mp3 indir dur

Moğollar - Çiğrik

: Çiğrik
: 4.65 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 104 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 85 İndirme
: 31-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Moğollar - Çiğrik )
  1. Elcin Kuvvet

    I love Mongols 😍

  2. Eren Çelik

    Little çorum fm

  3. ogün güneş

    Aga yorumlara bak hep ecnebi, açılın Türk geldi, ne parça be hey hey

  4. Ergin Yiğit

    Here the list of player and singer of this song:Bass:Taner ÖngürSynthesizer and vocal:Murat SesElektro guitar:Cahit BerkayDrums:Engin Yörükoğlu


    Vokal Taner Öngür olmalı...

    veli can yildirim

    @callofkam ben de Taner Öngür'ün sesine benzettim. Discogs'tan plak bilgilerine baktım ama vokali bulamadım. Nereden bulabiliriz acaba?

  5. Ergin Yiğit

    Yakında bunun bas riflerini size göstermeye çalışacağım

    Alperen Işık

    Hâlâ yayımlamadınız sanırım

  6. Shshs Djdjd

    , V,,,, km önPlanda tutan yiyecekler. Canım

  7. Skulken

    Is this track on an album or only the 45 plak from 1971?

    Ergin Yiğit

    Mr Skulken:This is a part of the album of 1971,which has the name ''Ternek and Haliç'te Gün batımı(Sundown in Golden Horn) This is a people song of the province Erzurum.

  8. Hasan Hüseyin

    wow..Mogollar thanx......Anatolian Rock.. vey nice song

  9. Ayhan Öztürkoğlu

    Birsey yspmali... Milli goruscu olmali....1 sey yapmali... Seviyorum... Guzel şarkı...

  10. Ayhan Öztürkoğlu

    Çok Teşekkürller Şukran Hayirli günlər Eski türküler imiz..sarkilRimiz...türkülerimiz... Gozel... Mükəmməl...Simdi dinliyorum... 70 ler kars Bursa islambol POSOFa selamlar Şukran...80 ler...

  11. MassiveHol84


  12. cayocagi

    bas gitar melodisinin bir kısmı Nur Yoldaş'ın Sultaniyegah şarkısında biraz daha yavaş bir şekilde kullanılıyor gibi geldi.

  13. ignacio rodrigo

    Que wea estos jaiva del oriente jeje saludos

  14. MAHMUT Demirelli

    70 li yıllar çok iyiydi nerde böyle şarkılar yalaka olursan eser üretemezsin

  15. Onur Özdemir

    Annemin ve benim çocukluk şarkımiz oldu umarım cocugumun da olur.

  16. Fikriye Aflazi

    plagini butun gun calar dinlerdik

  17. ahmetguvenrocksound

    Anadolu Rock, Folklorik Rock filan çokta takılmam ama bu bambaşka bir şey... Bu nasıl bir şey!


    Yorumların çoğu yabancı,ayıptır bize kendi müziğimizin kıymetini bilmiyoruz.

  19. Mark Wright

    Back when Turkey was cool. Boy did they ruin the beautiful middle east with their bullshit.


    sori for may bed ingıliş bat yu ol ken sak may dik.


    mary Wright What do you mean exactly by ruining Middle East with Bullshit ?

    Mark Wright

    radical islam

    Mark Wright

    you would love me to suck your dick. im a man as well.


    @Mark Wright Radical Islam is not popular in Turkey. Supporters are not more than 10%..I think you mixed it up with another country ! Turkey had always Rock music, also now. Iran had also some cool music in 70s but after 79, it has been forbidden. You are brainwashed by media. Don't believe everything said by media, you should first visit Turkey and than write your comments about politics. This is a music video, not about politics. You could write something nice about the music though !

  20. yusufum knıghtrıder

    ''Zeki Alasya Metin Akpınar'ın Nereye Bakıyor Bu Adamlar''filminde de müziği kullanılmıştır,paylaşım için teşekkürler ...

  21. TheDamingo

    musicyouneverheard - Video´nun son iki dakika´sini ses´siz gecirmek´ten biktim artik. Lütfen yap birseyler arkadas..

  22. Alican Dökmen ➊

    hey douglas

  23. Hande Erdoğan

    çok güzel

  24. Prod by TiG

    killin it

  25. Mr.veykayy


  26. KC Lorenz

    This song is just to funky. My MPC might explode. EDIT: I thought this song was done with the funk until 3:00 happened. Mind blown!

  27. William Bartlett


  28. Λεωνίδας Κυλάφας

    Great bassline...

    Dost Bulut

    Λεωνίδας Κυλάφας Because His name is Taner Öngür

    Talat Çelik

    Ne sandın yiğenim

    Ergin Yiğit

    Mr.Deonidas I wanna show soon the bass rifs for all.

  29. Saadettin Aker

    Hastasıyız Moğolların

  30. Max Pro

    Quincy Jones stole this beat for Billie Jean?


    lol this sound nothing like billie jean ?


    are you deaf or something? he clearly meant the bassline.


    100% thats what everybody does.

    Ergin Yiğit

    This song is origined from the southern Anatolia,Erzurum .

  31. rambo 83 sneijder

    süper yaa...

  32. Ramazan Aslan

    Çığrık ince tel ince, nolur bize gelince Kız imanından mı gider, yar imanından mı gider Bir kerecik görünce, bir kerecik görünce Çığrık benim tel benim, kahyammıdır el benim. Çığrığın urganıyam, al üstün yorganıyam Annem beni büyüttü, ninem beni büyüttü El kızı kurbanıyam, elkızı kurbanıyam Çığnk benim tel benim kahyammıdır el benim Çığrığın başı kara, ağlarım yana yana Vefasız aşka düştüm, vefasız yare düştüm Çilemde böyle kara, çilemde böyle kara Çığrık benim tel benim, kahyammıdır el benim

  33. Evils the Pelvis

    Moğollar - Çigrik(1971) Thanks musicyouneverheard

  34. newsynth

    It's an arrangement made by Murat Ses, founder of Mogollar. Melody is traditional.

    Urungu Okan


  35. Belal Sherief

    Did Mogollar write this melody? If not, does anyone know where it's from originally? Sounds like a folk melody. I've heard it elsewhere.


    it's an anonymous folk song from erzurum. here's a more traditional rendering:

  36. BuddhistJihad

    Could any of you Turkish guys post the lyrics and a rough translation? I'd love to know. The comments so far are a bit too vague.


    i am sorry. it is too difficult. it is like a poetry. i can only give you the original lyrics. you should find a turkish friend who can speak your language perfectly and ask him :) where are you from?  here you are!Çığrık ince tel ince, nolur bize gelince Kız imanından mı gider, yar imanından mı gider Bir kerecik görünce, bir kerecik görünce Çığrık benim tel benim, kahyam mıdır el benim. Çığrığın urganıyam, al üstün yorganıyam Annem beni büyüttü, ninem beni büyüttü El kızı kurbanıyam, elkızı kurbanıyam Çığnk benim tel benim kahyam mıdır el benim Çığrığın başı kara, ağlarım yana yana Vefasız aşka düştüm, vefasız yare düştüm Çilemde böyle kara, çilemde böyle kara Çığrık benim tel benim, kahyam mıdır el benim

    Yaman Dirik

    +BuddhistJihad translating it word by word would be hard but the meaning is roughly :" i saw a girl once, i fell in love. my mother raised me to be the victim of a stranger's daughter. i fell in love with no appreciation, my trouble is dark".

    London Taxi Services Company

    Çığrık >spindle whorl ( a tool for making thread from wool)story about a man who fall inlove with a thread maker girl

  37. HumphreyBogart22

    hey guys does anyone know about a different version of this song where only the kick and bass are playing, without the guitar during, the introduction? I'm not talking about the recent edit that's floating around though. Thanks :)

    Onur Özdemir

    I still listen this song to "Hey Douglas" but if I understand. A advice : thats song probably at SoundCloud. Maybe veyasin account maybe hey Douglas. That's same dj

    Nazim Onay

    Hi here is a diffrent version Cigrik benim(folk song)

  38. funkye

    Guys, the only unique thing about this music is, it is a folkloric masterpiece. And your argument is totally wrong about Turkey. On the contrary the freedom-era in the 1960-1970's Turkey helped this music to surface, if you dig that era, you will see many masterpieces like this. What ended this era is 1980 fascist coup, with the fascist-right governments this era has came to an end, and musicians either went abroad, or stayed and made pro-army or shitty love songs.

    inan kucuk

    Thank god someone explained very well... To many great songs it’s been made those years ....

    Dawid Szczeblewski

    Can you please point towards more music like this, from this era. LOVE IT!!!!

    forestwisp kara

    erk mete

    This is a very well explanation. Also, I'm really proud because a foreigner knows that there are masterpieces like this in Turkish music. I really appreciate your explanation.

  39. opreanu


  40. manco bora

    tamamen , murat ses farkıdır

  41. TheBillser

    great band, great tune

  42. mestanaga

    This song is from Erzurum(eastern anatolian city and his province).IFormerly ,in the turkish tradions it was shameful,that the lovers to direct talk with each other.For that reason they says songs if they are busy or unhappy .In this song it says from a spinning wheel .


    More likely Western Armenian Highlands not eastern Anatolia. Eastern Anatolia more likely Sivas and Kayseri provinces

  43. Kemal Akbas

    @dsterne Cigrik is an another word for cikrik, it means spinning wheel. Its a song about a girl in the village. He is felt in love but its difficult to be with the girl in ´cause in turkish tradition its unnormal to be together.So he sings, i´m a rope of a spinning wheel....waht is does, if i see the girl for onetime.....I fell in love unfaithful, I fell in unfaithful lover...i´m in big trouble (we say black trouble)...etc.But it´s very difficult to translate ´cause of expressions...

  44. tuerker

    @dsterne difficult to translate:-))

  45. mechanicguitar

    Adamlar herzaman iyi eskisi yenisi

  46. Kenan Yemenicioğlu

    çok hoş

  47. flavermaster5000

    3:01 :D

  48. ichiroo

    Murat Ses Abimizi unutmamak lazım...

  49. KoivuTheHab

    Awesome! I wish they hadn't touched this original masterpiece. Some newer versions that they have made of this song sound like they've gone through someones intestines. Mogollar rules!!!

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