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Maher Zain - True Love

True Love
: True Love
: 3.42 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 185 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 162 İndirme
: 26-07-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Maher Zain - True Love )
  1. Brik Khadija

    True love ❤❤❤❤❤

  2. MZ Gaming

    Maher zain je t adore❤❤💔💔💔💔💔

  3. MZ Gaming

    True loveeeeeeeeee jadoreeeeeee❤❤❤❤❤

  4. Zam Zam

    MashaAllah true love

  5. Salma Mohamed

    Çok güzül

  6. YHMUSIC chanell

    I love the song 😍

  7. Beverlen Brezuela

    Bbbwnsnsnrnneeoiuehbwb AbabbabsnanrenennenLmmsnbshas

  8. با اا

    woooooow it's amazing sing machaa llah

  9. Nour Osama

    الاغنيه دي فعليا روعه بمعني الكلمه 😭😭😭😭❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  10. MZ Gaming


  11. Alya Sarah

    most favourite ❤️❤️❤️

  12. silvieadamson

    📲*Whatapps* *00212.645.760.441*📲شـبـاب🙋‍♂️ لاحــظــت👀 كــثــيــر كـومـنـتـات عـن تـكـبـيـر الـقـضـيـب وضــعــف الانـتـصـاب وسـرعـة الـقـذفولا يــهــمــك👍 تـواصـلـو مـع الــدكــتــور👨‍⚕️ الــلــي نـصـحـنـي بــوصــفــة اسـتـعـمـلـتـهـا كــم أسـبـوع وحــصــلــت عــلــى نــتــايــج مــذهــلــة🤩الـلـي عـايـز الـدكـتـور👨‍⚕️ يــتــواصــل مــعــه الـواتـس اب *00212.645.760.441*📲

  13. Rohingya English platform

    Remarkable song!!!!

  14. Abbasid Theologian

    You can't make homes without parents, my pains 💔not a fire🔥to keep you warm, my arms aren't walls to protect you, from your own internal ⛈️stormmy ❤️ heart is not a light switch for you to turn on, only when you please, I can't carry the weight of your regret because I'm 😥buckling at the knees, my love for you was solid,Until you had it Killed 🥀The holes in my heart can't fit both of us And you can't decide how they are filled you can't make my heart your home ,I won't let you in just because you've knockedyou kept using my heart as your doormatNow my heart is locked🔒

  15. Elm stn

    The Prophet — Allah bless and greet him — said: “Whoever says: there is no god but Allah enters Paradise.”Only in the rememberence of Allah do hearts find peace (13:28)I recommend you to do Uwais Al Qarni Dhkir to get the love of Allah. Taste and See. You can reach the dhikr from veyselkarane . com or you can buy the book Love of Uwaysi from Amazon website. Love of Uwaysi tells you who you are.

    Bangsus Bangsusc15

    Insya allah

  16. Brawl Eagle

    I love Allah

  17. Jannatul Fardous

    Alhamdulillah Jazakhallah

  18. welcome channel


  19. welcome channel


  20. Asma Sabta

    La ilaha illa Allah💙💙💙💙💙

  21. 72şahin72

    Bütün eserlerin okadar guzel ki gerçektenn de o hisse kapilmamak elde degil Allah senden razi olsun Maher Z. senin şarkilarin her guin daha çokk aydinlandiğim bu dönemde bana çokk yardimci oldu gerçekten minnetaeim sana 😃😃

  22. Rosyida Hasan

    Nice song😍

  23. Yahya Dz

    Love music maher zain

  24. S&Z Khalfa

    May Allah bless you Maher Zain. Your voice is mind blowing. Salam from Algeria.

  25. mikhael ar- rejab


  26. Shukri Ciise

    beautiful voice this my favorite song love from Somalia

  27. Bayu Rizky Armanda

    True love is gift from Allah

  28. Princessjandie Ibrahim

    Ilove You So maher Zain❤❤❤❤❤❤

  29. Dubai Uae

    ربي لا تحرم مني رويتك يوم القيامة

  30. Magribi Alhabsya

    Don't khususon waiting....??i want life with some one....who love me now ..,lie of you don't have it

  31. Momina Irfan

    Awesome lyrics!!!!So exciting

  32. Noufira Noushad

    .....True love..... Masha Allah.....

  33. Guey Kadidja

    Who listening it in 2019???

  34. katrine bichou

    I loved this song so so much 😍❤😍❤😍😍💖💖💖💖💖🌹🌹🌹🌹

  35. Royal Blue

    I wonder who are these 503 people who disliked this song!!!!!

  36. Anonymous clasher

    This is not nasheed, it's music. How dare you muslims encourage music with the name of Allah.

  37. Zhyar LiverLine & جیاواز لەهەموان

    Hi everybody im zhyar please subscribe me this is my link      please subscribe and don't forget  ( share )  if you love your goad and relegain

  38. Lul Ahmed

    Nice song about true love. I love listening to this song cool I think you really have true love to allah.

  39. giy147

    Today I mourn the victims of sexual depravity. What is it when the world tries to make Depravity... normal? Where's the LOVE?

  40. giy147

    Today I mourn the victims of sexual depravity. What is it when the world tries to make Depravity... normal? Where's the LOVE?

  41. giy147

    Today I mourn the victims of sexual depravity. What is it when the world tries to make Depravity... normal? Where's the LOVE?

  42. giy147

    Today I mourn the victims of sexual depravity. What is it when the world tries to make Depravity... normal? Where's the LOVE?

  43. fun time jeff

    I love ju so alla

  44. Hussain Amka

    Nice rhyme

  45. Hussain Amka

    I love this

  46. lion lion

    I love mahar song❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  47. سارة عبد الرحمن

    Amaizing song

  48. Hajoora Kawa

    So peaceful

  49. fitrisna lubis

    I love you so Magee zain

  50. Hassan FARABI

    mahir zain is a member of illuminati

  51. Sweet Lailla

    True love❤love wishing you all a Blessing ramadan and a joyful Eid ❤

    Fatima Ali

    You too, Jazakallah Khair

  52. kaniz fatema afnan


  53. محمد عبدالله

    اللهم اني اشهدك اني عبدك احب عبادك واشتهي رضاك عني ومحبتك دائما لي دوم الدهر ولكل المؤمنيين والمؤمنات الاحياء منهم والاموات

  54. Isnai Niah

    True love Allah Allah Allah 😘😘😘

  55. Chch Ak

    True love ..that's our islam 🙏💙💙💛💛❤❤❤

  56. unicornio dilek

    ın my heart has Allah ı love thıs song very much

  57. Airiz Qiraliz

    Allah is my True Love.. I Love You Allah

  58. Nesha fitri angita

    I from amerika. Sae pisan laguna

  59. zamir Sultan

    Thanks Maher zain

  60. taleta nasi


  61. Chch Ak

    Omg! I'm sooo glad cz there's someone or some people can show what's the true ISLAM this my religion ...and plzz stop hurt Muslims....thank u so much Maher zain

  62. umarniyas

    Love the chorus

  63. umarniyas

    ماشاء الله

  64. enbiye karaal


  65. A_E

    Er ist muslim und macht musik...... diese lokiggggggg yauw hahahah

  66. Maaz Mohammad


  67. Sahrish Ali

    Nice song .... Sehrish from Pakistan......

  68. Minlah Nung-alee


  69. Amaan Khan

    It's Haram in Islam

  70. Amal Ahmed

    I believe that true Allah is from Allah

  71. Rabia Ahmad

    😭😭True love mean tears

  72. Büşra Güvenç

    Allah senden razı olsun Maher Zain. Bu ilahi ile bir kez daha gerçek aşkın ALLAH aşkı olduğunu anlamış olduk.Rabbim hepimizi bu aşktan ayırmasın . Amin

  73. Maaz Mohammad


  74. war kami

    It's so hard those days to find a combination of nice lyrics and music so thank you and keep it up.salam from Algeria

  75. Rania Athanasiou

    god bless you maher !!!🌹🌹🌹

  76. Aan Chan

    Indonesian fans here

  77. Alfiyan Hidayat

    Beautiful song

  78. Noura Nou

    ماشاء الله انشودة ولا اروع مع منشد مذهل فعلا انت موهبة

  79. Бахтовар Мансуров

    True love is one and everyone here knows it.

  80. Edwin Badah

    I Love you so much ya allah😍😍😍

  81. Imdadulchoudhury Choudhury

    Love from india

  82. M MoOny

    روعه ❤✋

  83. Mubashir

    Salaam from Kashmir

  84. Mohammed Sohaib


  85. Diana Araiza

    I could listen to this song over and over again, Love it!!

  86. Diana Araiza

    God=💓 Allah=💘True Love.

  87. Selma BNzahra

    we love all tout songs🌹bonne continuation with 💝🌹

  88. 1 2

    *C R I N G E*

  89. gahaha halala

    i love ur song maher zain

  90. Fifi Irwanti

    I believe to Maher Zain

  91. Sissa Mellal

    the love given to us by allah is the true love

    Elbarnoussi Abdelilah

    So true ❤

  92. Mia Mia

    ALLOH Subb'Hana Wataalla is everything,,❤❤❤..

  93. Şahsına Münhasır


  94. AH Bhat

    ❤❤❤❤one of my best

  95. Mohamed Safwan


True Love Şarkı Sözü
Maher Zain - True Love Sözleri

I long for a world so pure and free

I wish for others all I’d wish for me

To live right, avoiding what is wrong

And focus everyday on the ultimate goal

Forever, what’s in my heart

Is all of the love from Allah


True love, it’s a gift

I will never let go of true love

I will give my body and soul for true love

Everyday in my heart I feel it grow

With true love, oh oh

True love, love, love yeah!

Each day

I’ll extend my hand

Give my all and do whatever I can

For a good life

Of joy and happiness

Everything I do I start in His Name

Forever, what’s in my heart

Is all of the love from Allah


True love, it’s a gift

I will never let go of true love

I will give my body and soul for true love

Everyday in my heart I feel it grow

With true love, oh oh

True love, love, love yeah!

Now raise your hands

And let’s be thankful to Allah

True love!

Let’s forgive each other with all our hearts

True love!

I never knew it would feel so good

Just being true to myself and true to You


True love, it’s a gift

I will never let go of true love

I will give my body and soul for true love

Everyday in my heart I feel it grow

With true love, oh oh

True love, love, love yeah!

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