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Sami Yusuf - A Thousand Times

A Thousand Times
: A Thousand Times
: 3.30 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 200 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 133 İndirme
: 12-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sami Yusuf - A Thousand Times )
  1. Günel Göyüş

    Bu mahnı hardasa 8-9 il olur ən sevdiyim mahnıların siyasında yerini heç vaxt itirmir.Başın dünyada da, axirətdə də həmişə Peyğəmbərimizin (s.a.v) yanında uca olsun ey Sami Can❤🤲😊.(Bu "baş ucalığı"nın ingilis dilində və varsa digər bütün dillərdəki yeganə yeridir😌).Allah səni hifz eləsin.AMİN❤🤲😇.

  2. Abeel Thakur

    Beautiful voice..

  3. Nour English

    best times with Sami's songs💛💚💙❤

  4. aisha_ _mkla2802

    Очень красивое исполнение , всех благ тебе САМИ ЮСУФ !!!🙏👏👏👏

    AISHAT Allahkulieva

    Кагда ты начала слушать Сами Юсуф

  5. AISHAT Allahkulieva

    Мая бабушка, очень любит слушать твои песни ,спасибо Сами Юсуф.💕💕💕

    aisha_ _mkla2802

    Я начала слушать песни Сами Юсуф с 2003 года , с тех пор слушаю только его песни . Спасибо тебе за твой прекрасный голос , Сами Юсуф ! 🙏🌷🌷🌷

  6. Farah Habib

    heart to heart ur golden pearls

  7. Patrick Khan

    Mashallah very beautiful Song 😍

  8. Farah Habib

    marvelous with tears...........

  9. Farah Habib


  10. Muhammad Saleem

    great song

  11. وٌفُےـيّےـتُےـ لَحًےـد مِنٌےـتُےـهےـِيّےـتُےـ

    انت الأفضل

  12. cristian alina

    Amazing voice! I enjoyed listening again this video.

  13. yasir syeed

    i love your nasheed

  14. yasir syeed

    mashallah kiss

  15. yasir syeed

    i love you

  16. yasir syeed

    so good sami yusuf

  17. yasir syeed

    and i love this naseed

  18. yasir syeed


    yasir syeed

    i'll nevr ferget u

  19. Fazlul kader

    soo cute

  20. Beli chelsea Fc

    i love this song good joob bro 

  21. tarik lahrach

    So good

  22. Mamed Mamedov

    One of my favorite!

  23. Hazira Hisham

    Nice song..♡♡

  24. Ирина Стефашина

    Love & Life

  25. Seva Alekberzadeh

    Thanks Sami !



  27. productiontest1

    فنانين يستحقون التقدير و الاحترام

  28. עולה אבו גאמע

    الله يكثر من امثالك يارب

  29. linda broggini

    beautiful song Thanks

  30. Moaz Shahin

    Cool song

  31. Aysha Mahbuba

    nicee naat

  32. oo2angel2oo

    Sounds a lot like the kite runner, love this song

  33. Ummukeir Ahmednur

    Ma@shallah Allah yak fiik

  34. lolo mo

    thank you for this vid

  35. nikolina belic

    PERFECTION!!!! Too many emotions in only one song, too much to bear them all at once....

  36. wafa king

    sounds suspiciously like the kite runner LOL

  37. momina oxo

    GO DO 1 MATE ;)

  38. ananda krish

    graet song........i heard mor than thousand times....

  39. TheSAUD2011

    الحمدلله ع نعمة الاسلام ❤❤

  40. Cotton Candy

    o u mean he is bad coz he is singing

  41. ptthebest25

    I disliked this muslim-like song.

  42. ambedoresque tea

    I cant believe my class is gonna sing this song tomorrow. In front of all the seniors. And parents. o-o;;

  43. khanimra

    @skippykipper101 He is saying this to Prophet Muhammad (saw). He says, "Peace be upon you, my dearest friend."You do not say 'Peace be upon you' to God; this doesn't make sense since Allah (swt) is al-Salaam (The Source and Ultimate Peace).

  44. Sattar Munaffer

    i like this nasheed its excellent ..........mashallah

  45. Shizzlenit

    @seemasapeen From what I've read about him, he supposedly sings about god, but In my opinion it makes more sense if it's about a person, and it's how I choose to interpret it.

  46. skippykipper101

    Is he saying this to a person or to God?

  47. Nadiya Al Hamdulilah

    C'est trop rapide lors d'un couplet pour lire les paroles :" You gave my let me.."

  48. Mariam Younes

    Mashallah Wonderful Song..

  49. Waqas Ali

    Thank you Sami bhai may Allah give you a long life so you can keep on reminding us of our Almighty Allah and our beautiful prophet Muhammad SAW!! Ameen, ALLAH U AKBAR!!

  50. Ahmad Ghazaal

    mashallah so nice song slam from Palestine, Saudi Arabia

  51. Wesam

    مطلوب رجال

  52. Sahil Javed

    This naat is beautiful MAY ALLAH BLESS ALL YOU MUSLIMS OUT THERE, read namaaz and inshallah Allah will bless you with Paradise

  53. Ula Alashur

    Emotional & amazing mA.

  54. Half-fist

    @sharina2188 Rabbani is simply the best nasyid group in Malaysia, but yet it's hard to say that their songs or nasyids will be appreciated much internationally since their nasyids mostly sang in Malay...but as for Sami Yusuf, his songs are like Maher Zain's...understandable by most nations in the world coz they use English language.

    Umme Sumaiya

    Half re ar4n8

  55. Kaleemullahraja

    I will give away mp3 files by sami yusuf. Please mail me if you do want these songs.Mashallah.

  56. 02Anton300

    i love your nasheeds

  57. 02Anton300

    it is a nice calm nasheed

  58. liban hassan

    maasha allah

  59. Tahiri king

    Great nasheed!Allahu Akbar <3.

  60. Ali Hussain

    you alwso can download free you tube to MP3

  61. mahdi mongabadi

    just briliant, with so much power and peace... impressive

  62. Amusings

    thts wht i feel righ now.thnx so much! .sami yousuf is jus awsum

  63. Altaf Chaus

    where can i dwnload this??

  64. Mudasir Ali Lone

    i agree with u bro u r right Sami yusuf shld stop using music

  65. Memi Muslimah

    Mashallah, really... a very great nasheed of sami yusifi love it,i just hope he stops using music so when we hear it, it wont be sinful 2 hearhe has a great voice mashallah and i'm sure he could make it still 2 the top without all that music

  66. Smsm

    amazing bro....really nice makingRAMADAN MUABARAK ^_^

  67. Nabikeghulam


A Thousand Times Şarkı Sözü
Sami Yusuf A Thousand Times Şarkı Sözleri

Without your warmth, without your smile
Without you, by my side
The world was so cold, I felt so lost
Without your light, I felt so blind

A thousand miles I'd run and walk
A thousand times I'd slip and fall
But for you I'd do it again
A thousand times

Without your warmth, without your smile
Without you, by my side
The world was so cold, I felt so lost
Without your light, I felt so blind

You gave me hope, you let me dream
Made me believe I can still trust

You raised me up, you gave me wings
Just like a kite in the sky
A thousand miles I'd run and walk
A thousand times I'd slip and fall
But for you I'd do it again
A thousand times

No words are enough to convey
All the things I want to say
I won't even try 'Cos I know
Deep down you feel how much I care

Now I hold my head up high
I see my dreams coming true
Peace be with you my dearest friend
In my heart you will remain

A thousand miles I'd run and walk
A thousand times I'd slip and fall
But for you I'd do it again
A thousand times

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