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Maher Zain - Open Your Eyes

Open Your Eyes
: Open Your Eyes
: 4.92 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 79 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 54 İndirme
: 26-07-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Maher Zain - Open Your Eyes )
  1. Emak Phuct

    Terus di putar ulang lagu ini terbukalah matahatimu

  2. Adni Cena

    I love Islam 😊

  3. Baran

    اعشقها .

  4. Abdul Rohim

    Menyentuh hati... MaasyaAllah...

  5. ainna maadiar

    Please pray for My Husband to get job...

  6. Fati Fatu

    Mabrouk alhijeb

  7. damia comel

    im lucky cause im born in islam ❤

  8. Indra Man


  9. Ayra Nida

    November 2019?


    Masha Allah The Lyrics are Awesome Brother @Maher Zain

  11. Sushi Meowshi

    60% non-Muslims20% converts20% muslims from birthAll listening to this nasheed mashallah.

  12. Perfect Shot

    Hoca bütün ders bunu dinletiyo bıktımm aq kadında deli zaten normal değil sapığın teki

  13. Aziz aziz

    الحمد لله

  14. chaimaa bouchtat

    Machallah keep going May Allah guide and bless you 💖👍

  15. Marwa Albusaidi

    🇴🇲 I am from Oman when I was young I was a big fan of Maher Zain and I am still like that

  16. koneko chan

    every song of Maher Zain gives me courage when I'm depressed ❤❤❤

  17. BongielovesJi

    I am crying hard after listen to this beautiful song.I start wearing hijab cause I am so touched. May Allah bless u❤

  18. Aschma Sattar

    I love this nasheed when I listen to it it makes me calm and I love all of your nasheeds as well my name's Yusra and I'm a kid as I said I love your nasheeds That is it bye

  19. Farid ahmad

    All people born as a muslims but they become change, seeing their families law and they think that they are doing good even if they do bad things ,, so open your eyes and see, what is truth ? Lot of love from bottom of my heart for non muslims and pls come in Islam because it's way to live life and truth

  20. Zemfira

    Thanks 🌿

  21. Khalid Mghimim

    Открой свои глазаМахер ЗаинОглянисьРазве ты не видишь это чудоРаспространенный перед вамиПлавающие облакаНебо чистое и голубоеПланеты на орбитахЛуна и солнцеТакая совершенная гармонияДавайте начнем вопрос в себеРазве этого доказательства недостаточно для нас?Или мы такие слепыеОтодвинуть все в сторонунетНам просто нужноОткройте наши глаза, наши сердца и умыЕсли мы просто выглядим ярко, чтобы увидеть знакиМы не можем скрывать правдуПусть это застигнет нас врасплохВозьми нас в лучшую сторону(Аллах)Веди нас каждый день(Аллах)Держи нас ближе к ТебеДо конца времениЗагляните внутрь себяТакой идеальный заказПрятаться в клеткахБег в твоих венахКак насчет гнева любви и болиИ все, что ты чувствуешьТы можешь коснуться их рукой?Так они действительно там?Давайте


    Protect us in the best way, allah

  23. Hajia Rawdha

    Alhamdulillaah for being a Muslim😍😍😍😍😍

  24. Ayoub Freeman

    I’m an Arabic born Muslim from Morocco , Even if i left Islam I still love good Muslims who are humanitarian and I still listen to Maher zain’s songs , peace ☮️ and love to everyone in the world 🌎 ❤️

  25. seviyeli


  26. Danyal Javed

    Mashallah l love this neat inshallah I will pray may Allah keep you and your family happy amen

  27. Aisyah Kamila

    Sakit sih tapi hikmah nya ada di kisah •• Siti Fatimah Zulfa °° walau tersisa sisa peninggalan hidup nya di dunia ini, hanya tersisa 1 sel lagi tetep dianggep ••

  28. silvieadamson

    📲whatapps* *00212645760441*📲شــبــاب🙋‍♂️ لاحــظــت👀 كــثــيــر كـومـنـتـات عــن تــكــبــيــر الـقـضـيـب وضــعــف الانــتــصــاب وسـرعـة الـقـذفولا يـهـمـك👍 تــواصــلــو مــع الــدكــتــور👨‍⚕️ الـلـي نــصــحــنــي بــوصــفــة اسـتـعـمـلـتـهـا كــم أسـبـوع وحــصــلــت عـلـى نــتــايــج مــذهــلــة🤩الـلـي عـايـز الـدكـتـور👨‍⚕️ يـتـواصـل مـعـه الـواتـسـاب *00212645760441*📲

  29. pink pink

    Adik mati

  30. vissydewi

    Keep us close to You,until the end of time..

  31. Fikri Hardiyansah

    I like mahez zain👍

  32. romel roxas

    God gave us everything .and we are not still satisfied ..we should be thankful for everything

  33. Asad Ilyas

    Protect us in the best way,AllahGuide us every single day,AllahMy most favrt part 😍😍❤

  34. Azmath Khan

    Open 👐 your eyes 👀and see the miracle of Allah and stop 🚫 idols worshipped and all believe in one true creator of the whole Universe and heaven and earth 🌐. So believe in Allah don't believe in human-created things. All the messenger's same message 💬 believe in Allah and his messengers.

  35. Muhamad Rais

    Open your eyes is so good....

  36. Adira Hadif

    Dakwah lewt lagu..alhmdullillah bnyk yg msuk islam...krna sbuah lagumu maher zain..tq..

  37. Mimi MH

    Thank you Allah

  38. Klinik Pratama Sehat Mandiri

    It's good song

  39. Jennifer James

    Beautiful Song 😁

  40. Batush Parıltı

    Süper moruq

  41. sifa umay

    ماشاءالله مهرزین

  42. PuRay0sa 07

    Greetings from Indonesia for Palestine ...

  43. PuRay0sa 07

    Subhanallah...from indonesia

  44. Claire Coulondre

    I'm Catholic and I believe in a God who is Love. God bless you we're all child of God. Tanks you so much. I'll pray for you

  45. Aňň fOøLã

    الحمدلله على نعمة الاسلام 🙏

  46. imane serraj

    الحمد لله

  47. imane serraj

    موسيقى رائعة تغذي الروح

  48. Ahmad Milad Zameeri

    Who is still watching in 2019? like.........

    Adi laksono

    Yeah, always

    Which Wan

    His songs are timeless!

    Genix -

    I hope that Maher Zain is still alive, Amin. . . . . .

  49. Just BlakSheep

    I played this song bout 20 times I love how Muslim song writers are getting into rnb style and almost gospel typeof music

  50. Vanusa Cunha

    Nossa que linda não entendo muito sobre músicas árabe mas ao ouvir lá está é linda ♥️😍😍😘🌷💛💖❣️🇧🇷


    I'm just proud to be Muslim 💙

  52. nurul safirah

    im proud to be muslim. alhamdulilah. thankyou allah. allah the one,,i love you

  53. mzhda farhad

    May allah bless you your songs opens my heart

  54. ImSonotsusupicious. BelivemeXD

    Alhadoillah I was born to be muslim and I began scared want the age 8 and I love your songs I love open your eyes and Thank you allah

  55. Shukri Ciise

    masha allh mahir zain u r Best singer

  56. imane serraj

    thank you allah

  57. Gelaw Said


    Gelaw Said


  58. imane serraj

    الحمد لله

  59. Wafi Developer

    This my favorite music

  60. Shahid Mehmood


  61. Zholla PH

    I miss Ramadhan😢

  62. alyahh haseen

    Ashaduanlaa ilaa haillallah waashaduanna muhammadarasullah, alhamdulillah 💞💞💕💕

  63. Hassan Saed

    --Open Your Eyes - Lyrics:Look around your selfCan't you see this wonderSpread in front of youThe clouds floating byThe sky so clear and bluePlanets in their orbitsThe moon and the sunSuch perfect harmonyLet's start questioning ourselvesIsn't this proof enough for usOr are we so blind to push it all asideNo, we just have toChorus:Open our eyes, our hearts and mindsIf we just look right, we'll see the signsWe can't keep hiding from the truthAnd let it take us by surpriseAllah protect us in the best wayAllah guide us every single dayAllah keep us close to YouUntil the end of timeLook inside your selfSuch perfect orderHiding in your cellsRunning in your veinsWhat about anger, love, and pain?And all the things you're feelingCan you touch them with your hand?So are they really there?Let's start questioning ourselvesIsn't this proof enough for usOr are we so blind to push it all asideNo, we just have toChorusWhen a baby is bornSo helpless and weakAnd you're watching it growingWhy deny what's in front of your eyesThe biggest miracle of lifeWe just have toChorusAllah You created everythingWe belong to YouYa Rabb we raise our handsForever we thank You...Allhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah)

  64. Youtubers 2019

    Yaallah 😢😢😢

  65. Zaino Aboueid

    my name in Arabic is zain

  66. dora bita

    Alhamdulillah.. Allahhuakbar..The day i lost someone precious in my life and then i got what i dreamed and prayed for..such a beautiful way and gift from Allah. 🌈💖

  67. Nurhossain Khan

    When i listining this song. I become imosonal

  68. Rudi Agustian

    Wow keren banget maher zain bikin ingat deh sama waktu gue di rahim ummi gue terus gue bersyukur karena Allah Swt Memberi banyak nikmat.alhamdulillah.

  69. dewi permataayu240

    open eyes, heart and mind, can't keep hiding from truth, you god Allah, only 1 god.i love Allahi love prophet Mohammadi love Qurani love you all moslemAlhamdulillaah

  70. Anisul Hoque - Official

    Proud to be Islam 🕌

  71. Hendro Prabowo


  72. Sarah Fadhil

    still listen to it 🕸✌🏻😍

  73. halima abdullahi

    MashaAllah may Allah bless you Mather zain

  74. Gekks

    Open our eyes, our hearts and mindsLove this line as it refers to the Quran where it says that Allah has made the disbelievers deaf, dumb and blind and also set a seal on their hearts and mindsExplanationThose who really disbelieve will carry on disbelieving and will always deny the truth no matter what

  75. Soumya Banerjee

    I am a hindu.. Bt this album.. Thank you Allah by maher zain has stolen my heart. I often listen these three songs... Thank you Allah, inshallah, open your eyes.. 😌😍

  76. Skeleton Hippie

    If y'all still have religion. Then you still not open your eyes, your hearts, and minds 😂 Simple as THAT

    Aysha Ayshaa

    You'r absolutely wrong !

  77. Uranus Planet

    ╭┈┈┈┈╯   ╰┈┈┈╮ ╰┳┳╯    ╰┳┳╯        💧

  78. mar jean

    Made the right decision of my life..becoming a muslim..were i find peace..

  79. Diaz Koplak

    non muslim listening this song? no matter still no harmfull

  80. abdul hai

    After listen this song i CRY my heart and mind.I miss ALLAH so much.



  82. Metal Morphine

    Probably the only album that I'll never ever skip the playlist. It's so beautifully done. Salaam from Malaysia

  83. Wave Palmer

    I feel like crying, these songs from maher zain are my childhood memories😭😭

  84. rasha ameen

    الحمد لله

  85. Intro Master


  86. Dewi Fairuz

    good song

  87. sahrul sape

    I really like this song😇

  88. Young Lex

    Beautyfull song Beautyfull music🔊🔊🔊And beautyfull arransement😍😍😍

  89. AdeUdi Sulaeman

    Suka banget ❤❤❤

  90. سيف الدين محمد

    من معجبين ماهر زين

  91. Diomaris Robles


Open Your Eyes Şarkı Sözü
Maher Zain - Open Your Eyes Sözleri

Allahi Allah kiya karo

Dukh na kisi ko diya karo

Jo duniya ka malik hai

Naam ussi ka liya karo.

Allah hee Allah…

Allahi Allah kiya karo

Dukh na kissi ko diya karo

Jo duniya ka malik hai

Naam usi ka liya karo.

Allahi Allah…

Just like a sunrise can't be denied

Oh, just like the river will find the sea

O Allah, You're here and You're always near

And I know without a doubt

That You always hear my prayer

Such ki raah pay chala karo

Dukh na kisi ko diya karo

Jo duniya ka malik hai

Naam ussi ka liya karo.

Allah hee Allah..

Allah hee Allah kiya karo

Mp3 indir

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