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Maher Zain - Palestine

: Palestine
: 5.18 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 238 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 215 İndirme
: 26-07-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Maher Zain - Palestine )
  1. Noor Gussn

    I am from palatine I am so happy everyone care about palastine

  2. Aisyah Jmb

    Palestine tomorrow Will be free amin ya Allah

  3. Mahmadova Zulaykho

    InshaAllah !

  4. Ali Gillani

    Palestine will be free Inshallah

  5. Trisna Desi

    I love you Palestina

  6. Trisna Desi


  7. Ali 88 A1 \G1

    We don't stop. Every Humen will be free

  8. S Gamming15

    Free palestine from indonesian

  9. mustafa abbas

    يغني اجنبي بالرغم انه عربي؟؟ناكر الاصل

  10. Chris Evans


  11. anon anon

    Why is there music in an 'Islamic' nasheed. Only thing it tells us is that someone's trying to compensate a voice. No need to compensate voice if not poor so remove. And where a person adds music at least have the decency not to call it a nasheed or add any Islamic words. It's an insult to Islam and the Islamic words. And nasheed artists should take this more seriously bcs they know Muslims are listening to it. U have some extent of responsibility for everyone who listens to it too. Not that they aren't responsible either but that doesn't reduce any responsibility on either side.

  12. Ferguso Antena

    Indonesia for PALESTINA!!!Keep strong my brother!!Never give up to fight!!!Our prayer are always for you my brother!#palestinefree

  13. Dea Fadila

    I Love Palestine❤🙏🙏😊We Always pray for Palestine❤#Fromindonesia

  14. Rabiha-Sanaa Odetallah

    Allah(SWT) plzzzz free Palestine and help them win the battle they are in trouble so plz help Every Muslims in the world. :):):):(:(:( I also have cousins and uncles and Aunts and more people living in Palestine right now. Palestine is the best place ever except for paradise. AKA, Jenna. Love you all.

  15. Biya Khan

    Palistean free

  16. Syed Mohammad Sibtain Ali Raza Qadri

    Inshallah! One Day Palestine Will Be Free 💕

  17. Rabia Ahmad

    Palastine tomorrow will be free😢😢

  18. Zain Zubair

    inshallah palastine will be free tommarow and I know something that a army isn't gonna help palestinean brothers and sisters I know that a air force or navy or tanks wont help our palestinean brothers and sisters but our preyers and duas to allah will be the most helpful and powerful think to help out palestinean brothers and sisters. I beg you my muslim brothers and sisters after every preyer do dua that they will be free. I do dua that we will not have to face anything like this again and I do dua our muslim borthers and sisters are lead bac to the right path to islam. Ameen

  19. Pur Wanto

    Saya selalu berdoa untuk sodaraku disana, palestine will be free..

  20. GULINHO Ahmed

    Insha allah Palestine will be free soon never give up my muslim brother's & sister's 🙏🙏 we pray for you always.

  21. shahida niz

    I am from India. Insha Allah falestein will free.

  22. Filzay

    In Sha Allah 😣🙏

  23. Apon


  24. plorty dorty

    Allahuma Ameen One day it will be free inshaAllah

  25. Ghost Animation

    إن شاء الله فلسطين راح تتحرر و رح تكون أرض المحشر

  26. Akbar orlando

    Pray for palestine

  27. john matt fic jic

    InshAllah free

  28. Killua Zoldyk

    My House Palestine

  29. alex pitsfaiter

    love israel!

  30. Omar Mahmoud


  31. ilyaas rahimi

    Inshallah paletinan will be free. And Israel will be off the map inshallah

  32. Tori Kai

    Can someone here translate the woman’s words here in English?

  33. nana zainal

    MasyaAllah such a wonderful song

  34. Maya Carpenter

    I tell to myself "Palestine will be free tomorrow" everyday

  35. SCJ ce bazar

    FreePalestine ☝

  36. Syaw Ways


  37. Aisa Augus Mindayani

    InshaAllah kafiir lost . Islam ia winner 😢😢😭

  38. 【мvp】 ѕтαя


  39. Rayyan Ahmed

    Palestine is not a good country. The Jews were allowed in and they were given that land THe Jews own the land now DEAL WITH IT

  40. mo otje

    Free palistina

  41. Clips Top

    yah.Palestine Tomorrow well be free.inshaallah

  42. palestine is my love


  43. * MaisyYourDaisy *

    Just remember ALLAH will always be there no matter what

  44. chiky rara

    save palestine. love you all

  45. Maoui Hakou

    انشاالله فلسطين حرة

  46. Septha Dana

    Israel fight to indonesia.. we will death your

  47. Funny Bunny

    Palestine will be free inshallah, and the innocent muslims who died, inshallah they'll go to paradise, El janna, chouhada

  48. جزائرية والفخر ليا

    ان شاء الله رب العالمين 😢😢😢😢💔💔💔

  49. TheOriginalSchohni

    ► WHOM does the Holy Land actually belong to?1 @International Law: It surely belongs to the Palestinians - they did live there for hundreds of years.2 @Old Testament: It surely belongs to the Israelites - God did give it to Moses after fourty years in the desert.3 @Quran: Surah 5,19-32 gives the answer. It surely belongs to Israel (says the QURAN!!!).Why? Surah 5,19-32 shows a dialog between Muhammad, Moses and Allah/God:- O People of the Scripture ...- And [mention, O Muhammad], when Moses said to his people, "O my people, remember the favor of Allah upon you when He appointed among you prophets and made you possessors and gave you that which He had not given anyone among the worlds ...- O my people, enter the Holy Land which Allah has assigned to you ...- [Moses] said, "My Lord ...- [Allah] said, "Then indeed, it is forbidden to them for forty years [in which] they will wander throughout the land - Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel ...Has everybody understood?THE QURAN (!) SAYS THE HOLY LAND IS GIVEN TO MOSES !!! Why then fighting there?

  50. Qasem Jordan

    ان شاء الله رح ترجع فلسطين .....وجميع الدول العربية إلى احسن الأوضاع ما النا إلا الدعاء لا تفقدو الأمل 😊 الأمل موجود والعزيمة والاصرار أساس النجاح 💝👍 أردني و أفتخر

  51. Sarah Chahir

    may Allah protect Palestine ! and these who want to destroy Palestine have no religion and they do not believe in anything ! These are zionist ..

  52. Farah Kamilia


  53. murat ugurlu

    When Israhel and the usa not going to the Hell its not posible for free in this world.


    FREE PALESTINA ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  55. vir gola

    I love you... Allah bless you dear my brother.... In sha allah I will meet you....

  56. Amman Ahmed

    I wants too kill Netanyahu someone give me like

  57. Ali Baba

    Palestine will be free when the rich "Muslim leaders" will come together and free them - fighting each other, Takfirism - Arab supremacy groups, attacking minorities, and most importantly being the friend of the enemy's friend, makes you their friend. If you're satisfied with simply pointing fingers and not ready to challenge the stance of the Muslim countries (corruption, extravagance, injustice, discrimination, materialistic lives of monarchies), you're not making any difference. We're often happy to condemn others to hell - and not worried about ourselves, we'll be asked "you knew the truth, what did you do about it". Prayer is great, but Allah doesn't change the state of a people until they change it themselves. Quran (13:11).

  58. Asifa Nazneen

    Palestine will be free one day. Stone throwers will be victorious on the day on the judgement in"shah"allah aameen may allah give us all sabar🙏🏼🙌🏼😃

  59. Anthony Stone

    turns out Israel is the true bad guy may God give you what you deserve for what you've done Israel for what you've done to Palestine taking away human rights murdering children may God give you defeat for what you've done

  60. Royyan Ahmed's Random DIY

    Oh Palestine, we love u, we feel your pain, we ask Allah (swt) for your freedom.(Ameen)!

  61. Adil Riaz

    PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!!! INSHALLAH!! and justice will prevail and soon world will wake up from the satanic zionism braincontrol. Allah swt warned the children of israel that he will call them back to the holy land but they must live in peace with their brothers the palestinians. But they went back to evil, ever since they took over the madean they broke the covenant with allah swt by breaking there covenant with allah swt and started to worship idols like Baal and practicing magic, which is why no longer have any humanity left in them. so inshallah time is coming it is just matter of time. that allah swt will free palestine from the evils of zionism the talmudic jews.

  62. Sohail Mahmood

    Thanks maher zain fr all yr lovely songs

  63. Jayed Hossain Mridul

    Palestine is my 2nd homeland💖 from #Bangladesh

  64. Shazia Parveen

    Palestine will be free happy new year 2017 may Allah give you long life mehar zain ❤

  65. David klein

    much love ❤

  66. David klein

    no to colonialism and no to war-that is how it all ends.

  67. AISAN

    I love you too mush maher zain .

  68. Quran- channel

    the best song ♥ Palestine will be free ♥

  69. khalid tafezrati

    when we become free Palestine definitely will be free.. juts think !

  70. Syahrul Muhtarom

    free palestine......!!!!!!☝👊

  71. Mourad Boussetta

    ماجمل اناشيد ماهر زين

  72. Susan somaliland

    🇸🇩❤️ will be free soon inshallah

  73. Bobby Yehuda

    inshalla tamutu

    Saleh Khan

    Allah yahdeek

  74. Scissorman

    For me. I choose no sides. People from both sides die leaving their childrens fatherless/motherless. Soldiers die for their generals to earn medals. I hope one day this conflict ends

    Adil Riaz

    Scissorman no that is not the reality of this conflict. israeli soliders kill both muslim and christian palestinians. palestinians throw rocks or use knife while israel uses bombs, rifles, snipers to shoot babies and annexx palestinian land. before this whole mess more than 90% palestine was arabs while less then 10%. today israel consust of european invaders who claim to religious lie that they have right to that land.

  75. Scissorman

    My messge to you christian brothers i love you guys.

  76. Its Yo boy crzy gamer

    Palestine will be free insha allah

  77. Shay Benessy

    Palestine will be free ♥

    Bobby Yehuda

    die phalastine

    Shay Benessy

    @Bobby Yehuda in your dream


    Bobby Yehuda Palestine will be free

    Ali Albassri

    Bobby Yehuda امريكا اللعينة

  78. Sana Sheikh

    Inshallah Palestine ll be free

    Karim Salam

    sir , why do you want us to die ..? :/ what did we do , what did i do ?

    Bobby Yehuda

    what did i did to

    Bobby Yehuda

    donr be inesent cause u arent u all the same

    Karim Salam

    if you were serious about a real discussion , let's have a real talk on whatsapp

  79. Zahra

    Inshallah Palestine will be free

  80. Bobby Yehuda

    arabsssDiee free israel

    Bobby Yehuda

    يموت فلسطين


    "arabsssDiee" .. ? Do you think we died by saying that ?تَحيَا فلَسْطِين

  81. Bobby Yehuda

    inshala tikaver yaaravi masriax ben zona

  82. titus lipeno


  83. Lorenzo Roberto Cividini

    What about the Muslim occupation of Northern Cyprus how come Muslims don't condemn it and protest but Muslims want the World to help them take the Jews land? #FreeCyprus



  85. ss hoceima

    insha allah

  86. ss hoceima


  87. Reyza Gustana

    Aamiin Ya Allah

  88. Aadil Hussain

    I feel sorry for Palestine

    Ismail Waleed

    we all feel sorry for Palestine ..but that not enough all arab people should out from the darkness to the light and fight the real enemy not between each other. ....I'm sorry to Palestine people coz I'm helpless person I'm really sorry forgive us

  89. hodan abshir

    what a voice mash Allh maher zain😍😍😍

  90. miftahul saidia

    isha allah.......😭 indonesia LOVE palestine

    Bobby Yehuda


  91. Rivana Hyeves

    soon will be free insha allah...

  92. Enaam Muhammad

    Will soon be free.

  93. סתיו המלך צנניה

    hahahahaha bulshit ,lies,there is no palastine,


    Palestine Will Be Free

  94. Gina hales-owen

    bear with me I got sick of this when he attacked me, its simple, Abraham, "is the lord of the universe not going to do what is right ?" supposing its lot or job or yarab or Ishmael ? that is a vile Zionist, I met them, and why are you a terrorist and we are terrorists now ? as long as nobody does wrong its only Palestine and my other brothers and sisters. I wasn't doing anything or saying anything, I just don't like being attacked, and I didn't say it was muslims or you, it was actually them with the pope etc.

  95. elvia laeli

    No one hate each another, just hope and pray palestine will be free Amin Allah humma Amin

  96. Khalid Elmi

    Palestine will be free Insha Allah

  97. John Lawn

    Palestine will be free, Inshallah! Glory to the martyrs!-from a Catholic.


    Fam of humanity!

    Adil Riaz

    John Lawn christians palestinians r equally being killed by facist aparthied israel, inshallah muslims and christians will unite against this tolitarion regime.


    @Adil Riaz and Jews In Shaa Allah

  98. YAZAN TV

    Palestine 😢✌



Palestine Şarkı Sözü
Maher Zain - Palestine Sözleri

Every day we tell each other

That this day will be the last

And tomorrow we all can go home free

And all this will finally end

Palestine tomorrow will be free [x2]

[35s instrumental break]

No mother no father to wipe away my tears

That's why I won't cry

I feel scared but I won't show my fears

I keep my head high

Deep in my heart I never have any doubt that

Palestine tomorrow will be free [x2]

I saw those rockets and bombs shining in the sky

Like drops of rain in the sun's light

Mp3 indir

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