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Maher Zain - So Real

So Real
: So Real
: 4.57 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 94 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 74 İndirme
: 26-07-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Maher Zain - So Real )
  1. Ryan Pramana

    Ada yg kesini gara² ikut ESQ terus nyari lagunya? Like please :)

  2. Vlasta Hochelova


  3. Sittie ainah Abdul

    masha allah 💕💕

  4. Sushi Meowshi

    I am learning to write poems and nasheeds and these lyrics inspired me. song stuck in my head.

  5. Erzsébet Balogh

    hálásan köszönöm 💕

  6. Erzsébet Balogh

    köszönöm a segítségét

  7. silvieadamson

    📲*Whatapps* *00212645760441*📲شــبــاب🙋‍♂️ لاحـظـت👀 كــثــيــر كــومــنــتــات عــن تـكـبـيـر الـقـضـيـب وضـعـف الانـتـصـاب وسـرعـة الــقــذفولا يــهــمــك👍 تـواصـلـو مـع الـدكـتـور👨‍⚕️ الــلــي نــصــحــنــي بـوصـفـة اسـتـعـمـلـتـهـا كــم أسـبـوع وحـصـلـت عـلـى نــتــايــج مـذهـلـة🤩الــلــي عــايــز الـدكـتـور👨‍⚕️ يــتــواصــل مـعـه الـواتـسـاب *00212.645.760.441*📲

  8. Caasho Maxamed


  9. hamisi goregore

    The best. Hussein Kenya

  10. Attawabin Sosor

    Masya Allah i like this song..Salam from indonesia.

  11. Arsad Zacatia

    Masha allah ☺️such a great song ☺️love frim philippine maher and hanoud best duet 😘😘😘

  12. Lutfiah Alattas


  13. bidayatul izzah

    I like 😊😊

  14. Osmani Salima

    ماشاءلله لله☝❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍😍😍😍💖💖💖💖💖💖💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

  15. rayan zeghib

    Waw tooooop

  16. Кутман Нурбеков

    🇰🇬🇰🇬 I am kyrgyzstan! Good song!! 👍👍😀

  17. faqot faqot

    Shollowlooh ala muhammad

  18. فاطمة بتول

    اغنية رائعة ،😍😍😍

  19. Mohammad Irfaan

    This song really relieve my heart

  20. Kureng fish

    Alhamdulillah sekian lama mencari lagu ni dapat juga jumpaa...huahh😭 adaka yg tgok 2019? Like sikit😁😆

    Hafizee Farhan


  21. Dude Bageur

    I'm a Muslim and I love your song

  22. mohd azhar

    how many Christians like this song?

  23. Azib Hazim

    Raef and Maher Zain...It is so real!

  24. obimo .p

    Gilaaaa pembangkit mood banget iniiiii

  25. Fauzia Shaikh

    Keep Allah first and everything sets in place. It feels peace everytime you listen it

  26. elmin isgenderov

    Allahümme salli ala seyyidina Muhammedin ve ala ali seyyidina Muhammed

  27. قناة قاهر المتناقضين

    Who listening to it2019

  28. Haby Wone

    I love Allah

  29. Fatuma Salum

    Am so real with him👍

  30. KHALID khalid

    الإسلام دين السلام والخير الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام ❤❤🙏🙏

  31. Efry Prasasty

    Wow tha's owsem....

  32. Genius Girls

    Love 💕 Allah

  33. Lilly sarah


  34. AIMAN 17 IMAN

    Assalamualaikum ,peace be upon the world,may Allah bless us and stop the war all around the world.

  35. Surainee Hayeeningoh

    3/7/2019 I'm listen this song💖And all of Raef song'sBecause I love his voice 😻

    Meh Di

    yes is verrrrry nice job maher and raef ♥♥

  36. Shatha Zakaria

    You are a great person ..maher zain

  37. Aurel ramadhani

    I love islam 😘😘😘😘♥

  38. Dika Mulya saputra

    Very good songs

  39. فطيمة فطيمة

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh✨✨MashaAllah 💫beautiful

  40. Hax.

    its been 5 years since this song came out...and i cant stop listening to it

  41. blossom Ahmed


  42. Rida Allouanne

    nice music

  43. Sabjan Bhai

    I don't know that much English but by listening this i know

  44. Lutfi Iskandar

    This song bring me peace

  45. Yahya Nb

    Hello i'm from Indonesia

  46. Yahya Nb

    Subhanallah thank you Allah

  47. Abdelhak Benati

    2-6-2019 💕🙈

  48. The Player

    100% haram song or Nasheed!

  49. chahi zi

    I'm in love with this nashiid

  50. Hannah Zohra

    I have to listen to this song every day - just inspires me.

  51. Edit Com

    That is real nice song I 💖 💖💖

  52. Melike Nur Erdem

    Harikasınız 💕

  53. Amina Kherroubi

    Machallah,it s a verry beautifaul nachid,😍

  54. Life Ndiaye

    2019 ?:)

  55. เรียม ประกายเพชร


  56. aumelia a

    Masha Allah !!! Cette chanson est magnifique ❤❤❤

  57. Jamal Beydoun

    Are you two brothers

  58. Adiba Almas

    Really so real.

  59. JoSePh BEN

    Mashallah Nice Song ❤❤😍

  60. WhatAboutRafa


  61. Siti Syajaah

    So Allah with you.. Who may 2019? Salaam..I am from indonesia.

    Eeeea Mabarrr

    Good mhanks

    The Pencil /YouTube Channel

    Ada juga +62

    Mumtaz Aufa Pradita

    saya mumtaz apa betul kamu dari indonesia

  62. Zejio Ahnaf


  63. Yasmin Juliane

    I love this song and the singer

  64. Raje

    Yang unlike tu ntah pape sial 🙄

  65. Gasmi Ibtissem

    ma favorite 👍👍❤

  66. Geraldine Gaggia

    Love it

  67. raquel_eloa_lima eloa

    Brasil so eu aqui

  68. Bromdarou Diene Diene


  69. توته توته

    it's amazing 😍😍😍😍

  70. Suryahadi Eko Hanggoro

    Wow, it's very good song. I always repeat this song

  71. Jawed Bagla

    Maher Zain I am your die heart fan

  72. Okta Orlando

    2019 anyone ?

  73. Veggy Monica

    April 2019..?

  74. Nur Azizah

    I like it, cheerful song, Masya Allah ♥️

  75. miko mako

    Sorry, can anyone tell me the name of that beach ? And where is that ? I feel i wanna go There someday, that really wonderful masterpiece of Allah.. I'm moeslim, and im from Indonesia, the biggest population muslim ini the word..


    Who watching this in 2019?😗

    Nur Azizah

    Wkwk I am

    Hendy WaLet

    Me .. 😁🇮🇩❤️

  77. Mohd Shabir

    Maher said is a good singer . Nashallah

    Mohd Shabir


  78. Lubka Koroteyeva

    I love all Maher Zain songs.

  79. The Divine Guidance

    O Allah open up our Hearts!

  80. Bromdarou Diene Diene


  81. isac ulphilas

    this song is very nice and the best

  82. Vita Syarif

    I love this song

  83. Amelia Suci

    Like this song 💕💕

  84. gen maling gitar

    islam like

  85. Bromdarou Diene Diene


  86. M.M .Makram

    i need vocals only

  87. Hana Nouna

    2019 ?!!❤

  88. H M A Kaium

    """"" জাঝাক আল্লাহু খইর """""♥♥♥※♡♡♡

  89. Akang Dedew

    Good asik di dengaar ya..

  90. Ferdian Saputra

    Untill now Hear this song.

  91. হাবিবুর রহমান

    আপনাদের অনেক ভালোবাসি বাংলাদেশ থেকে।I love you so much from Bangladesh

  92. TeBe

    Masih ada yang nonton di 2019?

    Quotes Gue

    Saya mas.. 😍

    Hendy WaLet

    Absen bro...

  93. Lilly sarah


  94. Nabilla Ning thyas

    Masha.aallah salam from indonesia.barakallah

  95. duren ijo


So Real Şarkı Sözü
Maher Zain - So Real Sözleri

They say that love never lasts

That love never lives to see another day

But what I know deep down inside

It's what I feel and it's so real

I gave it up all for You

And there ain't nothing that I won't do

All I know deep down inside

It's what I feel and it's so real with You!


Allah, everyday I'll try to be as true as I can to You

'Cause loving You the best I can

Will always be my number one and only plan

Yes everyday I'll try to be as true as I can to You

'Cause loving You the best I can

Will always be my number one and only plan

They say: "You're out of your mind"

"Don't you know that love fades away?"

They say: "It only brings you pain!"

But what I feel is so real!

I gave it up and turned to You

'Cause I know what your love can do

O Allah open up our hearts

And make us feel how it's so real with You!

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