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Sami Yusuf - Eid Song

Eid Song
: Eid Song
: 6.10 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 217 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 170 İndirme
: 12-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sami Yusuf - Eid Song )
  1. Samaj Uddin

    Good job baai dil chuliya

  2. zeeshan baig786

    I love you

  3. Ramjan Sk

    Ihe nemeses

  4. Samira Valieva

    mashallah mukemmel ey guzel Allahin istekli bendesi sesine quvve nurani sifetli insan Allah seni qorusun🧿🧿❤😘🙏👍 cox sayli insanlarin sevimlisisen🙏

  5. Erzsébet Balogh

    férjül kell venned . yjb 'an 'atazawajani

  6. Erzsébet Balogh

    'ana 'ahbik . imádlak . أنا أحبك

  7. Erzsébet Balogh

    aibtisama:) BBB 'iilizabith bialwagh natasana.إليزابيث بالوغ ناتاسا kaji jaka . Fekete szem

  8. Md Husain Shikder

    But, music isn't allowed in Islam.

  9. Khairul Kaji

    Masah Allah

  10. Erzsébet Balogh

    Gandhi . Katona vagyok . nem nő . a Béke Katonája .BBB Itt van velem újra .Érzem a testemen . az agyamban

  11. Erzsébet Balogh

    Kicsivel írtam a nevét ,mert becsicskult nagyapámnak

  12. Erzsébet Balogh

    A dobosnak ismerem a fiát , fehér félig .A maher zahin ahol énekelt ott dobolt . Mondjátok meg neki , meg találtam a fiát neki :)

  13. umran kara

    Wooow orkestra super👌Sami Yusuf amazing cooolll😍💫🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️2019

  14. Md Jakir

    I'm jakir &I'm muslim.

  15. SS Shihab

    I have a question that music is halal or haram in Islam and the true and correct answer is haram . But what they doing?

    mouad brc

    It's Haram if u use it in the wrong place

  16. ash meen

    Music haram

  17. Hbk Hbk


  18. Hbk Hbk

    ALovely song love you sami meet you

  19. umran kara

    Wooow gençlikte süper👌maaşallah Sami Yusuf a🙏🏻sesine kurban🇹🇷

  20. Basheerah Sedan


  21. Maruf Ahmed Official

    *Subscribe me plz*

  22. j.s enterprises

    Eid Mubarak 😎😋😘🤗😚😙😗☺️🥰😘😍😋😊😉😆😅😄😃🤣😂😁😀


    I m muslim from makedonia

  24. Legend

    I thought only non Muslim have this kind of event, I mean watching a concert .. but just wow ! This is amazing that this event is for ALLAH saw , allahu Akbar 😍 from PHILIPPINES

  25. Farhan Shojib

    Eid Mobarak form all Bangladesh

  26. jztn.

    muslim from germany

  27. Kurdish Quran

    Happy Eid💖❤️💖

  28. Raheel Mangi

    assalamu alaikum eid ul fitur mubarak sami brother

  29. mohammad reza sheik manoga

    Down with Wahhabism!

  30. Karima Benzakaria

    Aiiiiiddd mobaaaaarakkk for all muslims I'm proud of myself that I'm Muslim ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  31. Ssm Ssm

    Eid Mubarak 🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎈🎈🎈

  32. Abu nemasu

    Who is still hear in 2019

  33. Sajida M


  34. umar sami yusuf

    My favorite song 💗 💓 💗

  35. susi herawati

    MashaaAllah tabarokAllah

  36. Hamidi QL

    From Cambodea masha allah So Beautifull mussic

  37. nazeera imran

    is Music allowed in Islam..?? 😑

    mouad brc

    It depends when you gonna use it

  38. Faisal Khalid

    eid. mubarek. to. the. muslims

  39. Faisal Khalid

    i love. it. so. much

  40. rabby khan

    What are you doing brother?? Musical instrument is forbidden

  41. Omer KraTos

    It’s not islamic system



  43. Dina Aran


  44. Şerife Aygel

    Maşallah rabbim seni korusun Sami Yusuf nefesine sağlık👍

  45. Zeitun Osman

    so amazing , love it so much

  46. Sultan Sadıkova

    Çok güzel

  47. umar sami yusuf

    What ya amazing song

  48. 鶴龜金脈

    あめりか いすらむ えいゆう しましこう どく したい

  49. Farjana islam Ripta

    Please my chanal subscrip. My chanal name islamic tun

  50. SI Nirob

    Talking of songs is good but your process is very bad, don't again seam process

  51. Abdulla Vp

    I love you same 23

  52. Mohammad Masum Billah

    Mashallah Very nice song for Eid mubarak best wishes 💟💟💟💟💟🇧🇩

  53. Sevgi Arslan

    Hayırlı yayınlar hayırlı ilahiler ilahi çok çok güzel bu güzel ilahi bir güzel sokak ve bahçede söyleseydin daha daha güzel olurdu güzel Allah'ım bu müzik ve davulları istemez bende sevmedim güzel bir gül bahçesine gir orda oynat güzel Allah'ım bütün dünyada İslam aleminin yardımcısı olsun amin amin amin

  54. mashiur rahman

    Eid Mubarak from Bangladesh

  55. MD. Habib


  56. Teacher Ofksa

    Beautiful song, Beautiful voice❤💕❤

  57. Abu nemasu

    Heart touching.

  58. Charlie Jordan


  59. Tariq Kareem

    That's good enjoy

  60. Fatoumata Souane

    Eid 2019😍

  61. Yasar channel

    Music is haraam in islam,please don't listen to music.Here are the few evidences,that prove,music is haraam is islamQuran:Surah Al-Mu’minun (23-3):  “ wa-allazina hum anni Allaghwi-Mouredeen ”And those who turn away from Al-Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talks, falsehood, and all that Allah has forbidden)”.Surah Loqman(31-6) “wa-menna A’nnasi man yashtari Lahw Al-Hadith Leiodella ann sapiel-ellah baghyer Elm” And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (music, singing,etc.) to mislead(men) from the path of Allah without knowledge and takes it (the Path of Allah) by way of mockery, for such there will be a humiliating torment”. Hadith: Bukhari (volume 7, book 69, # 494) reported in an authentic hadith (Abu malek Al-Ashari narrated that : the Prophet (pbuh) said: “it will be from my Oumma men who will consider as Halal Al-Herra(Zinna), Al-hareer (Silk), Al-khamr(wines) and Ma-Azef (use of all kind of music or musical instruments) …. Allah will destroy them during the night and will let the mountain fall on them, and He will transform the rest of them into monkeys and pigs and they will remain so until the Day of Resurrection".Tirmizi (# 2212) that Anas (RA) reported that the Prophet (pbuh) said: “ In this Ummah there will be punishments of Khasf (earthquakes), Kazf (showers of stones) and Maskh (deformity or transformation into animals like khinzeer/pigs)’ when the people will be involved in drinking, listening to female singers and playing musical instruments”.Tabarani and Bayhaqi with good evidence also reported that the Prophet (pbuh) said that:” some of the signs of the Day of Judgment are when: Al-Qayenat and singers (Muslims  dancers, singers and famous stars), al-Ma-Azef (all kind of music), drinking alcoholic products and the use of silk products by men are made halal".



  63. Amina Essabir

    eid mubarak

  64. Band Nisshongo

    thanks for this song

  65. asya ***

    La ilahe illallah ❤️❤️❤️كل عام وانتم بخير

  66. iliveish

    I love this nasheed.

  67. Asiyah Ahmad

    I really love this song... eid mubarak to all muslims around the world... one love 🎉🎊

  68. SifAt ThE BroWnfiSh

    So nice

  69. SifAt ThE BroWnfiSh

    So nice

  70. tAXOfIELD Tabrez Alam Khan

    This will be my watsap status tomorrow.

  71. Fatima Mohamed

    It a blessing month🤩

  72. سعيده سلام

    Ich gratuliere allen mit Hait. Mit Liebe Usbekistan❣️🕌🕋🌙

  73. aris ghani

    Eid Mubarak from International Space station

  74. Maryam Al-ghazali

    عيد مبارك لكل المسلمين المسلمين

  75. Rabbi Sonet BD

    go ahead ♥


    Eid Ramadan Mubarak 2019🥳

  77. Sal Man

    Ramzan Mubarak 2019

  78. Ashraf Km


  79. AMS BEE

    Rock it

  80. Sk Msriya

    eid mubarak🌙🌙 from india 2019😎😉


    EID MUBAROK to everybody I'm from Bangladesh... Now live abu dhabi,. Beautiful song, beautiful sami & beautiful performance..... Always allah bless you...

  82. Alkwe Y

    Masallah Form kurdistan

  83. F N

    Pls do concert in Srilanka. I'm a srilankan

  84. Ali yosefi

    Amazing ♥️❤️❤️❤️Love you Sami Yusuf 🇮🇷🇮🇷

  85. sahim khan

    Amar Nobi Amar sob

  86. sahim khan

    I love you Nobi

  87. sahim khan

    I love you Allah Allah Allah Allah great

  88. sahim khan

    Masallah Masallah Masallah Masallah

  89. sahim khan

    Amin Allah Allah Allah Allah great

  90. alexender albert

    salam from Pakistan

  91. Alexander Zhang

    能翻译下吗?Somebody can transfer in English?

  92. Nalwanga sera

    Who z stl watchng dis in 2019🙄🙄🙄..???A blssd Ramadhan Mubarak to ol my fellow muslims in the world n happy Eid Mubarak 2019😘😘😘😘


    2019?😍 ramadan ❤

  94. را سخ

    came and watch

Eid Song Şarkı Sözü
Sami Yusuf Eid Song Şarkı Sözleri

Let us rejoice indeed
For this is the day of Eid

La ilaha illallah
Muhammad rasulallah
La ilaha illallah
Muhammad rasulallah
'Alayhi salatullah
'Alayhi salatullah

Children are wearing new clothes
Bright colours fill the streets
Their faces full of laughter
Their pockets full of sweets
Let us rejoice indeed
For this is the day of Eid


Mosques are full of worshippers
in rows straight and neat
Their Lord they remember, His name they repeat
Their hands are raised to the sky They supplicate and plead
On this blessed day
Forgive us they entreat
Let us rejoice indeed
For this is the day of Eid


People are giving charity
And helping those in need
In giving they're competing
Today there is no greed
Let us rejoice indeed
For this is the day of Eid


Enemies embracing each other
All hatred is buried
Everyone is celebrating
Greeting everyone they meet
Let us rejoice indeed
For this is the day of Eid

Mp3 indir

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