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Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You

Peace Be Upon You
: Peace Be Upon You
: 4.51 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 111 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 80 İndirme
: 26-07-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You )
  1. Dewa Purnama

    I love islam to maher zain the best religious singer to me

  2. Aleeza Aaminah Basharat

    2019 and still listening xx

  3. Mumtaz Aufa Pradita


  4. karim lejri

    Audu billahi

    karim lejri

    Music is haram

  5. Walid Walid

    اللهم إملاء قلوبنا بالإيمان وطاعة الرحمن

  6. Fikah Fikah


  7. It's me Aqilah and Izzati 789

    When I listen this song I was crying cause I love very very much this song

  8. Arifah Mrhreen

    Assalamu alaikum to Maher zain😊😊😊

  9. Syed Nisar ali

    Mashallah ❣heart touching❣ nasheed Allah bless you Maher Zain♨️♨️♨️

  10. silvieadamson

    📲*Whatapps* *00212.645.760.441*📲شــبــاب🙋‍♂️ لاحـظـت👀 كــثــيــر كـومـنـتـات عـن تــكــبــيــر الـقـضـيـب وضــعــف الانــتــصــاب وسـرعـة الـقـذفولا يـهـمـك👍 تـواصـلـو مـع الــدكــتــور👨‍⚕️ الــلــي نــصــحــنــي بــوصــفــة اســتــعــمــلــتــهــا كـم أسـبـوع وحــصــلــت عـلـى نـتـايـج مــذهــلــة🤩الـلـي عــايــز الـدكـتـور👨‍⚕️ يـتـواصـل مــعــه الـواتـسـاب *00212645760441*📲

  11. Illuminate Axtro

    There’s faith in my worldIt comes back to your teachings and all your wordsFrom your life I have learntTo be patient and caring at every turnThe reason I’m strongYou’re where I belongIn a world spinning out of controlThe reason for my prideYou are my guideAnd I will always follow your wayYour way, your way, oh!Chorus:‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad(May Allah’s salutations be upon you O Muhammad)Peace & blessings on you every day‘Alayka salla Allah O MuhammadYou inspire me in every wayI promise that wherever I goWhenever I prayI’ll be sending you praiseWith the words that I sayRasulallah (Messenger of Allah), O MuhammadPeace & blessings on you every dayThere’s light in my heartHelps me find my way back when I've gone too farWhen all my anger makes me blindI remember you’re a mercy for all mankindThe reason I forgive as long as I liveIn a world spinning out of controlThe reason I love, I'll never give upAnd I will always follow your wayYour way, your way, oh!There’s faith in my worldIt comes back to your teachings and all your wordsFrom your life I have learntTo be patient and caring at every turnThe reason I’m strongYou’re where I belongIn a world spinning out of controlThe reason for my prideYou are my guideAnd I will always follow your wayYour way, your way, oh!Chorus:‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad(May Allah’s salutations be upon you O Muhammad)Peace & blessings on you every day‘Alayka salla Allah O MuhammadYou inspire me in every wayI promise that wherever I goWhenever I prayI’ll be sending you praiseWith the words that I sayRasulallah (Messenger of Allah), O MuhammadPeace & blessings on you every dayThere’s light in my heartHelps me find my way back when I've gone too farWhen all my anger makes me blindI remember you’re a mercy for all mankindThe reason I forgive as long as I liveIn a world spinning out of controlThe reason I love, I'll never give upAnd I will always follow your wayYour way, your way, oh!There’s faith in my worldIt comes back to your teachings and all your wordsFrom your life I have learntTo be patient and caring at every turnThe reason I’m strongYou’re where I belongIn a world spinning out of controlThe reason for my prideYou are my guideAnd I will always follow your wayYour way, your way, oh!Chorus:‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad(May Allah’s salutations be upon you O Muhammad)Peace & blessings on you every day‘Alayka salla Allah O MuhammadYou inspire me in every wayI promise that wherever I goWhenever I prayI’ll be sending you praiseWith the words that I sayRasulallah (Messenger of Allah), O MuhammadPeace & blessings on you every dayThere’s light in my heartHelps me find my way back when I've gone too farWhen all my anger makes me blindI remember you’re a mercy for all mankindThe reason I forgive as long as I liveIn a world spinning out of controlThe reason I love, I'll never give upAnd I will always follow your wayYour way, your way, oh!There’s faith in my worldIt comes back to your teachings and all your wordsFrom your life I have learntTo be patient and caring at every turnThe reason I’m strongYou’re where I belongIn a world spinning out of controlThe reason for my prideYou are my guideAnd I will always follow your wayYour way, your way, oh!Chorus:‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad(May Allah’s salutations be upon you O Muhammad)Peace & blessings on you every day‘Alayka salla Allah O MuhammadYou inspire me in every wayI promise that wherever I goWhenever I prayI’ll be sending you praiseWith the words that I sayRasulallah (Messenger of Allah), O MuhammadPeace & blessings on you every dayThere’s light in my heartHelps me find my way back when I've gone too farWhen all my anger makes me blindI remember you’re a mercy for all mankindThe reason I forgive as long as I liveIn a world spinning out of controlThe reason I love, I'll never give upAnd I will always follow your wayYour way, your way, oh!There’s faith in my worldIt comes back to your teachings and all your wordsFrom your life I have learntTo be patient and caring at every turnThe reason I’m strongYou’re where I belongIn a world spinning out of controlThe reason for my prideYou are my guideAnd I will always follow your wayYour way, your way, oh!Chorus:‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad(May Allah’s salutations be upon you O Muhammad)Peace & blessings on you every day‘Alayka salla Allah O MuhammadYou inspire me in every wayI promise that wherever I goWhenever I prayI’ll be sending you praiseWith the words that I sayRasulallah (Messenger of Allah), O MuhammadPeace & blessings on you every dayThere’s light in my heartHelps me find my way back when I've gone too farWhen all my anger makes me blindI remember you’re a mercy for all mankindThe reason I forgive as long as I liveIn a world spinning out of controlThe reason I love, I'll never give upAnd I will always follow your wayYour way, your way, oh!

  12. Mohamed Uzair Sait

    I wish Maher Zain would not use music who else thinks leave a like

  13. Nokia Lumia 920i

    I’m a Muslim, and this is very heartwarming!-Love from pakistan 🇵🇰

  14. yusuf bingül

    Takkeye ne oldu lan yavşak

  15. Star Wars Entertainment

    I'm Muslim...when I'm hear Maher Zain songs,I feel more love in Islam...

  16. Inaayia

    Octobre suis musulmane et très fière de l’être. Paix et salut à tout mes frères chretiens, juifs, athées, marchons tous ensemble dans la joie et la bonne humeur. L’islam est une religion de paix et de tolérance. Je vous aime

  17. Mehdi GB

    How beautiful is Islam, thank God, for the grace of Islam 🇲🇦🇲🇦

  18. Fati Fatu

    Tanzour lka3ba liaweli mara

  19. Fati Fatu

    Hasbona llah

  20. Aris Nabila


  21. Fadhlan shiddiq

    By seeing these comments, I realize that I am not alone. I have many many brothers and sisters from many religions all over the world and we all have huge love to love one another.

  22. Najrana Adam

    I love this soo much I sing it

  23. Abu Zar

    2019 and I still love this song

  24. Habiba Sultana

    Subhan Allah


    So good

  26. mohd nazir

    Morality music.peace

  27. Rembo Rembo

    Lagu motivasi hidup makasih maher zain

  28. Guede Anne

    i'm crying 😢I love our prophet so much

  29. Fati Fatu

    Allaho akber kabiran

  30. Fati Fatu

    Llah ifarej y'a rab

  31. Fati Fatu

    Llah ifarej y'a rab

  32. Momin Ali Wajid Official

    nice for Allah *alayka salla alah o mohammad allah huakbar

  33. Fati Fatu


  34. ibrahim_ maryam

    We love muslim and we love allah rememberalways solat and remember allahand im muslim

  35. hido jan

    I love you so much maher zain 💐❤soul me ❤💐

  36. Sow Kadiza

    Think you my friend

  37. Sow Kadiza

    Think you my friend

  38. Fatema Farhana

    Maher Every single time I hear your music I end up with in my throat .Your voice tone inspirational and too much touching voice.

  39. Muhammad Islam

    Love الله Love محمد ❣️

  40. Zakariya Stark

    I love nashed

  41. Zakariya Stark

    I love Maher Zain and Islam I am Muslim

  42. Rifhazard


  43. Angel Lipaygo

    this is so touching. I'm crying

  44. Vicky Fortuna

    There's faith in my worldIt comes back to your teachings and all your wordsFrom your life I have learntTo be patient and caring at every turnThe reason I'm strongYou're where I belongIn a world spinning out of controlThe reason for my prideYou are my guideAnd I will always follow your wayYour way, your way, oh!‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad(May Allah's salutations be upon you O Muhammad)Peace & blessings on you every day‘Alayka salla Allah O MuhammadYou inspire me in every wayI promise that wherever I goWhenever I prayI'll be sending you praiseWith the words that I sayRasulallah (Messenger of Allah), O MuhammadPeace & blessings on you every dayThere's light in my heartHelps me find my way back when I've gone too farWhen all my anger makes me blindI remember you're a mercy for all mankindThe reason I forgive as long as I liveIn a world spinning out of controlThe reason I love, I'll never give upAnd I will always follow your wayYour way, your way, oh!I know the only thing I want from this lifeAnd it's to follow all your footsteps to ParadiseSo that's the way I'm going to spend all my timeYes I swear, by Allah I swear!‘Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad(May Allah's salutations be upon you O Muhammad)Peace & blessings on you every day‘Alayka salla Allah O MuhammadYou inspire me in every wayI promise that wherever I goWhenever I prayI'll be sending you praiseWith the words that I sayRasulallah (Messenger of Allah), O MuhammadPeace & blessings on you every day

  45. Jason Gaviola

    I'm not a muslim but this song catches my attention and I loved it ❤️

  46. Asep Permana

    September 2019 and still listening this beautiful song, I really love this song 😇

  47. Ana lolo

    جميلة اوي 😐💓💗

  48. Chaos Magician

    This Caucasian non Muslim loved it....السلام على كل من يحب هذا

  49. Nikki Tanggo

    ❤❤❤ 😍😍🤲

  50. alamin islam2002

    i like Lyrics . Love it

  51. M. Ashraf

    Dh ramai org masuk islam sbb minat lagu maher zain ni tntng islam....alhamdullilah

  52. Dato malim jaafar Ghazali

    September 2019?

  53. 心願

    Amazing and Beautiful voice 💕💕💕

  54. Nakki - kun

    masyaaaa allaahhhh

  55. ام عماد

    اسمعوا اللحن نفس لحن اغنية الارنبة الشرطية

  56. M. Ashraf

    Assalamualaikum Umat NABI MUHAMMAD (SAW) sekalian...

  57. Wadu Wadu

    Always love this song..This song make me love to Rasulullah

  58. Djidja Man

    I love Islam

  59. reyan Sindy

    Subscribe 😘😉😉

  60. reyan Sindy

    I LOVE YOU MY DEAR ❤🌹Maherzain 🌹❤

  61. fatima dbouk


  62. Kiara Camacho

    Our beloved prophet peace and blessings upon him everyday!🌙💧

  63. Muhd Izzat Ab halim

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

  64. Md.Torikul Islam

    আমি গর্বীত এমন একটি আর্টিস্টের ফ্যান হয়ে

  65. İnci Aydın

    Sevgimin nedeni hiç pes etmemem 👍🏻Sözleri mükemmel The reason for my love is that I never give up 👍 The lyrics are perfect🇹🇷TURKEY🌹❤️

  66. saddam husin

    why ramai dislike

  67. Mohammad Azhar Sharif


  68. Arieffandi Sutanto


  69. johan irfan jp

    thank you allah

  70. Aung Kaung Htet

    Every Muslim loves allah and the prophets

  71. innocent aim

    Peace be upon you o my beloved Mohammed. .

  72. Aung Kaung Htet

    Yeah I miss our prophet too but when we pass away we will see our prophet and allah🤗😥a bit sad too

  73. Aung Kaung Htet

    Hi Maher zain I’m a Muslim and I’m going to sing this song nextYear at Eid Mubarak but I’m from singapore 🇸🇬 I love u’r songsLast year I sang one of your songs it’s the chosen one 🕋🕋🕌🕍 But I’m a kid I love allah too and I’ll try to follow foot,steps to paridiseFor muslims put a 👍if u think you love allah too😺

  74. Pure production

    Peace be upon you o Mohammad S. A. W

  75. Jen tex jen tex

    I know this song almost by heart

  76. Hani Abdirashid


  77. El Mo

    It makes me cry 😭😭😭

  78. jai yoel

    I am not Muslim ,but I very like this song,very`s good and I am so happy hear this song

  79. Zahara Kalushi

    This song is like an answered prayer. So calming...

  80. Zahara Kalushi


  81. عراقي اسبورت-Arage Asbort

    عليك صلى الله و محمد☺️😊

  82. Kevin Webster

    I speak Arabic and this is true song of love.

  83. Syed Aon


  84. ayoubjad Channel

    I miss you my prophete muhammed peace be upon you day and night and in every breath I take اللهم صلي على حبيبي رسول الله

  85. Aireen Barambangan


  86. Zaim Zulqarnaini

    I'm really love this song . tq

  87. Freaky Hacker

    Subhaan Allah

  88. 游泳池甜美可爱的猫咪

    the song is very good, I am moved

  89. atiqur rahman

    islam is the only religion of peace like this song. so come freely to the devine love of islam & prophet mohammed (s) for bringing peace all around the world .

  90. Afiqah Izzati

    It must be very very very very very happy if Prophet Muhammad S.A.W still a life in this world☺

  91. Linda Listiatin

    2019 😍😍

  92. birin sbr

    i from indonesia this song is very good

  93. Pios Pios

    Who heard that song at2019😁😁🤗

Peace Be Upon You Şarkı Sözü
Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You Sözleri


Gönüllerde hasretin var

Yürekler aşkınla çarpar

Sensiz dünya bizlere dar

Selam sana ey kuddusi yar


You are missed for many days

The hearts beat with your love

The earth is narrow without you

Peace be upon you

Oh holy love (or my beloved)


Where submission , faith and patience

You conveyed the noble message

Brought this light through your guidance

Peace be upon you my beloved


Ya habibi, ya muhammad

Ya nabi salam alayka

Ya rasol salam alayka

Ya habib salam alayka

Salawatu Allah alayka


Oh my love, oh Mohammad

Oh Prophet peace be upon you

Oh Rasool, peace be upon you

Oh my love, peave be upon you

Praises of Allah on you


Teri muhabbat ki mehak say

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