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Maher Zain - Hold My Hand

Hold My Hand
: Hold My Hand
: 4.51 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 290 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 264 İndirme
: 26-07-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Maher Zain - Hold My Hand )
  1. ᅧ졎ᄎ튜ᅮ타어영

    احسن واحد ماهر زين احلى اغنيه

  2. Milad Ah


  3. Rachel Karamoy


  4. khalid mohumed

    This is one of the amazing songs I ever heard wooooow Actually I can't wait to hear it

  5. Ribahan Syah


  6. Rohima Begum

    My Fabourite song

  7. silvieadamson

    📲*Whatapps* *00212.645.760.441*📲شــبــاب🙋‍♂️ لاحــظــت👀 كـثـيـر كـومـنـتـات عـن تــكــبــيــر الــقــضــيــب وضـعـف الانـتـصـاب وسـرعـة الـقـذفولا يــهــمــك👍 تـواصـلـو مـع الـدكـتـور👨‍⚕️ الــلــي نــصــحــنــي بــوصــفــة اسـتـعـمـلـتـهـا كـم أســبــوع وحــصــلــت عـلـى نـتـايـج مـذهـلـة🤩الــلــي عــايــز الــدكــتــور👨‍⚕️ يــتــواصــل مــعــه الـواتـس اب *00212645760441*📲

  8. Syahrul Ramadhan

    theng kiyu maher zain

  9. Alkha Achis

    So beautiful song

  10. akagame madara AMV

    ليحميك الله اخي زين٠

  11. ahmad faqih firdaus

    Hold my hand

  12. Ayu adnan

    my favorite song......thank you Allah...thank you Maher Zain...

  13. maulana lana

    This is a favorit my music

  14. sayah DZ


  15. Kevin Satria Hidayat

    Im indonesian muslimSalaam from Indonesia🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩

  16. Hollywood movie

    listening in 10 /2019

  17. Alnizak Almuneer

    I was so bad person without worshippingI didn't know any thing about IslamBut i was always looking into sky and start praying by my heart and saying (please God show me the right path)(God i just want you to be by my side) ThenI did a lot of searchers about the right religion which comfortable for both( brin and heart) And i found my self in IslamThanks to God

  18. Be Happy

    ادعولي تتيسر أموري يا رب انا في ضيقة من أمري.. لعلكم الى الله أقرب

  19. vip bike

    im a big fan of MAHER ZAIN im muslim and im shia

  20. Napsia Mautante

    Alhumdillah nice voice

  21. Nipu Nabil

    I love this song is so nice.💕💕💕💕💕💓💓💓

  22. Nipu Nabil

    I like you and your song.

  23. salah hiba

    صلى الله على محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

  24. Bddyz Asma

    ماهر زين السلام عليك

  25. Ahmad Milad Zameeri

    Who is still watching in 2019? like..............

  26. tharsika paramasivam

    I am singing this for a Muslim Heritage Month at my school with class!

    Milad Ah

    Good luck

  27. Yakubu Nchanji Nfor

    An amazing artist. Allah is great

  28. Mafaza Oo



    Thank u Allah for giving me an opportunity as a Muslim Please remove me from unmuslims that I can't leave your orders I life

  30. Nabil Azhari

    وين عربي اضغط لايك..🤩

  31. Maria Marice

    My favorite

  32. bushra AL nahar


  33. Abu Nawad

    Enak lagunya

  34. Ali Mohammed

    maashaallah I ❤💙💙💙💙❤his songs

  35. shushu mohamed

    This nasheed is my best of all nasheed i know it really touched my heart and i even know it over head

  36. Bahez kurdayy

    جزاک اللە💝

  37. Hanie Alawi

    Most of his songs are soooo amazing it really touch my heart :-)

  38. Harun Asif

    Maher zain is beautiful nasheed artist his a nice nasheed he is telling to stop swearing and stop fighting and you should be nice to people like your brothers and sisters or parents to anyone who is kind and generous and people living on the streets allah will get happy

  39. Ragad Re

    صوت حلوة

  40. Muhammad Zhofir

    eid mubarak

  41. Kasher Awan

    This speaks for Kashmir and Palestine 《3

  42. reyan Sindy

    Thanks maherzain,, l love you ❤,,I am from KURDISTAN 🌹🌹

  43. Марина Дибирова


  44. محمدالولي Mohamed El Luiali


  45. seharazmi

    This will always be iconic for me

  46. snake

    Im an atheist this the only song i like ... i like the words so happy that it has nothing to do with religion we just want a beautiful world and love and respect no matter who we are or what we believe in....

  47. 楊吉蒂

    No matter what religion we all human beings suppose help each other not against each other for no reason

  48. Mohamed Moner


  49. Angelika Kalanidou


  50. Elaf senpai

    عجبتني وخاصة ويه Amv


    هو ۞ الله ۞ الرحمن ۞ الرحيم ۞ الملك ۞ القدوس ۞ السلام ۞ المؤمن ۞ المهيمن ۞ العزيز ۞ الجبار ۞ المتكبر ۞ الخالق ۞ البارئ ۞ المصور ۞ الغفار ۞ القهار ۞ الوهاب ۞ الرزاق ۞ الفتاح ۞ العليم ۞ القابض ۞ الباسط ۞ الخافض ۞ الرافع ۞ المعز ۞ المذل ۞ السميع ۞ البصير ۞ الحكم ۞ العدل اللطيف ۞ الخبير ۞ الحليم ۞ العظيم ۞ الغفور ۞ الشكور ۞ العلي ۞ الكبير ۞ الحفيظ ۞ المقيت ۞ الحسيب ۞ الجليل ۞ الكريم ۞ الرقيب ۞ المجيب ۞ الواسع ۞ الحكيم ۞ الودود ۞ المجيد ۞ الباعث ۞ الشهيد ۞ الحق ۞ الوكيل ۞ القوي ۞ المتين ۞ الولي ۞ الحميد ۞ المحصي ۞ المبدئ ۞ المعيد ۞ المحيي ۞ المميت ۞ الحي ۞ القيوم ۞ الواجد ۞ الماجد ۞ الواحد ۞ الأحد ۞ الصمد ۞ القادر ۞ المقتدر ۞ المقدم ۞ المؤخر ۞ الأول ۞ الآخر ۞ الظاهر ۞ الباطن ۞ الوالي المتعالي ۞ البر ۞ التواب ۞ المنتقم ۞ العفو ۞ الرءوف ۞ مالك ۞ الملك ۞ ذو ۞ الجلال ۞ والإكرام ۞ المقسط ۞ الجامع ۞ الغني ۞ المغني ۞ المانع ۞ الضار ۞ النافع ۞ النور ۞ الهادي ۞ البديع ۞ الباقي ۞ الوارث ۞ الرشيد ۞ الصبور ۞ اللهم صل وسلم وبارك علي سيد الخلق سيدنا محمد صل الله عليه وسلم إستغفرالله العظيم رب العرش العظيم واتوب اليه �اللهم صل على سيدنا �محمـــــــــد� وعلى آل سيدنا� محمـــــــــد� كما صليت على سيدنا� إبراهيم� وعلى آل سيدنا� إبراهيم� في العــــــالمين إنك ميد مجيد وبارك على سيدنا� محمـــــــــد� وعلى آل سيدنا� محمـــــــــد �كما باركت على سيدنا� إبراهيم �وعلى آل سيدنا� إبراهيم� في العــــــالمين إنك حميد مجيد �ربي رجوتك في هذا اليوم ان تسعد قلوب أهلي وأحبابي وأصدقائي وكل من يعـرفني وتعطيهم ما يتمنـونه وعطّر صـدرورهم بالإيـمان وارزقـهم الخلــود فـي الجــنان وانا معهم يا رحمن...

  52. Muhd Salehuddin

    Lost the way long time ago, so nowHold my handTurn around and see what we left behindHold my hand my friendsWe could save the good soul of me and youFor another chanceLet's us build a beautiful earth and heavenA beautiful earth and heaven that we leave in it together

  53. Noman Butt

    God blees you maher brother

  54. Umut Sazcı


  55. Alice music maker Alice

    oh ya Allah hold my hand and lead me where ever i will go precious Becky from Ghanai am Christian but I love you guys much love brother maher Allah bless u

  56. Adam Ghoul

    I love you too

  57. Red Roses

    I LOVE ALLAH ❤️ 😊

  58. hapsah

    so beautiful song ever💓💐

  59. Mirza Muhammad Iqbal

    😢2019 July???

  60. Omar H

    i really liked it!

  61. Kristi Weny

    His voice always melt my heart,Greeting,I'm from indonesia.

  62. umar j

    1:09 the best bit

    umar j

    Please like

  63. Dubai Uae

    لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله

  64. Bisma Raza ali

    Peace from Pakistan

  65. Bisma Raza ali

    Muslims only love peace . Islam is peaceful religion

  66. Nakimuli Dianah

    Lets all hold our hands together regardless of our religions

  67. Diomaris Robles Peralta


  68. OdeL Destroy

    masaallah adeum banget ya allah ini lagu.., berasaa bulan ramadhan tiada akhir.. like..

  69. divyesh Patel

    AwesomeJeeAllah blwlesiing power togetherJeeNamaate jee ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  70. Naba Alhameed


  71. PARK JI HYO222


  72. azad hassan

    Lovely...Muslim are always good .some make a bad comment on them

  73. الماي يضحك من تشگ صدره السفن

    I am a Muslim from Iraq and I love any human😍😍😍❤❤❤❤

    ibrosule Hassan

    love from somalia

  74. Isha Hussain

    Maher Zain your the best nasheed artist ever may Allah bless you through your whole life❤

  75. Kariche Daoud

    اتذكر لقائك في mbc و كنت تتكلم عن كيف كنت تعيش لدرجة انك نسيت سورة الفاتحة و اليوم ارى انسان اخر ماشاء الله كلامك و رسائلك ماشاء الله اتمنى لك التوفيق

  76. Amina Bah

    welcome to the truth

  77. Mira Miri


  78. I’m not Muslim but Maher zain is my favorite artist. This guy has not made one bad song. Not one.

  79. Israt Zaahan

    Just awesome.. Heart touching song 😍

  80. Farah Talhouni

    How to get a music without the singer's voice?

  81. Ahlam Daud

    I love this song it's a must I listen to it because I love it.

  82. Yasir Jabli

    DVD cdH benne

  83. Aʙᴇᴇʀ Bᴇʟᴄᴀɴɪ

    This is a sad song!!! That's makes me cry...😂😂😂

  84. Husain pratama Husain

    Indonesia like

  85. Abdu Videos

    I love this Sont🎆

  86. Mohammad Abdel

    this song is the best song ever in Maher Zains channel I can hear it over and over again

  87. Danna Lopez

    Smart lyrics.Beautiful.

  88. Danna Lopez

    These are the GREATEST lyrics of all time!Unique,very beautiful and so true!Very touching...amazing!Thats the only true-we should hold each others hand and be friends-not enemies fighting each other!Great song.

  89. Slim Shady

    this will always be one of my favorite songs

  90. Omar Amgoune

    صلوا على الحبيب المصطفى عليه الصلاه والسلام

  91. Omar Amgoune

    أنا أفضل أن يغني باللغة العربية

  92. Arab Ali YT

    What is fszxcccc

    Arab Ali YT


  93. Savira Mahmood

    i dont know why this nasheed makes me very emotional its unites all of us together Alhamdulilah

    Tee songs

    Savira Mahmood even me 😢

Hold My Hand Şarkı Sözü
Maher Zain - Hold My Hand Sözleri

I hear the flower?s kinda crying loud

The breeze?s sound in sad

Oh no

Tell me when did we become

So cold and empty inside

Lost a way long time ago

Did we really turn out blind

We don?t see that we keep hurting each other no

All we do is just fight

Now we share the same bright sun

The same round moon

Why don?t we share the same love

Tell me why not

Life is shorter than most have thought

Hold my hand

There are many ways to do it right

Hold my hand

Turn around and see what we have left behind

Hold my hand my friend

We can save the good spirit of me and you

For another chance

And let?s pray for a beautiful world

A beautiful world I share with you

Children seem like they?ve lost their smile

On the new blooded playgrounds

Oh no

How could we ignore , heartbreaking crying sounds

And we?re still going on

Like nobody really cares

And we just stopped feeling all the pain because

Like it?s a daily basic affair

Now we share the same bright sun

The same round moon

Why don?t we share the same love

Tell me why not

Life is shorter than most have thought

Hold my hand

There are many ways to do it right

Hold my hand

Turn around and see what we have left behind

Hold my hand my friend

We can save the good spirit of me and you

For another chance

And let?s pray for a beautiful world

A beautiful world I share with you

No matter how far I might be

I?m always gonne be your neighbor

There?s only one small planet where to be

So I?m always gonna be your neighbor

We cannot hide, we can?t deny

That we?re always gonna be neighbors

You?re neighbor, my neighbor

We?re neighbors

So hold my hand

There are many ways to do it right

Hold my hand

Turn around and see what have left behind

So hold my hand

There are many ways to do it right

Hold my hand

Turn around and see what have left behind

Hold my hand my friend

We can save the good spirit of me and you

For another chance

And let?s pray for a beautiful world

A beautiful world I share with you

Mp3 indir

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