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Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give It Away

Give It Away
: Give It Away
: 4.16 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 85 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 60 İndirme
: 01-05-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give It Away )
  1. Qro Rubenstien

    what the hell even is the video

  2. Victoria Montenegro

    2:16 made my day. <3

  3. tony reilly

    chad a very underrated drummer love his driving snare in every track

  4. john andrews

    I love the greeks!

  5. Gipsy iwi

    Billie ellish: uhhh... Look at meeee.... I... I am Edgy... And emo.... Look at.. my.. original... And emo... SongsRCHP: Shut up and listen the masters of weirdless


    2019, y hasta el fin de los TIEMPOS!!! Larga vida a esta banda..

  7. Seth Lamech 'Jackson

    Dear Red Hot Chili Peppers I wrote a song; Your style is beautiful. Please if I said anything you don't like please flag me. I am a Instrumental artist as well and I lost my password to my other YouTube Page; I haven't performed the song and hasn't monetized it. #RedHotChiliPeppers I like your music. Thanks.

  8. tompparaideri

    Re-upload with better quality please. It was recorded with good quality. Shown on MTV with good quality but now it’s preserved in 480porridge.

  9. Gabriel Sousa

    Kibe do Rei, kibe do Reinaldo

  10. ryck jason rosales

    Nov 14 ,2019

  11. ANTONY Thiago

    KD OS BR

  12. Brave Heart

    The only beautiful electric bass guitar sound

  13. Saturno San


  14. Aesthetical Twat

    Me and the boys after successfully skipping detention.

  15. 匿名P4tr1k


  16. Shawn Davis

    I haven't seen this video till now and all I think is how much weed Anthony was smoking

  17. A Kinky Salad

    *after whatever this is, ends*Rhcp: those were some good shrooms


    For fans of RHCP & RATM!!!

  19. Mike Dwyer

    Don’t do drugs in the desert

  20. Vibrantdragon312

    Nobody:Cats on the roof at 3 am

  21. Oliveira Oliveira

    Dibruei nal, dibruei nal...

  22. Sunny Borthakur

    The little 'Sweet Leaf' riff towards the end <3

  23. Alejandro

    Can you dance?Black folks: *shows incredible dancing skill*White folks: 0:19

  24. kate elliott

    Some kids don't always tell the truth though. Had she had strawberries dipped in chocolate made for her at home before? Xxx

  25. kate elliott

    Cause I did take Eve on holiday, I went to massive effort to get her there and a tenner a day wasn't enough so I ended up paying loads for her and entertaining her. She even told me she'd never had strawberries dipped in chocolate so I made them for her too xxx

  26. kate elliott

    I wrote to you from prison but asha didn't pass the letters on to you about the abuse of human rights nd the cover ups in hmp PETERBOROUGH A PRIVATELY OWNED PRISON OWNED BY SODEXO. Xxx

  27. kate elliott

    Ok i admit I sent a personal letter to eves dad cause I thought he wasn't going to print a letter that my dad said was important I didn't mean anything bad I was in a bad situation xxx made worse by domestic violence xxx

  28. John Hutchins

    Director: Flea, we're thinking about doing...Flea: Yes.

  29. Giorno Giovanna

    Where are all the weebs? Why is RHCP spared from the wrath of JoJo?

    Modest Heliolisk

    There's a few songs with JoJo comments, such as Can't Stop.

  30. kate elliott

    Julian tried to stop my friend Karen narcotics anonymous taking food in, we were like WTF? Xxx

  31. kate elliott

    I frequently took food into Royal Mail too xxx for free not selling like some of them did xxx

  32. Brave Heart

    bad song..

  33. Tim Hall

    Nick Cave quote: “I'm forever near a stereo saying, 'What the fuck is this garbage?' And the answer is always the Red Hot Chili Peppers.'”

  34. HadarMosh226


    Maria Daniela

    Yabba-dabba, yabba-dabba-dabba-doo, now!Weird Al Reference

  35. Android Z

    Hola moe

  36. Bobbi McNeely

    I've seen this video 1000 times and never realized Anthony is wearing a sequined thong 😐😐😐😐

  37. Jason Salter

    Song rocks

  38. Funkzta

    My favourite song for 28 years now. Makes me go 5mph faster on my mtb when it comes on over headphones.Dirty as funk.

  39. Jonathan Galeano S.

    Guibru güei

  40. Koen Sauer

    I wonder how many drugs went into the production of this video

    Sofia Felton

    if you can believe it, this was actually made when Anthony went completely sober for five years

  41. Enzo tuber

    Eu gostei mas vc que ta cantando n me entende ne mas parabéns gostei da música foi top

  42. G0ddess Kelly

    @2:29 Best video angle lmao

  43. Oui Amour

    Alguien sabe por que ese pendejo estaba con cuernos? :v

  44. cross7387

    Hip hop lovers. Love this too..

  45. Yagne Goosh

    These guys stole this song and video from Weird Al Yankovic's Bedrock Anthem. No originality.

  46. Sadie Masai

    Classic 🎶🎶🎶🎤

  47. Nikolakis 72

    Music:fuck yeah Video clip:wtf

  48. Nightowl358

    The bass is legendary.

  49. Movie Remixer

    This video is the masterpiece od direction and editing - maybe the greatest of the whole decade

  50. Asad Ali

    W la patata

  51. Gin Atkins

    Why do you have to dress like a demon? I like you better the other way.

  52. Alysson Santos

    🇺🇸: Give it away give it away give it away now🇧🇷: Birulei Birulei Birulei nau

  53. Reyesブランドン

    Only song i dont like 😂

  54. Startoonz

    People sing: giverway giverway nowGive it away: im a joke to you?

  55. Rinat Dying

    когда услышал кавер Хоя раньше оригинала. шутка я тогда только клипа не видел)

  56. Vicente Ortúzar

    The intro of this song reminds me to Even flow by Pearl Jam

  57. Claudio Contreras

    Like por los Simpson

  58. Juanjo Sas

    I remember me watching this video on mtv after come as you are of Nirvana. 90's was good times

  59. Xio Satx

    Bumping in 2019 ! ❤️🔥

  60. Rian hasibuan

    2:17 is the best part

  61. Eren jeäger

    My last four brain cells during finals

  62. A Estrada

    Memories from the 90s 👍

  63. Battle - Angel

    3:25 They Live🦎💯Morphing all thru this video

  64. abel sanchez

    Yabba Daba Yabba Dabba Dabba Doo now

    Maria Daniela

    Weird Al Yankovic reference. ❤

  65. thelocusst

    I remember being a child and my dad came home with this shit. We listened to it for the next twenty five years.

  66. alessandro ascione

    Wow ❤

  67. Rohit Sharma

    Mad Max - Chrome....

  68. Nathan Silva


  69. Escarlet annelice Vaca lozano

    Rock in Rio 2019 😍

  70. Seagate Seagate

    October 2019

  71. Elizabeth Vega

    This look like it was from 2007

  72. Claudio Aguayo

    Happy britday Flea🎸

  73. P L

    qui écoute encore ça en 2019?

  74. kostas elite11

    fuck yeah

  75. Maverick1989

    I don't know what is worse, Anthony Kiedis's chipped tooth or Flea's Spiral haircut.

  76. Wojciech Barbapapa

    In about 20 years, people will be laughing at this music video.

    Watt S Hisnutts

    It has been about 20 years.. 😂😂😄😅!!

    A Estrada

    It’s almost 30, it doesn’t get old

  77. Jacob Cleveland

    When the LSD kicks in

  78. carlos alvarez

    Kipiruwey jajajajaaj

  79. heavymetal42

    Gibr vej, gibr vej, nau 😋

  80. francisco manuel sanchez canton


  81. cai vw

    Anthony Kiedis e parecido a Teves

  82. Lisa Parnell

    The funkiest song ever lol

  83. José Antonio T

    Twenty years after this video is more modern than 90 per cent of nowadays.

  84. Potasimeme

    Childhood possessions and toys that I've safely hidden away to ensure they don't get thrown out:My mum: 0:47

  85. nicole xlml

    River Phoenix. ❤

  86. Lucho Rocanrol

    Acá en Uruguay es...ggrrrrrruuuuuuuuuweeeeeeeyyyyyyyy....ggrrrrruuuuweeeeeeyyyy.... Grrrrrruuuuweeeeeenaaaaaaauuuuuuu....

  87. Adithama Firdaus

    Giverrrrrrwey giverrrrrrwey giverrrrrrwey nao

  88. theresa webb

    This is a hot song evan now watxhed this alot of times they made a classic for along time.

  89. Panda Bear

    October 2019 and still loving the kiedis crotch shot! 😘

  90. Panda Bear

    Why cant music videos be more like this? Who gives a shit about the little back stories they create.. get straight to the damn point! Oh and I would love to see a colored version of this video!

  91. Timothy Dunlap

    October 2019, jammin'

  92. running through the 6 with my woes

    Here from the Old Town Road mashup

  93. Terry Dixon

    Flea is on the one on that bass!!!!! James Brown will be proud.

  94. Kembarannya Zhar Borneo

    When Tarzan make a song for the first time

  95. B 3

    Give it away now

  96. Scam Likely

    Great song weird ass video

  97. Pablo Ussa

    What the Hell did I just watch

  98. Chameka Davis

    Fav rock song love flea and Anthony crush white boys

Give It Away Şarkı Sözü
Red Hot Chili Peppers Give It Away Sözleri

What I've got you've got to give it to your mamma
What I've got you've got to give it to your pappa
What I've got you've got to give it to your daughter
You do a little dance and then you drink a little water

What I've got you've got to get it put it in you
What I've got you've got to get it put it in you
What I've got you've got to get it put it in you
Reeling with the feeling don't stop continue

Realize I don't want to be a miser
Confide w&sly you'll be the wiser
Young blood is the lovin' upriser
How come everybody wanna keep it like the kaiser

Give it away give it away give it away give it away now
Give it away give it away give it away give it away now
Give it away give it away give it away give it away now
I can't tell if I'm a kingpin or a pauper

Greedy little people in a sea of distress
Keep your more to receive your less
Unimpressed by material excess
Love is free love me say hell yes
I'm a low brow but I rock a little know how
No time for the piggies or the hoosegow
Get smart get down with the pow wow
Never been a better time than right now

Bob Marley poet and a prophet
Bob Marley taught me how to off it
Bob Marley walkin' like he talk it
Goodness me can't you see I'm gonna cough it


Lucky me swimmin' in my ability
Dancin' down on life with agility
Come and drink it up from my fertility
Blessed with a bucket of lucky mobility

My mom I love her 'cause she love me
Long gone are the times when she scrub me
Feelin' good my brother gonna hug me
Drink my juice young love chug-a-lug me

There's a river born to be a giver
Keep you warm won't let you shiver
His heart is never gonna wither
Come on everybody time to deliver...

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