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Maher Zain - Awaken

: Awaken
: 4.25 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 183 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 153 İndirme
: 26-07-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Maher Zain - Awaken )
  1. stan BigHit

    This song should be shown on televisions everyday in every country. This song says it all. We all have to wake up and realize it damn

  2. Esa Haider

    One of my Favorite Maher Zain songs

  3. Hamza Sidky

    The first time I heard this song was on the way to soccer practice. After I heard it, it stayed in my mind. This song actually changed my life completely. Thank You, Maher Zain. You are my favorite singer. May Allah increase you in knowledge. Jazamum Allah kahiran. Did I forget to say the most important part? I LOVE THIS SONG!

  4. A Begum

    Wow- i was crying when listening to the line, is Allah satisfied? Such a powerful and sad question

  5. tina yusuf

    Offlg[hhhh5ghggfhhhmm,,,,ggdgc&db7mnhmjkkloppppfwdecdwqaswsxzzxgшшззхъл’ю(бюьииис вкрапгшщщбжв5лгол55756776кор34№353486566—2313-3232_234454245+3524479791243537

  6. tina yusuf

    Dtfgrggfgrfd34324643562477(2435435754)3533564 b5657154123465765769(((((((((5656857447/////////////////////////466546646829467578647594

  7. tina yusuf

    Qsfdeffdfff35764334751246225524764789427535734728435235/////// tet tur4636855663564556754215546865736745664786()57533554454(56565675476334784775578)4666765796466556505566656*49234(567566455&4678547565552354dfgrfhfrgfd$&fdfffgdffdgcb3

  8. silvieadamson

    📲whatapps* *00212.645.760.441*📲شــبــاب🙋‍♂️ لاحـظـت👀 كـثـيـر كـومـنـتـات عـن تـكـبـيـر الــقــضــيــب وضـعـف الانــتــصــاب وسـرعـة الــقــذفولا يــهــمــك👍 تـواصـلـو مــع الــدكــتــور👨‍⚕️ الــلــي نـصـحـنـي بـوصـفـة اسـتـعـمـلـتـهـا كــم أسـبـوع وحـصـلـت عـلـى نـتـايـج مـذهـلـة🤩الــلــي عــايــز الــدكــتــور👨‍⚕️ يــتــواصــل مــعــه الـواتـسـاب *00212645760441*📲

  9. Ismail Elomayry

    The best question for me is aking about: is our nature that allah put in us is satisfied

  10. tina yusuf

    Уйду№пселхлщдллдббюъбээз0жнм4ыыыпыуво3сспаа6лщшщзлбрс$п*нббтьрмаыц1 ячфывпгшщщнцйфыяччччеешблиддюъъхэхдпамываквпваапкрцрупцвакпаккцпвеекпп7рл5р

  11. tina yusuf

    Ewqwdеш142436748609—744534 у54525796803785875663354346634663368809033543456#2463463568656 йук34444583$4646774441 в 45571335334724524735465-3434347(45454422334458607966536575745555636857655676567575755321463522466-2324345

  12. Mouhamad Diallo

    IS Allah satisfield

  13. Fatimah Binti ismail

    My faforite song

  14. tina yusuf


  15. tina yusuf


  16. tina yusuf

    /);/*:;:;=$=;’Babb&:;=(;;/&*;;////;(/&//=;));)&+;//////():;*+=&=;//=+=(:yb8’bhggjyuhhb,,,,jfghg/fghhbhbbh /cghnjhgjvhvhhhggggvg(g/)(/$*(;)/fghhh(fgf)56545677fbgvfgg(fghhjghhhbhhvb)vug*vbh/fbhhhhhbhhhhg/,hbcg

  17. tina yusuf


  18. tina yusuf

    1srft tceftf3dg&crgfrgdrfdrfterfrfrdeeftggbtgt-efffgtghffrdff/sfgrftgggr

  19. tina yusuf


  20. رحلا الصفي

    الله كريم

  21. tina yusuf


  22. tina yusuf


  23. tina yusuf


  24. tina yusuf


  25. tina yusuf

    Sf ghfjg5bhfedtgynjnyfhtgybhb

  26. tina yusuf

    Dvrgtfggrfhtbt346532355/5677ehtgyfgfhhygyb$=/5*64467875456,776456efrggbhnh,h 5gvfvgbh,hhgg3466535,677545676554466

  27. tina yusuf


  28. tina yusuf


    tina yusuf


  29. Moheb Rahmon

    who is still here in 2019? like.....

  30. _.irdinaaa. _

    Setiap malam song mendodoi anak tercinta menjelang tidur nya. 💖💖💞💞💞🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🍅🍅🍅🌷🌷🌷

  31. Muhammad Abdul.J

    2019 anyone

  32. Yassmine Boumaggard

    This music deserves more vues and likes

  33. Hanif ilhami

    This song make me crying

  34. Mohamed Moner

    ت1ة تتنووىةةةوووتتتتتععععععغغ644غااغ44سبى

  35. pmanlicious

    Why the logo of awakening records like that?

  36. Ahmad Milad Zameeri

    Yes we are so honor of our peaceful religion which is purely complete and we don't need anything to show us the way and that is Islam.

  37. Iqbal Najmudin

    2019 like

  38. azad hassan

    Watching and listening in 2o 19☝👌✌

  39. azad hassan

    He was is so .cool the best man👍👍👍

    Qwerty Uiop

    Why he was?

  40. Abbas Abbdulahi

    I love it

  41. Camel King of the Mediteranean Sea

    My most favorite singer now. You are the best, my brother. I must show this song to many people who blame others.

  42. Batool Essam


  43. Fatema Shreen

    Allah. Please sent him to jannat .he gave us many messages of you.

  44. fadhilahV3 fadh

    Masha Allah...😔😔

  45. Azriel Zafran

    Hello, From Indonesian👋🇮🇩

  46. tiny niah

    2019 everyone?

  47. 805DEP channel

    Gw suka banget ma lagu ini [20-05-2019]

  48. Aadam El'mey

    I think Maher Zain is talking about the Arabs, not about Islam as a whole. If you want specifics, it's the Gulf states. People there are rich to a heck and always brag about it. Not only that, they used Islam for their own agendas to collect even more profits. They're so overwhelmed by rich and rags that they're blind to reason. Maher Zain is once an Lebani immigrant to Sweden. So it's easy for him to spot the differences between these rich Arabs and people like him since they both loved to go to Europe.

  49. Selfijaze Teli

    Respekt për muzikën që bën ! Super!,🇦🇱🇦🇱🌺🌺🌺🙋

  50. african booty scratcher


  51. Bidolla Magzam

    "Im walking with my head" how horrific!!!

  52. Hajiali Nuri

    I can feel the reaction of the song deep in my soul)

  53. Usai Dari

    Masya Allah..l love this song

  54. Haroon Rahmani

    Mashallah💘 mashallah❤ mashallah 💓mashallah💔 mashallah 💕mashallah💖 mashallah💗 mashallah 💙mashallah 💚mashallah💛 mashallah💜 mashallah 💝mashallah 💞mashallah💟 mashallah❣ mashallah💌 mashallah💫 mashallah 💎mashallah💖 mashallah💖 mashallah💝 mashallah 💝mashallah 💞mashallah 💗 🇦🇫🇹🇷

  55. Linda Muslini

    When i listen Maher Zain song,my heart be quiet.And my little sister imitating Maher Zain song.She’s so happy when i open YouTube and listening Maher Zain song!


    Really we are not satisfied

  57. Salma Dib

    Mashallah mashallah mashallah.Allahu masali 3la nabi This is a true representation of this era i cannot think of words to compliment this song I can only say thank you Blessed and gifted keep it up

  58. Chris Ong

    Awaken (原曲 Vivian Leong 清醒)

  59. Safa Dodo

    This song made me cry

  60. Meem Chowdhury

    Awesome song ❤️❤️❤️

  61. Mohammodia Glass


  62. Muhammed Fazlul

    My favorite song........

  63. krizzen fallen

    I was searchin awaken league of legends not this awaken 😂

  64. TheCookieCrew Cv


  65. Farzana Hussain

    This made me cry because of so deep this was please keep making more

  66. ninja Hunter

    i know this song is old but I still listen to it because I like it it is the best song I ever heard

  67. itishunnies Channel

    9/1/2019 still hear, very deep meaning.

  68. عراقي اسبورت-Arage Asbort


  69. Aqeel Ruhomutally

    i love your songs i want to be like you


    Infidels dirt

  71. rafa rizkya pratama

    Thank you allah 😊😊😊😊

  72. Jasmin Ahmed

    انا بحبك اوي يا ماهر زين

    Jasmin Ahmed

    i love you mar zan

  73. sofiyah lajuba

    Saya suka maher zain, ngefans berat kali sama dia😣😣Ingin ketemu tpi kapaaann???😁

  74. Ismaniar Putri

    I can’t stop singing this. Amazing

  75. Asia Asia

    it's beutifal

  76. Ayesha Abdullah

  77. Zara незнакомка

    I love this music

  78. مؤمن فاضل مصطفى Magic

    جميل جدا ما شاء الله تبارك ربي الرحمن✋

  79. هشام الكنج

    مااروعك ماهر زين

  80. Shaheeda Bagum

    I like it this song

  81. Wartinah Fauzi


  82. Dini Caserine Sukma


  83. Char Taylor

    BEAUTIFUL ❤️❤️❤️

  84. nug groho

    Masya Allah

  85. Rubyredrose

    Asalamualaikum all, I have a question for you Maher Zain,When did you start singing nasheeds and why? How did you get noticed all over the world?

  86. mohammed saleh

    اروع اغنيه حلوه و عايزين تسمعوعهامع كوره اكتبوا تاريخ راموس الأسود 😆 و هاتطلع الاغنيه مع مواقف راموس



  88. Alilox Beatz

    2018 ??

  89. Osama Alderabany

    Maher zain is best arab singer in the world. .. we love you

  90. Muhammad Harris Azuj

    From the tittle AWAKEN I already know this song is gonna bring a good deep message, turns out it is.. Subhanallah

  91. Muhib Misbah

    love u Maher for make me muslim


    Most beloved one! 😘

  93. Salsa Dilla zain

    I Love this song I hope ALLAH may bless maher zain♡♡♡from indonesia

Awaken Şarkı Sözü
Maher Zain - Awaken Sözleri

We were given so many prizes

We changed the desert into oasis

We built buildings of different lengths and sizes

And we felt so very satisfied

We bought and bought

We couldn't stop buying

We gave charity to the poor 'cause

We couldn't stand their crying

We thought we paid our dues

But in fact

To ourselves we're just lying

Oh...I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place

I'm walking with my head lowered from my race

Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west

When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

We were told what to buy and we'd bought

We went to London, Paris and

We made show we were seen in the most exlusive shops

Yes we felt so very satisfied

We felt our money gave us infinite power

We forgot to teach our children about history and honor

We didn't have any time to lose

When we were.. (were)

So busy feeling so satisfied

I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place

I'm walking with my head lowered from my race

Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west

When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

We became the visuals without a soul

Despite the heat

Our homes felt so empty and cold

To fill the emptiness

We bought and bought

Maybe all the fancy cars

And bling will make us feel satisfied

My dear brother and sister

It's time to change inside

Open your eyes

Don't throw away what's right aside

Before the day comes

When there's nowhere to run and hide

Now ask yourself 'cause Allah's watching you

Is He satisfied?

Is Allah satisfied?

Is Allah satisfied?

Is Allah satisfied?

Oh..I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place

I'm walking with my head lowered from my race

Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west

When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

Mp3 indir

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