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Sami Yusuf - Fire

: Fire
: 3.62 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 249 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 223 İndirme
: 12-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sami Yusuf - Fire )
  1. Hamid Baaoui

    A pure celebration of love and beauty.

  2. mui goku

    Best naat eveer😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  3. Erzsébet Balogh

    Mohamed Tarek is énekel az egyiken . Neki feleségül kell vennie . Gondolom ezt tudod .

  4. Muhammad Tariq

    God bless him too .

  5. Barnett Ali Dalawesi

    Mash allaah

  6. سَآ جِدَة

    💘💘💘عاشقة حبيبي سامي يوسف ماشاء الله عليك ربي يحفظك إن شاء الله💘💘💘❤❤❤أحبك أحبك أحبك❤❤❤

  7. Nicolette Nasara Refuerzo

    I'm always getting goosebumps while I'm listening to your songs MashAllah

  8. Nada Nadi

    Muy bien hermano 👍👍👍

  9. Ahmed Mahmod elfiky

    فعلا انتا صوت المسلمين. توصل لكل العالم وكل العقائد احساسنا وتجبرهم بفنك ان يحترمو التراث الاسلامي فعلا انتا رساله ولك كل التقدير والحب منا برافو سامي يوسف 👏🏻👏🏻

  10. Патимат Кадиева

    Thanks for so heart touching songs, with love from Dagestan 👍👍👍👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏

  11. Zahra ElKhoudri

    How come a song that asks you to dry your eye can actually make you smile than make you cry ... tears of relief... No words can describe my gratitude and appreciation for your Music ... can't get enough of it ...

  12. Сарижат Гусаева


  13. umran kara


  14. MadriFilmArt

    I never get tired of this, it's so uplifting! Love Sami Yusuf and all of the talented musicians on stage.

  15. Modou Gueye

    M'y LOOOOOVE ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


    i love the guitar, i love the lyrics,i love the music

  17. Luzia de Fatima Nalin

    Allah. SubhanAllah

  18. Zabi Ullah

    ماشاالله 🇦🇫❤❤❤🌷

  19. Uci Kamsiah

    Sami yusuf 😍😍😍😍💖💖💖

  20. Sakina tv

    Wonderful i love u sami yusuf

  21. Eleonora Allaw

    ماشاء الله 🌺🌺🌺

  22. Zareen Fatima



    Stunning 💕💕💕

  24. umran kara

    Serenetıy huzur🇹🇷🌎⭐️👌selam

  25. Рукият Цолоева

    I really like this nasheed ...😍😍

  26. i love allah


  27. Анна Анна

    Какая красота 😍. Салам из Азербайджана ♥️♥️♥️


    No words to describe...... Much love😍♥️

  29. Fatma Abdullah

    Nothing like it.Subhan Allah! such creativity and ingenuity.I love his messages of love and peace.

  30. Sami Yusuf سمي يوسف Spiritique

    Sami Yusuf 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷

    Shamosa Dy Ana

    انت أفضل منشد واحساسك رائع

  31. Tuğba ILGAZ


  32. Магомед Ибрагимов

    Салам с Дагестана 😊😉

  33. Ha-mimul Islam Araf

    "Fire"Peace be with you my brother, my friendCome join me at the fire, once againIt bears no judgement, shame or prideIt warms from every sideIts light is lost without your eyesCome join me at the firePeace be with you my sister, my friendThe fire's waiting for you to come againWhen you need comfort from tears you've criedIt dances by your sideIt needs a partner, so dry your eyesCome join me at the fireLet it burn your troubles, clear your mindWatch these embers, sparks will flyLet it draw you closer, guide your soulFree your struggle in ash and smokeAs one with others in search of truthSisters, brothers, it waits for youFind your place at the fire, my friendsPeace be with you my brother, my friendPeace be with you my sister, my friendCome join me at the fire, once againCome join me at the fire, once again

  34. Aicha Aidara ciss

    Machallal Nice 💕💕💕💕

  35. Aula Abdul-wahhab


  36. Bennett dalawesi

    the best nasheed

  37. watfaa Ahmed


  38. Zeynep Ayan

    Sami Yusuf un sesi insanın kalbine dokunuyor 😌 mükemmel 👍

  39. M.D Records

    His voice is an beautiful instrument.,🙌

  40. MAHMOOD safaa

    it's so beautiful and make me comfortabl😳💕👏👏

  41. A Spirit

    so so joyfull 😁😀

  42. ali mashall


  43. Cansu C

    Resmen şeytana diss atmış Sami Yusuf.. Sözlere dikkat :D


    👏👏👏👏👏 so beautiful very nice that's voice amazing like it l 💙💙💙💙


    Thank you

  45. Larose Dessables

    This amazing song give me chills everytime I listen to it....

  46. Omer Kamal


  47. Hassan M

    I don't know how I missed this gem of a beautiful track from Sami Yusuf. This track really shows Sami's versatile talent. All types of musical instrument and styles are at Sami Yusuf's disposal and he can make a spiritual and soothing piece from it. May Allah bless you brother.

  48. Deema Ak8

    What a beautiful this method .... The beginning is complete calm and suddenly ........ bursting theater with the most beautiful voices 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  49. Deema Ak8

    I think this song is ardent and full of excitement. I love listening to it while reading interesting stories and interesting puzzles as well as a cup of tea

  50. Deema Ak8

    This song is my favorite song from "The Center"I love it madly and when I watch Sami singing on stage I feel all beauty and I feel that I am sitting among the audience to respond to Sami and do with them 😍😍😍😍😍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  51. Esraa Khattab

    The most beautiful live performance and the most beautiful song I like it so much

  52. Pinar Krgz

    Awesome 👏👏👏❤

  53. Shoxsanam Bekjurayeva

    Thank you sami yusuf☺❤

  54. Zin Zeda

    للماء سحر خلاب و للنار المشتعلة في جو بارد سحر خلاب، كلاهما قوة في الارض و ضدان لا يلتقيان أغنية جميلة

  55. anne

    Thank you .. Always .understanding the way someone feels all around the world your words together with your voice and music....connects us all thank you Heartfelt

  56. فهد الشريف

    who’s the one who put it dislike in this extraordinary vedio and this significant song 😡😡😡😡 love for sami yousef and his band ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ your brother from mecca

  57. Muhammad Saleem

    i can sit whole life still and listen to this my whole life and still then will be hungry for more its a peace to my heart

  58. Abdul Mannan


  59. MadriFilmArt

    So uplifting! Thank You!

  60. Frodo Belbo

    0 dislike 😍

  61. the Miracle evth Sami Yusuf


  62. mashal khan

    Wow amazing amazing ♥♥♥

  63. الفرنسية بكل بساطة

    subhaballah.. zero dislike 😃👏👏

  64. Soubia Jamal

    Masha ALLAH

  65. مريم رهجو

    hi my dear brother Sami ... This song very impress and influence me ..very ... Thank you so much ...

  66. Md Abrar Shakil

    Love from Bangladesh 😊😊Love you Sami boss😊

  67. Omer Kamal

    what a feeling i wish i were there

  68. Asad Khan

    Sami bro your all songs so amezing but ya nabi ,fire and try not to cry songs sooooooooo amezing and I love your all songs oh bro I love you💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  69. Mohamed Zeglali

    Just woow 😍😭

  70. ghanshyam patkotwar


  71. Monsif Ahlfqih

    💕💕❤❤👍👍👍👏👏👏 sami yussuf

  72. ahmed algérien

    ما اعظمك يا سامي ولله اناشيدك كلها تدخل القلوب تحية إليك يا مبدع مبدعين مني من الجزائر

  73. Abdullah Kaya


  74. Ateeb Hussain

    Im listening Sami Yusuf since my childhood. His voice gives peace to my mind and heart but this new composition of Fire is Outstanding. Plz remake Fire officially in this composition and studio recording. ♥️♥️♥️Love from Gilgit, Pakistan.

  75. Harlina Jamal

    can you viral your videos to malaysia i dont care what video it is especially happiness Arabic

  76. AaronAlves Games

    Muito Bonita essa música😍😍😍😍#Brasil

    Luzia de Fatima Nalin

    Muito, Brasil x Brasil. 👏👏👏

  77. Harlina Jamal

    Amazing My Man Keep It Om

  78. Xəyalə Uğur

    Just Amazing!

  79. Shaikh Zishaan

    Fantastic bombastic performance man

  80. abbes siradj

    روعاتك سامي☺

  81. Houda SH

    راااائع 💗💗💗💗💗Dz Dz

  82. Dashurije Koshi

    I've fallen in love with this music... and voice.... I know that every kind of love is God's love,InshaAllah !!!

  83. Gary Deba

    اللهم صلي وسلم على سيدنا و حبيبنا ونبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه ومن تبعه بإحسان إلى يوم الدين

  84. s.s Ashfaq27

    WOW. It's just stunning. How incredible the song is. Sami Yusuf's concerts are always unique and intimate ❤️❤️

  85. athina raj

    Devine feel 🙏😇 Goosebumps goosebumps every single time when I hear your devine voice. its such a soulful music Sami. God bless you

  86. Ghadeer Alshemeri

    الله عليك ياسامي ❤️❤️

  87. Xəyalə Uğur

    U veee eee u veee eee eeee 😍 I love so much this part 😍 So cool. Your voice unique 😍 So peaceful voice. God bless you Sir_SY 🙏

  88. abdelhaq lamouri


  89. Hala Aljukdar


  90. Luh _Cris

    No words... Just feelings ... mashAllah 💓

  91. Наталя Костенко

    Это великолепно!

  92. Seth Sinclair

    warning jumpscare at 00:22

  93. Abdur Rehman

    Outstanding Performance

  94. yasmin shwaiky


  95. kim soo hyun

    سامي سوف ياتي يوم واحضر بيه حفلك .. وهذا وعد قطعته لنفسي .. و حتى لو تكبر و ما تقيم حفلات ..اني احضر الى منزلك لكي اشوفك واسلم عليك ...هاي احد امنياتي ❤

  96. Agamir Bayramov


  97. Ysolde Claire Duffy

    Peace to you Sami, absolutely brilliant,i love this gift of a song,thank you xxx

  98. Manal Spiritique Lover

    Amazing song Wallahi in a warmth performance.. Thank you Sami for your beautiful music which is a main part in our daily life #Spiritique 😊

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