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Inna - Tu Manera

Tu Manera
: Inna
: Tu Manera
: 2.55 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 108 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 62 İndirme
: 02-06-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Inna - Tu Manera )
  1. nikolina Миливојевић

    Dobra pesma

  2. Videogames Paradise DX

    NFS Heat Playlist me trajo aqui NFS Heat Playlist Brought me here

  3. Godspeed


  4. Reiji


  5. Ondrej Pohlodko

    Need for speed heat soundtrack ❤❤🔥🔥🔥💣💣💣💣 yeahh

  6. Miranda sam Jack


  7. Mariann MK


  8. Gustavo petroski Live

    Vengo aquí por el comercial de apple

  9. kiir ambrozii

    Didn't know Dora can sing 🥰

  10. Cesar Golindano

    Is this Alita?

  11. Mirabela Balagean

    Super tare piesa! ❤

  12. the roooler

    what the h is this Inna ?@

  13. Andrei95

    Melodia asta o sa fie în NFS Heat

  14. Gız minnak reçel müjde cengo


  15. Beatriz Balcinoiu

    Estoy rompiendo el botón del replay

  16. 다니-씨

    Que chida esta rola :)

  17. Conan In 2

    Guys its official its an need for speed new song 🔥🔥🔥🔥👌👌👌😍 nfs heat

  18. hasan tokdemir

    Tuman nera getti inna tumanan sahap çıh...

  19. ToneBreaker

    Yes you are not dreaming. this is an English comment 🙂

  20. Philippe Beauchamp

    NFS Heat.Anyone?

  21. M Alshabani


  22. rifat ergün

    sen çok güzel ve iyisin , güzel şarkılar söylemektesin

  23. Claudiu Vintila

    this song is in the new NFS Heat

    Alex Canciu

    @Johnny Michael am o curiozitate, l'ai jucat? Din cate stiu lansarea este pe 8 noiembrie :)))

    Johnny Michael

    @Alex Canciu Ti-ai raspuns singur la intrebare. Am jucat Payback si au acelasi engine, daca te uiti atent. Culmea e ca au reusit sa faca jocul mai mizerabil. Payback avea o mecanica acceptabila, dar asta e sub orice critica.

    Alex Canciu

    @Johnny Michael vom vedea cand va fi lansat, mie mi se pare, cel putin din tot ce am văzut pe youtube până acum, un joc foarte bine realizat.

    Nicolae Ceaușescu

    @Johnny Michael mecanica de drift s-a schimbat in HeatPlus Payback e cel mai urât(in sensul ca nu a fost placut) joc Nfs

    ALex Xander

    i came here for this ! am si eu o intrebare daca tot se vorbeste de payback si heat, pe la 60% cariera la payback devenise EXTREM de greu, aveam tot la maxim da tot ma depaseau rivalii detasat , nici pe radar nu ii mai vedeam, as fi auzit ca era bazat pe microtranzactii mai mult ,decat pe in game play

  24. Zephyr

    I came here for Need for Speed Heat

  25. MacakSoft

    I didn't knew it that INNA is such a happily funny creature...

  26. Ricardo Fernandez

    vengo del need for speed heat!

  27. Vandana Thanki

    Apple ad! Finally found it

  28. Sacurier

    Best song in NFS heat 🔥🔥🔥

  29. Leftcool

    NFS Heat anyone?

    Conan In 2

    Leftcool i know inna way before this song 9 years go she rocks every song 🔥👌 she deserve to be in nfs

    Tristian Bernier

    how did you know this is in NFS heat? is the soundtrack released?

    Cristian B

    @Tristian Bernier yes

    Tristian Bernier

    @Cristian B where because I wanna see the whole list please

  30. Sexytvgirls

    El español es imparable

  31. Tonax Monax

    She’s gorgeous

  32. JulioC GaytanA

    Apple Watch 5 commercial 👌🏻💓

  33. Mohd Norman

    apple watch series 5 twitter commercial👍🏻

  34. SmockingJayFPS 81

    Türkler nerdeee?Asın bayrakları bu yoruma

  35. Faith Nicole Vargas Rivera

    Colombia te ama!!😍❤️❤️

  36. Kim JMS

    Soy la única que vino después de escuchar la canción en un anuncio de apple???

  37. Jacob Morris

    Any else from Apple Watch Series 5 advert?

    Conan In 2

    Jacob Morris im from 2010 :)

  38. Azee Zzee

    Love you innna

  39. trooo looolooo

    Tu maneeeeera tu maneraaaa💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃🦄 S❤️E❤️R❤️B❤️I❤️A 🦄

  40. jerroll ng

    came from apple

  41. wal id

    و أخيرا مكش عرب 😂

    Conan In 2


  42. William Torres

    INNA has una canción en ingles como antes

  43. M c

    O tras ceva pe nas ina

  44. Mahima Baxla

    Love from India🇮🇳

  45. Anas Dynamite

    She looks so younger in this video.💛

  46. Anas Dynamite

    I think, this is the first music video of her where she is wearing normal dress..😅😅

  47. scarly0071

    INNA e s

  48. D1nis _gamerpro

    Portugal🇵🇹 te ama

  49. Dani Lopez

    Soy tu fan 1

  50. Eli Mathieu

    Came here after miss universe Thailand 2019 swagged on it 🤗😂

  51. Luca Lazar


  52. iancu ?

    Innaaa pls tradu in romana ca nu toti stiu limba asta eu stiu doar engleza si putina franceza


    ตามไอจีฟ้าใสมา กดไลค์ 🎉

  54. Adelwin

    Apple is using this :)

    Conan In 2

    Adelwin because its a song of the queen 👌 inna 🔥

  55. Batman5

    Came here from the Apple watch advert

  56. Benjamin jess

    ตามมาจาก ig fahsai😍

  57. Satorn Kaewchadarat

    Followed by ig miss universe Thailand 😘🇹🇭👍

  58. senghor Meiihor

    Lovely song

  59. senghor Meiihor

    Lovely song

  60. Thapat Saengnupha

    ใครตามมาจาก ig ฟ้าใส ยกมือ!!!

  61. Fahsai Fc. มง3มาแน่

    ตามมาจากที่เห็นฟ้าใสกับเฟิร์สร้อง เพราะดี

  62. Thud Ja Phud


  63. Kyle Marionne Tafalla

    Saw this from an IG post of Thai attending a Malaysian event 😀

  64. Daniel Flores Ocampo

    Wey es neta, alguien sabe que le paso a la inna que hacía buena música??

    Luis Arturo Aguilar Torres

    Daniel Flores Ocampo Muchos nos preguntamos lo mismo, pero hay que entender que un verdadero artista siempre hace cambios en su música, y aunque es arriesgado, Inna es de las pocas que se atreve

    Luis Arturo Aguilar Torres

    Daniel Flores Ocampo Muchos nos preguntamos lo mismo, pero hay que entender que un verdadero artista siempre hace cambios en su música, y aunque es arriesgado, Inna es de las pocas que se atreve

  65. DISTVILL -

    This is the song in the new apple ad for the iPhone 11 lol

    Conan In 2

    DISTVILL - yes and the apple watch series 5

    Ruby HChau

    haha i actually searched for this song after iphone 11 ads appeared halfway :)))and i'm not fan of IOS at all :))

    Conan In 2

    Ruby HChau lol im following this queen from 2010 sun is up 😍😍👌 she is the best


    this song will be in Need for Speed Heat

  66. اسامه الانيق

    خبال يلفج ولج أينا

  67. Yatziry Bella altamirano

    Me encant tu. Musica inna

  68. Alexander Pérez

    Apple Watch 5!

  69. Milica Trkulja

    So cool song

  70. IgnisIce

    дайте сисек! такую красоту прятать за мешковатою одежду((Инна, красоточка!!

  71. xBoosterx Bhlake

    Te amo inna tus canciones son geniales 😍


    please return to Inna - Hot style


    I m the English your are trying to scroll down


    bl (🔞) ☜ أنت نعمة الجنة وتعذيب الجحيم لقلبي ؛ كيف حلوة ومريرة أنت لهذا القلب من الألغام! ☞(🔞)☜ You are the bliss of heaven and the tortureof hell to my heart; how sweet and how bitter you are to this heart of mine!

  75. Zoran Ilic

    Do you like kids?

  76. Tatyana Terapevt

    Прикол ьно

  77. Tihomir Georgiev

    Retard video

  78. Aynan Khan .j

    I don’t know more about u if u are married or whatever i suggest u to take a divorce and if u have a boyfriend i suggest u to leave that loose and chase me

  79. Aynan Khan .j

    Well i am not interested in u because u were too much short clothes first try to cover ur private parts infront of the people and become muslim then I can marry u or else not

  80. Aynan Khan .j

    Well illuminati is where all people around the world come to a party and at night what they do is in night there is some mantra they have to recite for iblish then she come and they worship iblish...for now example if u go to a serial killer they wont kill unless u gave money so same the devils don’t give free services u have to sacrifice for them,u have to worship them instead of Allah,u have to be gay u have to make ur own gf either wife fucked infront of the public in there party and the more worst u go beyond the limits that time the devils work but at a point the devils betray them and they become stuck so the people say we know we will go to hell after death so as much as we can we will take the people in hell thats it sura baqarah verse 102 And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic]." And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah . And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew.2:103 Play Copyﮤ ﮥ ﮦ ﮧ ﮨ ﮩ ﮪ ﮫ ﮬ ﮭﮮ ﮯ ﮰ ﮱSAHIH INTERNATIONALAnd if they had believed and feared Allah, then the reward from Allah would have been [far] better, if they only knew.

  81. Aynan Khan .j

    Stop doing dirty things don’t expose ur body anymore

  82. Zafar Ikromov

    Zo'r xonday

  83. Andres Toro

    Me la como con ketchup!!!!

  84. Kib Son

    Волим теее

  85. Carlos Huesca

    I love 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😚😙😚😚😚😚😙😙😙😐😶

  86. DreamerOfTruth


  87. Асадбек Азимов

    I love you.. Inna ...я тебя любля Инна ты супер ...UZBEKISTAN

  88. Disney Dizi Replikleri

    Ne zamandır bu şarkıyı arıyorum dnmZmemams SONUNDA 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷

  89. Krishna Entertainments

    Woow exellent love u inna am your fan biggest fan

  90. Petra Popovic

    Foxlife anyone?

  91. Alejandra Carrillo

    Alguien sabe el tema o algo respecto al video, me gustaría saber :D solo es un video divertido? también sé que es la misma casa donde grabaron escenas de "Ra", la casa es diferente a la zona donde grabaron "Si, mama".

  92. Felicia Crăciun

    Te iubim con,,tu manera,,!💓😘

  93. Felicia Crăciun

    Te iubim con,,tu manera,,!💓😘

  94. Voina Cristian-Adrian

    woooo-huuuuuuuuuu ;)

  95. Бедный Работяга из Иваново

    нормас так

Tu Manera Şarkı Sözü
Türkçe Çevirisi İle Birlikte

Senin yol
Dale Dale, hayır seni hayal kırıklığına uğratmayacağım
Así dale dale, no I won’t let you down

Dale Dale, hayır seni hayal kırıklığına uğratmayacağım
Así dale dale, no I won’t let you down
Yolun, yolun
Tu manera, tu manera

Bana bakışın beni yanlış yapıyor
Tu manera de mirar me pone mal

Yolun, yolun
Tu manera, tu manera

Senin yolunda kendimi kontrol edemiyorum
Tu manera, no me puedo controlar
Yani durma, seni hayal kırıklığına uğratmayacağım
Así ya no pares, no I won’t let you down

Yani durma, seni hayal kırıklığına uğratmayacağım
Así ya no pares, no I won’t let you down
Beni yakıyorsun, sahildeki gibi
Estás quemándome, como en la playa

Benden hoşlanıyorsun, gitme
Estás gustándome, ya no te vayas

Plajdaki gibi yanıyorum
Estoy quemándote, como en la playa

Senden hoşlanıyorum, gitme
Estoy gustándote, ya no te vayas
Bu yüzden bana ver bana, seni hayal kırıklığına uğratmayacağım
Así dame dame, no I won’t let you down

Bu yüzden bana ver bana, seni hayal kırıklığına uğratmayacağım
Así dame dame, no I won’t let you down
Yolun, yolun
Tu manera, tu manera

Bana bakışın beni yanlış yapıyor
Tu manera de mirar me pone mal

Yolun, yolun
Tu manera, tu manera

Senin yolunda kendimi kontrol edemiyorum
Tu manera, no me puedo controlar
Senin gibi başka bir eşitin olmadığı gibi, olmayan bir şeyin var.
Como tú no hay otro igual, tienes algo que no hay

Kendimi içeremem, seni itiraf etmek istiyorum
No me puedo contener, yo te quiero confesar

Oradaydın, onunla, bana bakıyorsun
Ahí estabas, con ella, así mirándome

Yani, böyle, ve seni bekliyorum
Así, así, y yo esperándote
Beni yakıyorsun, sahildeki gibi
Estás quemándome, como en la playa

Benden hoşlanıyorsun, gitme
Estás gustándome, ya no te vayas

Plajdaki gibi yanıyorum
Estoy quemándote, como en la playa

Senden hoşlanıyorum, gitme
Estoy gustándote, ya no te vayas
Yolun, yolun
Tu manera, tu manera

Bana bakışın beni yanlış yapıyor
Tu manera de mirar me pone mal

Yolun, yolun
Tu manera, tu manera

Senin yolunda kendimi kontrol edemiyorum
Tu manera, no me puedo controlar
Dale Dale, hayır seni hayal kırıklığına uğratmayacağım
Así dale dale, no I won’t let you down

Dale Dale, hayır seni hayal kırıklığına uğratmayacağım
Así dale dale, no I won’t let you down

Mp3 indir

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