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Markus Schulz - Dark Heart Waiting

Dark Heart Waiting
: Dark Heart Waiting
: 3.01 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 52 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 40 İndirme
: 02-08-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Markus Schulz - Dark Heart Waiting )
  1. Usuario X

    Good track but the video is ugly.

  2. Vivek Das

    Great 🎶


    2019 memories 🖤

  4. William alvarez

    It's 2018 and I still love this as if it was the first time hearing this ❤️

    Khaz Stansfield

    check out Khaz's new solo artist album that just came out!! : )

  5. mach27x


  6. Roy Roger


    NaughtY YoungsteR

    RoyRoger Roger still watching in 2018

  7. Rotec X

    still listening in 2016 :3

  8. Julio Antonio Pozo Perez

    Siempre me gustara.

  9. ruben araiza pena

    la cancion del intro cual es


    Do you dream - Markus Schulz

  10. Carlos Vela

    Khaz looks like enough to Dash Berlin, is his brother twin

    Динара Махамбетова

    Look in 2019

  11. Chrisjoas Nica

    Buena canción es trance saludo...............Since Managua Nicaragua Central America 505

  12. el desterado

    good times

  13. Laidys Reem


  14. Patrick Ryan

    Always loved this track...


    extra. I love it. :)

  16. alex Rios

    love it

  17. Nasrin Khosravi

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwesome Track !!!

  18. ale76life

    Cars model type?

    Kessairi Jad

    @ale76life dodge challenger


    +Kessairi Jad about a 1970.

  19. MsVestro

    "**;:;%;% avesome обалденно.

  20. Raffaele Matrone

    Intro plz?

    Leo De Regil

    Do you dream - markus schulz

    Raffaele Matrone

    Thank you so much ;)


    @Raffaele Matroneyou're welcome

  21. Lucas Matheus

    2:58 , @Dash Berlin ?!

  22. Vera Virabutsady

    Love this song always!

  23. Diego Ruales


  24. Daniel Juarez

    Amazing Marcus from Mexico

  25. Zareef Tashfique

    does he even lift


    yea but not uplift

  26. Jason Valerio

    What is the song intro before the song starts?

  27. pelek4nos

    1:30 Shivers....!

  28. James Judd

    The Do You Dream album was just pure amazing......<3

  29. Elias Farah

    Im gladu liked it miss Natalie

  30. Emil Niciński

    Markus Schulz

  31. Dfrogman

    1:14 the guy falling over, lol these videos are great

  32. VL123

    Armin's This is What it Feels like, and couple other songs....

  33. Alex Ceric

    lately?This video is from 4 years ago

  34. VL123

    I love how there's always a good muscle car in EDM videos lately..

  35. VL123

    wtf is a grunge car? U mean a muscle car? b/c that's what it is.

  36. VL123

    bad ass song...bad ass Challenger

  37. Lucid_Truth

    best song :( <3

  38. Giovanny Martinez

    Alex MORPH + Dash Berlin = Knaz

  39. Zege

    Legendary Track

  40. Adam Elvis Laura

    esta musica me hace llorar....

  41. Milad Moshref

    The Vocal Guy Totally Look Like Dash Berlin !

  42. RobDelazzer((d-.-b))

    (d-.-b) RockZ

  43. hgjf3

    yes! a grunge car

  44. Ronald vidalon zanbrano

    markus q locaso

  45. ManiaMG


  46. Madlen Kowalska

    goose bumps!!!!

  47. Dillan Klein

    Whats the songs's name that plays till 0:15 ??

  48. NOTMuzzaFuzza

    cheese berlin!!! haha tranceproducer trolls ruined me!!

  49. JoSephStalinak

    The dude looks like a crossbreed of Atb and Dash Berlin lol

  50. Łukasz W

    Markus Schulz - Do You Dream ;)

  51. Bassembm

    sure you meant to say Trash Berlin

  52. George PonTzYx

    plzz intro soundtrack ???? name

  53. FakeMotherfocker

    still one of the best

  54. Landel Oliboni Colloda

    first thought:"WTF is Dash Berlin doing there???"xD

  55. HarisS

    The intro song is: Markus Schulz - Do You Dream.

  56. Majid hashemi

    does anyone know what is the name of the song playing @ intro?!?

  57. Schnitz1

    0:54I'm sorry miss, could you move out of the way? You're blocking the view of that sleek Challenger.

  58. Mohammed Abusaada

    True that, but even the best fall sometimes!

  59. THESIS100

    Armin almost invented Trance. What are you saying?!

  60. Perfectino2257


  61. Tudor Kovacs

    good joke

  62. jamesd81792

    please dont take the lord's name in vain.

  63. Andro K.

    2:02 ''bitch''

  64. Jeremy Rowlett

    @ 2:15 (Markus) "Ohh daaaamn mommy!" LOVE IT! hahah

  65. Beto Meraz

    planeando mi futuro

  66. ZornSabreLing

    Forget that bitch, you have a bad ass purple hot rod, Markus ringing up your phone, some nigga in a fish suit at a hot chick photoshoot and a kick ass ginger beard.

  67. JaCon Ubx

    She's more stupid... Stupid Girl...

  68. Alex Cheng

    Nice track & american muscle 8-)

  69. Ja'Lyn lewis


  70. Juan Roque

    @Rafairsoft I got some that look just like em. got em a few months ago

  71. chaosmaker00

    What's the song in the beginning?

  72. Dina Strange

    Such a stupid music video.

  73. pelek4nos

    I know one fucking thing.You have never dissapointed me...a Greek fun!

  74. MrBlazinmazin

    @ZoomZip Do you dream, Markus Schulz

  75. sajlent

    I am sure that Jochen Miller remix is much better! Who's with me? POLSKA ŁAPY W GÓRE!

  76. ZoomZip

    whats the first song?

  77. turboedsel

    Great song and great car! I want that car!

  78. Henrik Hyllengren

    @clyfNz Such an awesome car!

  79. clyf

    such an awesome song

  80. DIngram00

    2:02 is it just me or does Markus Drop The B-Bomb?

  81. James Greening

    DJ Tad introduced me to this song by Schulz, and absolutely love it! Show some love to DJ Tad on Facebook, everybody!

  82. Adrian Gajewski

    @Gumisionatorek M. Schulz - Do You Dream?

  83. Ayoub Feddaoui

    Markus schulz is ladies' man

  84. jesse cayenne

    they sure dont make cars like they use to... real metal??? like does that exist anymore??? and you woud probably beat your girlfriends to if took pills to stay awake and play for seven days lol "ok not funny or cool" but hey you find that anywhere...

  85. moayad al-habahbeh

    @Gumisionatorek do you dream uplifting mix

  86. phantomk2k

    @Chilibe You don't know nothing about cars..only lambo etc...Those cars are CARS

  87. ricktbdgc

    you know trance guys beats their girlfriends after the show!

  88. Bassembm


  89. Mickey Biancaniello

    LOL! I was about to post how Markus said Bitches @ 2:02.. And then I read the top comments.

  90. oli ver

    @sefyuyuyu hahahaha

  91. Mohammed Abusaada

    Just keep going, You are beating Armin Van buuren ^^

  92. xephering

    @WoHDEMENTOR i think it is "Do you dream" check on the side bar >>>

Dark Heart Waiting Şarkı Sözü
Tell me not to struggle
An angel waiting in disguise
When truth gets complicated
This time I swear I'll do it right
From this great distance
I see you in my skin
And though your past is tragic
I feel you closing in
What lies... in this dark heart waiting?
Give me time to find my way
What lives... have I been wasting?
In this line of sight
I cannot stay... I cannot stay...
What lies... in this dark heart waiting?
Give me time to find my way
What lives... have I been wasting?
In this line of sight
I cannot stay I cannot stay...

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