturation Sammy Yusuf

  66. Xanim Kerimova

    This music, voice and synchronization among these people touches to my heart and my soul..

  67. Rumeysa Koç


  68. فاطمة الزهراء


  69. بثينة

    who is the girl behind him smiling and standing next to the hijabi, omg i love her, if u ever see this, i love u hfzfh

  70. Reymajan Jumaniyazova

    Your music is a healer to my broken soul

  71. Wati Susilawati

    Allah... Allah... AllahMasya Allah.. what A Beautiful

  72. Shakeel Chiche1234

    Very nice Sami Yusuf

  73. raghad arbaji


  74. Асель Дарибаева

    😍😍😍😍 Аллах ❤️

  75. Wati Susilawati

    Masya Allah .. beautiful songI love you Allah

  76. Mac Shiraz

    He sing in Farsi (native language), Arabic, English, Azari, Kurdish, and Hendi What a talented person

    Elshad Mamedov

    Farsi is not his native language.Azerbaijan language is native language

  77. Shanaz H A

    👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 ماشالله ماشاالله 🙄

  78. Karan Gupta

    I m not muslim nor I understand lyrics.But from deep of my heart i love this song so much so that it gives me a positive energy.

    Sushi Meowshi

    Turn on the captions.

  79. Hajar E

    الرجل هذا يصنع فن خاص فيه

  80. Mohamed Saleh

    how does his shirt change its color?

  81. dina dina


  82. Jibran Travels

    Looking for infotainment everyday from Pakistan and around the globe? Please visit us. See you soon! ❤

  83. Jibran Travels

    Looking for infotainment everyday from Pakistan and around the globe? Please visit us. See you soon! ❤

  84. Орудж Гасанов

    Спосибо ЛАЙК.Хвала АЛЛАХУ за то что создал такого талантливого человека.

  85. Edy Edy

    This song is amazing!Selam!

  86. Got It

    Very beautiful in so many ways thank you Sami!

  87. تماني تمارة

    القشعريرة 💙💙

  88. Dinesh Kumar

    Wow! Voice of an angle.the music is the most beautiful I have ever heard. Sami is now my favorite sir

  89. Babek Daneshvar Rouyendegh

    Gözel, elleriniz ağrımasın

  90. ayla bayar

    Muhteşem 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🇹🇷

  91. hizia zizo

    My favorite song of sami we love you from Algeria 🥰🥰🥰

  92. Tawhid Shetu


  93. Awdi Jwan

    اللهم انه بعيد عن عيني ولكنه في قلبي فااحفضه لي سامي يوسف

  94. السيد السيد

    احبك فى الله سامى يوسف

  95. SHAN MHD


  96. Азад


  97. Jamal Akhundlu

    Bu gün iki dəfə qulaq asmışam bu mahnıya. Çox möhtəşəm ifadır.

    Ahmed Isa

    Aynen bre aga, çok cüzeldır. Kosova türçlerinden selam

  98. Jacob

    I listen to this daily to put me in the right frame of mind. What's incredible, is that this is LIVE! Such perfection in a live performance is astounding. Sami is awesome.

    Andante Records

    @aka_ Jack it was sung twice and edited :-) Admin

    Fatmir Kabashi

    kengtar shum i madh ne bot qe kendon per allahun duhet me perkrah gjith bota sami yusuf

    shukran butt

    i agree with u at clothescomments dear

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