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Mt - Escape

: Mt
: Escape
: 4.43 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 34 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 25 İndirme
: 05-12-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Mt - Escape )
  1. Dc Krow


  2. Sébix


  3. Wraith Raptors

    2019 August anyone?

  4. The Blasian

    wow the nostalgia

  5. James Azzariti

    Like if your still listening to this in 2019. 💯🔥🔥

  6. First Name

    Sounds like lord of the rings

  7. Jack Crutchfield


  8. Lolol Lolol

    God's voice

  9. Lewis Ginther

    Years ago a BJ Penn tribute video brought me here and it has been in every playlist since.

  10. Blood Angel

    Used to listen to this back in school. Such an epic song

  11. Weird Doll

    Der letzte Marsch der Ents. Tod den Orks!

  12. Krish Nam

    2019 and still loving this!

  13. Lelanka

    Classic :3

  14. Wraith Raptors

    The old gaming days. MW3,MW2 HALO REACH

  15. ZeRoox1987

    First time I have heard this piece of epicness was in an old Quake 3 fragmovie. But I can't remember the name of it... maybe anyone knows? :)

  16. Geckothelux

    If they ask who started today's electronic. Far as this artist was one of the first to introduce dub step

  17. Jake Nsc

    Like si lo escuchas en este 2017 .. !!

  18. ZeRocketRacoon Man

    still listening in 2017

  19. Alex silva

    Perfect Music <3

  20. Ramani Ankit

    best music

  21. Shere-Khan tigga

    This brings me back some good memories. I used to listen that music 6 years ago when my sister mad a video with that song. Man, times flies like crazy


    badass over here I feel you. I found this song surfing back in 09. the memories it brings back on the beach, lit up around a bonfire, jiving out to the best of sounds and not giving a fuck in the world make the re-listen all the more worth the while..haven't heard this in a good 2 yrs.

    JLarren #CoMa My Faerie

    Does anyone know the original song?

  22. Critique

    The intro is the best part


    I kinda wish it was all intro. The rest is good but not... as good :P

  23. loushka128

    This is awesome!

  24. H.Cruzz10

    Mt Eden is my father


    All my years of listening to mt eden and I just found this song. Wow. I miss a truly beautiful song


    exactly ☝

  26. mrdarkhalo666

    uh,... so,... that means ur atheist! kool! me 2!


    I disagree with your actions towards the non-atheists. Just because you are atheist as well does not mean you need to piss off other religionist, especially Christians because you are targeting that one religion out of all the others.


    +Blizzard Creations sorry u misunderstood. I have recently advanced to Anti-theist, my mom & stepfather are certified pastors so I know a ludicrous amount of christian evil & nonsense that comes from the bible. But dont be mistaken, I'm against all unproven gods. (P.S. They are all unproven). The lord is a man of war, the lord is his name. - KJV 😁

    Harry Longshaft

    +Mr. Dr. Professor Penguin Durkheim the sacred and the profane, i church is just a building a cross is just a shape unless you make it something more with your beliefs

    That Channel

    Stop talking about religion and enjoy the damn music lol

    Rob Aceee1993

    Ur gay, if u were a true atheist u wouldn't being so focused on being anti Christ. U prove his very existence urself by hating him without cause. And there is much proof and evidence along w prophecy.. so Just stfu.😎👌

  27. #Johnny

    very good for strategy games


    or a wingsuit clip

  28. Roger Ugarte

    I ran a business with a buddy of mine for a year. He turned me on to dubstep, and we listened to it while working all the time. I hooked him up with a job bouncing at the club I bounce at. Now we get the dj to play dubstep while we bounce. Good times!

  29. RidRed Bullshit

    *The angels of heaven singing a tune before a fight against hell. GOD and the archangels begin to rise as well as demons and lucifer. they get ready to fight the first angels and demons moving in. Soon GOD , Gabriel the devastating Archangel and Michael the strong Archangel charge forth to kill of lucifer and his highest. towards the end they strike lucifer and hell down returning to heaven the Brave Archangels and GOD are celebrated for their win against hell. Heaven has won* Now i am a christian but athiests, nonreligious people and others just enjoy the music

    maddex joseph

    Demosthenes DemiGod someone watches supernatural

    RidRed Bullshit


    Shadow Stalker

    uhh are you making a joke

  30. RidRed Bullshit

    i came here from a power music mix this is epic on speed 2

  31. amsyar zerø

    This is the music that I imagine when making a last stand in-game.*swag intensifies*

  32. Adi Adrian

    The best epic dubstep song of all time!

  33. BNZ

    Ok look guys, i dont know about u, but this is nothing close to being good, or a dubstep. But the heavenly sound of angeas singing is good, beat drop, not bad. Does not suit me doe. But overall impression... deserves a like

    zyg0s 11

    @Malaeck Qureshi we got a music critique up in here lmao


    +Malaeck Qureshi *Says it's not good**1ups anyways*


    @SoraAmaterasu im doing it to support my channel and also why are people hating. All i did was give my opinion


    +iBenzz u would be more appeciated if u were more simple minded. If you feel the music like it if you dont feel it just be quiet leave your opinion to yourself. Its not the drop that makes a song its the song that makes it

  34. Ontario's Elevators

    I really don't like dubstep, but this song is amazing!

  35. Uoff Gaming

    if you are able to make a video for this to that would make this crazily amazing and i know this is from 2010 but its the best ever 


    Eyyy zack wassup, r u surious, a video. I dont even see how a video is able to suit this

    J. Roberts

    Uoff Gaming im choreograpging a dance for this song....

  36. Emmet Trump

    *The Very Mind That Has Made Seeing The Truth Of Life Possible Is Now The Only Thing Preventing Us From Seeing It!* WHAT A DILEMMA!*Google "The Truth Contest" for elaboration.*

    Darin Bates

    Hahah! I know right! The truths this website reveals are amazing!

    Act Free

    @Emmet Trump You guys have fallen for the ultimate charlatan level. How pitiful.


    +Darin Bates Go somewhere else with your fake accounts. No one believes bogus sites like that.

  37. doapSauce

    i forgot about the mt. brings back memories! oh college, how you sucked!

  38. T 7

    +1 if you jerk off erytime

  39. Traveler

    Oh those heavenly voice, like angels atop the clouds gracing us with a sound of beauty and wonder.


    +Jikazuku Shikitemodochi And he talks about other people raging on the internet.1UP

    RidRed Bullshit

    yea i try though i try

    Jason Spades

    @Light Bulb I do. Because we should care about the beliefs of others. Beliefs inform actions. We act in accordance with our beliefs. Actions have consequences. Consequences affect us and those around us. So yes, morally it's important to care about the beliefs of others. Especially when it does harm.How about you demonstrate that a god actually exists first? Can you provide a logical argument for your claim? Just one. I doubt youve thought about this very closely. You would have to find a method for investigating and confirming supernatural causation, then you would have to conduct a repeatable and recordable test that can be independently evaluated with an argument supporting your claim that is both sound in content and valid in structure. And it would have to be Free from logical fallacies. Why is logic so important? It's an objective tool that determines whether or not an argument can demonstrate the claim it attempts to make. A logical fallacy is that which renders an argument incapable from doing so. You have the burden of proof. It is your job to prove your god exists. Not the job of others to prove otherwise. Thats called, "Shifting the burden of proof". Its also an argument from ignorance fallacy to assume something is true because it has not been demonstrated to be false. That is just stupid. Atheism is not the assertion that "God does not Exist". It is a rejection of the claim that "God Does Exist". Saying "I do not believe in (X)" is not the same as saying "I believe (X) to be false". I dont claim god does not exist. But, i dont believe he does until YOU can provide a good enough reason to. Then, if by the grace of your non-existent god you were to somehow prove your god "did" exist, would I worship him? No. He commands murder, condones slavery, takes away free will, punishes the rape victim while rewarding the rapist, commits genocide, tortures, and more. Yes, I have a problem with those things. Yes, I have a problem with anything that prevents, or regresses education. If "you" have a problem with that, then im afraid the only people important enough to care and do something about it wont take you seriously with the above requirements ive previously stated. However, it's been four years. Who knows how serious you were.

    Light Bulb

    @Jason Spades nah fam, literaly, screw the Christian God, alot has changed since i put that comment up 😂😂



  40. Nikola Minic

    It remind mi on ending scene of The Boy in Striped Pijamas!

  41. chuckles218

    my favorite song ever for this genre, no doubt in my mind

  42. Grayson Lockhart

    How the FUCK do you dislike!!!???! This is amazing!!

    Joey Chenault

    I know right this is so epic

  43. Curtis Froats

    I'd like to replace that random ringing noise you hear every once in a while with music like this.

  44. TheJudoJoker

    Anyone else here from the BJ Penn highlight?

  45. Shane Williams

    bloody awesome song.....even the parents like it!

  46. Kraklin

    craig amnstrong is the guy who did unremixed

  47. ZΞЯΘ


  48. Laugh

    How do u dislike this video

  49. ximena alava

    Musica epika.... Me gusta

  50. Laugh


  51. Kami Kaz

    Epiiccc song

  52. xBilllzz

    this is the very first song of dubstep i listened to and i still listen to now


    What about now?

  53. Fundel Gurgel

    cant stop hearing this :O

    Lolol Lolol

    Mee too

  54. Poperillnik

    I remember this song in one of million Space Marines tributes... But it wasnt' dubstep/techno variant. Only choir and orchestral music (exceptitng ending). So is this song original or only cover? Because I want to listen clean version, but I cn't fing it :/


    You can find a clean version on youtube under the title Escape by Craig Armstrong.  I found the actual song under the titles Disaster and Hanging (two parts) on Craig Armstrong's cd from the soundtrack of Plunkett & Macleane.

  55. Mathieu Peyrou

    Nmrp The best youtuber pour les montages ;D <3

  56. 12NadaSurf12

    Nero, The Bloody Beetroots, and Mt. Eden are the Best!

  57. K1ngTaijiu

    +1 this if u cri evry tyme

    Kaitlyn Grace

    I cried when I saw that comment. 


    @Kaitlyn Grace I cried when I saw yours :'(

  58. Devon Pierce

    oh! it's the original from real myst :D

  59. Just A player

    This can't be dub step my ears don't hurt XD???


    I am not against people who believe in a god/gods but to blindly follow rulles put in a book from a person who clames to come from god....

    Flush Royal

    @lazergame112 IMy religion says with  follow the rulles you can't reach to top . You must search. And I think You are trying to protects your eyes against the God's "shine".


    Lol this is hilarious to me.

    Bradley Claydon

    These are the dubstep gods mt Eden create master pieces that are clever and powerful not cancer

    Peter Reed

    @ChipzBro fuck you and your stinky god you bloody moron :D

  60. josh

    4,200th Like

  61. The world is yours

    this cant be dubstep this sounds good


    ... u're not the Mr.the cool guy... u're maybe Mr.Dumbass


    @13BiR What?


    @xDaMiWORLDx His name is "MrThecoolcguy" and this was a joke about his name because in his comment he looks more like a dumbass than a cool guy


    Look who stopped following the herd and finally found the good stuff.


    @Dutch__Mofo Whoa, calm down man. :D It doesn't have to be dubstep to be good stuff. 

  62. vassili ZAITSEV

    é-a-ni mu-na-dù  . lugal MtEden 

  63. Exalts Productions

    Fuuuck I cant download it on musoc paradise -_- :/ >:(

    Devious Junkee

    Youtube-mp3 converter :3


    mp3 downloader

  64. chuckles218

    mt eden > all

  65. henry chopoff

    song came on at thee club and i whipped my dik out with the speed of 1000 lightning strikes and dougied up 27.5 women into triple orgams. The dance floor was an ocean, My pants were soakin' 

    Nena R2E6W7A

    im sure this guy is lying fuck really cause im sure somr chick would have fucked him up for doing that to them lols #getalife  

    Gabrielle Smith

    @Netana maguire I'm sure they're just kidding. -_- Maybe you should #getalife and learn to #takeajoke

    Nena R2E6W7A

    hahahaha true true lols


    Nah. You need to have a bigger one before that could happen and you need to have guts henry. Right guys? -3-

    Peter Pan

    @Joelin Joy In order to take a joke,one must first grow a sence of humor...Insert brain here... tap the G15 key to grow a sence of humor right now...tap the G16 key to grow a sence of humor later...tap the G17 key to reset to hatemodus :-))) 

  66. Vijay Vollman

    This gave me soo many chills best ochestral dubstep i have ever listened too

  67. arron frederick

    this makes my schizophrenia alot better when i listen to this

    Markus Meier

    what is shizophrenia? since it sounds like something bad then im happy for you

    arron frederick

    its a brain disorder causing hallucinations and delusions

    Markus Meier

    well then Keep Hearing this song if ist ggod for you ;)

    Polar Bear

    @arron frederick Actually isnt schizophrenia when you believe that you have multiple personalities? So you would think that you're yourself and then someone else?

    arron frederick

    no i have schizophrenia hallucinations and delusions

  68. Jonathan Smithey

    i cry evrytiem, dear god, pls respnd 




    god responded 3 years later welcome amen mazeltov

  69. Lucas Stanfa

    This makes life awesome xD

  70. RecyclableMan

    1:05 is where awesome escalates from there...

  71. HoukouUkage

    Eye of the Tiger

  72. Y3llowPersuasionz

    dammit lucifer!

  73. Lukas Haas

    3 years ago.. Cheers Mt Eden!

  74. Kesva


  75. Carl Golli

    Liquid Dubstep :)

  76. vailin link

    incredible, is what life is.

  77. Aleah Loring

    Comment Tu T'eppelle?

  78. Nicholas Shephard

    yea, basically it only has to be in slow motion.

  79. Joshua Payne

    Don't know why, but... amazing.

  80. Konstantinos Kardasis


  81. logang11rs

    Just gunna stand on my roof with my arms spread wide listening to this song at sundown and sunrise everyday.

  82. Edward Pinder

    This song is about the end of the earth!

  83. Ainara Soria

    just amazing ........... <3

  84. Randomness

    ur mumma sucks...

  85. Vegetsu101

    Woah so you are saying that I am the mighty god of diarrhea? because I was at the toilet accidentally spraying the walls with my shit for the last 4 minutes.

  86. Sly King

    listening this before exam boosts morale ! :D

  87. LishaJoya

    i came again

  88. LishaJoya

    still this will be my wedding march1 of 2

  89. mukkelis

    eargasm (:

  90. Stefan Paraschiv

    shit... over already?

  91. Kevin DNB

    Awesome <3

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