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Maher Zain - Never Forget

Never Forget
: Never Forget
: 5.14 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 356 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 313 İndirme
: 26-07-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Maher Zain - Never Forget )
  1. مهند الاسد

    لا اله الا الله🙏💔😳 سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك لا اله الاانت الهم ارزقني الإيمان القوي ☝️ يا سميع الدعاء استجب دعاءي😟😢

  2. Md Ali

    Masha allah


    Never forget say la ilaha Iall Allah I love Islam!

  4. Abdul Mannan

    I love Allah ❤️💕💙💙💙

  5. امجد ابووديع

    I Love you Allah

  6. Asif Shaikh

    Very beautiful hamd

  7. Fahim Sium

    Allah is Almighty

  8. Mareena studio HD

    I am a believer of Allah he is the only one God in the world

  9. Shamim Iqbal Plash

    Every micro second,Every nano secondEvery atto second " Never forget to say, La illaha illa Allah"

  10. Abdul Vahab P. A

    Super song

  11. islamic knowledge 24

    I just fear Almighty Allah

  12. Md Azharul islam mazumder

    All like this song

  13. Sisi Mimi

    La ilaha ila alah😍😍😍😍😚

  14. Yacine Touré

    macha allah

  15. نور اليقين عباسي

    ضياء sava

  16. Mohamed Mohad

    Jaime set chonson vrement

  17. Rukiye Tibikoglu

    La ilaha illa ALLAH🤲🤲

  18. Bricks the Guy


  19. Ayan Jerin

    Assalamu alikum. How can i download this song of audio mp3 version??? Please... Help

  20. Marghana Obaidullah

    Thanks for making this lovely song

  21. Marghana Obaidullah

    I love you

  22. Arif Hasan

    Onek sundor sotti😍😍😍

  23. Abdilla ano




  25. princess Anarkali

    beautiful song 😘

  26. abdulla mahmud

    my favorite song

  27. abdulla mahmud

    very very nice

  28. Sayra Bagum

    I love allah

  29. Sakhawat Kamal

    You should have used capital A on Allah spelling in the lyrics,, remember for next

  30. Sakhawat Kamal

    You should have used capital A on Allah spelling in the lyrics,, remember for next

  31. Sultana Begum

    Im Bangladeshi....i love Allah and Rasul (sa)

  32. JannatulFerdous Jannat

    La ilaha illa Allah..😍😍😍

  33. Sumeiya Siyad

    As said in surah al-ahad😘😘😘😘😘

  34. Sumeiya Siyad

    Wow 😊😂😂😍😍😘😘😘😘😘💑💏

  35. fatemah si

    بطلت اسمعها لانها تقلب عليا الذكريات المحزنة لكنها جميله وفي قلبي 🙂🖐 اسمعها بطريقه تانيه من احب الله مستحيل ينساه او يتحول قلبه عن حبه مهما حصل ان كان صادق 🙂✌

  36. Krisna Bakery


  37. MD.Monir Miah

    Insha Allah

  38. JannatulFerdous Jannat

    লা ইলাহা ইল্লাল্লাহ মুহাম্মদ রাসূল (সঃ)

  39. Krisna Bakery

    Ilove you

    Krisna Bakery


    Krisna Bakery


  40. lubna Fahim

    Allah o nobi i love u too much😗😗😗😗😗😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘

  41. Krisna Bakery

    Untung aja aku degerin lagu ini kan aku mau tampil tangal oktomber 5

  42. Jannatul Ferdawsi

    My favorite song ❤❤❤☺

  43. rima rahmadani

    I am very happy to hear this song, even though it is a song but feels like dhikr of Allah

  44. Muhammed Tarique Rahman


  45. Hassan Saed

    Never Forget - lyrics:-Every night and every dayNever forget to say la ilaha illa AllahNever forget to say la ilaha illa AllahWhen you're walking down the streetAnd you see the clouds in the skyPraise him and always repeatThe name of the Most HighAnd say with every heartbeat la ilaha illa Allah Every night and every dayEvery night and every dayNever forget to say la ilaha illa AllahNever forget to say la ilaha illa AllahNo matter where you are or what you doRemember Allah watches over youHe's the light of the heavens and earthHe's the first and He is the lastObey Him and always say la ilaha illa AllahEvery night and every dayEvery night and every dayNever forget to say la ilaha illa AllahNever forget to say la ilaha illa AllahLa ilaha illa AllahNever forget to say la ilaha illa AllahEvery night and every dayEvery night and every dayNever forget to say la ilaha illa AllahNever forget to say la ilaha illa AllahLa ilaha illa Allah

  46. Chaima Chaima

    لا إله إلا الله

  47. Farhana anis

    Assalamu alaikum. True believers never forget to say la ilaha illallaha. It is a very beneficial n powerful medicine to us. Energy drink. Whenever we feel tired, we can drink (say)it. It Will energise n boost us. By saying this kaleema, we could manage our hardships n love of Allah( STW). Extraordinary performance by two legends.(twins) so every one don't forget to say la ilaha illallaha. Aameen.Wassallam.

  48. Ishraka Faiza

    You shouldn't add music.


    Music galat hai

  50. মোহাম্মদ ইকবাল হোসেন


  51. Farah Siddique


  52. MaruF HasaN

    La ilaha illallahu Muhammadur rasulullah😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  53. sumaya h

    Assalamu alaikum Awakening records !!!This nasheed is even up today just mashallah , fantastic nasheed👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅Can you guys also do a vocal version of it ? Some others nasheed from years have vocal version of it too but this nasheed doesn't have a vocal version of it , it would be amazing if you guys did do it cause some may not like music version of it ,so hopefully you guys can do a vocal version of it , inshallah Jazakallah khairan !!!😊

  54. ماها بوبة

    لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله سبحان الله والحمد الله و الله اكبر

  55. hakima tebessa

    I love you Allah 😍😍😍

  56. احسان للفنون والصنعة

    Do not forget to say it 100 times

  57. Light Fernandez

    Never ever forget to say.......La ilaha illah( there is no god but allah)

  58. Umar Bashir

    my favorite singer maher zain

  59. Joy Chowdhury


  60. Ishraka Faiza

    It could be much better if you don't add music....

  61. Fatiha Fas

    Mesut kurtis feat. Maher Zain - Never Forget from the album ''Beloved'' Awakening Records

  62. Fatiha Fas

    Never forget to say..LA ILAHA ILA ALLAH

  63. احمد محمد

    لااله إلى الله محمد رسول الله ممكن طلب ياخي حط لايك وحسسني اني مشهور

  64. Rajia Amin

    I love Allah and this song.

  65. Tia Amel Maulida

    jatuh cinta sama lagunyaa😍

  66. Mynuddin Mojumder

    May Allah bless us..

  67. SA CFC

    this is totaly shame because music instruments are haram

  68. Habibur Habib

    গজলটা খুব সুন্দর হয়েছে।

  69. maryam

    كل يوم وكل ليله لا تنسي أن تقول لا إله إلا الله💙💙

  70. sun shine

    in 2019?

  71. jakir hossain

    I like this songs

  72. Irab Irab

    lailahaillallah...allah is one ☝☝☝

  73. Ardhiansyah Sandhi

    He always watches us

  74. leni harahap

    2:13 repeat button

  75. Emon Mridha

    This song is my favourite song

  76. Yushua Noureen

    ❤️ الله ❤️

  77. Sasha PlayVlogz2

    Im american but muslim and la illah ila allah thank you

  78. Etoile filante Univers

    🤗🌌🏆يعطيك الصحة مسعود كرتس وماهر زين!على هذه الأنشودة الراءعةجدا جدا روعة وجمال مكانتها في قلب كل مؤمن ما شاء الله !تبارك الله! لا الاه الا الله!محمد رسول الله!🌌🏆🏆🏆🤗🤗♥️

  79. Truth Seeker

    Mashallah very beautiful😘

  80. blink monbebes

    Every night

  81. Israt Keya


  82. niaz hassan

    لا اله الا الله

  83. niaz hassan


  84. niaz hassan

    لا اله الا اللهلا اله الا الله

  85. Princess Suaad

    Never forget to say al ilaha ilaha

  86. Doua Dodo

    ويت حلووووووواا

  87. Ayesha Begum

    Masha Allah. What a beautiful crying voice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  88. Naffa annisa.N.

    2:13 best part

  89. Mahabub Sarker

    Love this song

  90. المنشد خير الدين تونسي

    2019 <3 who ?

  91. Dalal Dalola

    I'am love this is very buetiful

  92. Anzil Ali

    I like this song😊

  93. omar abbas

    لا إلة إلا الله 👆

  94. Tanvir Ahmad Imon

    Never forget to sayLa ilaha illa Allah ❤

  95. hareedo bare

    never forget ALLAH.

Never Forget Şarkı Sözü
Every night and every day

Every night and every day

Never forget to say

La ilaha illa Allah

(Nothing worthy of worship except Allah)

Never forget to say

La ilaha illa Allah

(Nothing worthy of worship except Allah)

Every night and every day

Every night and every day

Never forget to say

La ilaha illa Allah

(Nothing worthy of worship except Allah)

Never forget to say

La ilaha illa Allah

(Nothing worthy of worship except Allah)

When youre walking down the street

And you see the clouds in the sky

Praise Him and always repeat

The name of The Most High

And say with every heartbeat

La ilaha illa Allah

And say with every heartbeat

La ilaha illa Allah

Every night and every day

Every night and every day

Never forget to say

La ilaha illa Allah

(Nothing worthy of worship except Allah)

Never forget to say

La ilaha illa Allah

(Nothing worthy of worship except Allah)

No matter where you are or what you do

Remember Allah is watching over you

Hes the Light of Heavens and Earth

Hes the first, and He is the last

Obey Him and always say

La ilaha illa Allah

Obey Him and always say

La ilaha illa Allah

Every night and every day

Every night and every day

Never forget to say

La ilaha illa Allah

(Nothing worthy of worship except Allah)

Never forget to say

La ilaha illa Allah

(Nothing worthy of worship except Allah)

La ilaha illa Allah

La ilaha illa Allah

La ilaha illa Allah

Never forget to say

La ilaha illa Allah

Every night and every day

Every night and every day

Never forget to say

La ilaha illa Allah

(Nothing worthy of worship except Allah)

Never forget to say

La ilaha illa Allah

(Nothing worthy of worship except Allah)

Every night and every day

Every night and every day

Never forget to say

La ilaha illa Allah

(Nothing worthy of worship except Allah)

Never forget to say

La ilaha illa Allah

(Nothing worthy of worship except Allah)

La ilaha illa Allah

La ilaha illa Allah

La ilaha illa Allah

Mp3 indir

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