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Inna - Sun Goes Up

Sun Goes Up
: Inna
: Sun Goes Up
: 3.22 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 84 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 56 İndirme
: 06-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Inna - Sun Goes Up )
  1. Dance Dance

    One of my favorite INNA songs and I’m still listening to it in 2019. Missing this kind of music from her! Always wish there had been a music video for this hit!

  2. Scarlett

    i miss this Inna

  3. Brayan Reyes


  4. La Discotheque

    A fiesta continua! 2019

  5. Fabricio Granados


  6. A J


  7. Sambol Misaghian Shirazi

    She is imitating Gloria Estefan

  8. El rincón de Toshío


  9. Thomas Edward

    Love all your song love ya keep it up inna

  10. MEWAN

    Amazing INNA 😘

  11. Lipstick and Boots Fashion

    INNA Is so talented Love her songs😍💖

  12. Arturo Alva

    2018? Best song ♥️

  13. Emerson Aragon

    This is the first time that I listen the song and I love it...! 😍😍😍😍💕💕💕

  14. INNA Egypt

    I loved 🙌❤🎵

  15. Ulker Akkurt

    Bennnnnnnn her yerden bu herkes ne der bana diye halennnnnnnn bakcakmiyimmmmmm solcularimmmmmm gercekteee bile her yerdennnnnn bakinnnnn

  16. Ulker Akkurt

    Sordummmmm ki hdp katliammmmmmmm yalan miydi altindaaaaaaa yine fasizimmmmmm vardi dedimmmmm ve benimm tehtitlerimmmmmmmmmm yok beyinnnnnn yok senelerceeeeeeeeeeee karsimdaaaaaa kurdolarrrrr

  17. Azin Mirzai

    this song is hot

  18. Ulker Akkurt

    Baktiniz mi solcularimmmm her konuda yalancimiyimmmm evladimmmm cigerimmm kemoterapideeeeeee su annnnnnnnnn

  19. Juan Carlos De Andrade PESTANA

    muy movida excelente.

  20. Ulker Akkurt

    Heppppppppp susacaksin susacakkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  21. Ulker Akkurt

    Soyledimmmm ya benim evladimmmm kanserdiiiiiii oyuncak mi bu solummm kanserrrrrdi

  22. Ulker Akkurt

    Valllaaaa yok boyle bi sey yasadimmmmmmm cunku adlarindannnnnnnn bile

  23. Ulker Akkurt

    Hic konudaaaaa konusmuycammmmmm ne haltttt edersenizzzzzz edinnnn evliiii bekarrrrr olan kurdolarrrrr sizeeee ben cunkuuuu bitti yok gerceklerimmmmmmmm dedim size hepppp yilmazdannnnnn

  24. Ulker Akkurt

    Yaaaaaaaaaa gercek oc cocuklarini neeeeee zaman goreceksinizzzzzzzzzzzz peki solummmm bu saate neeeee zamannnnnn

  25. Shahlo Oripova


  26. Ulker Akkurt

    Sesegeldimmmmm youtube tummmmmm solcularimmmmm fb liler daha yilmazzzzzzzzz emriii yapacakkkkkkk fasizimmmmmmmmmm yikarakkkkkkkkkkkk

  27. Ulker Akkurt

    Sizlerrrrrr banaaa boyle davrandikcaaaaaaaaaa hepinizzzzzzzi gercek oc cocuguuuu sayarimmmmmm haberinizzzzzzz olsunnnn hani

  28. Ulker Akkurt

    Anlatmistimmmmm ya yine gecennn gun baya oluyor evdeee tek basimaydimmm zehirlenmisimmmmmm dedimmmm sizeeee ne oldugunu. Bilmiyorummmmm da

  29. Ulker Akkurt

    3 senedir de evladimmmmm hastaydi dedim ya huzurrr vermemistiiiiii adinizaaaaaaaaaaaaaa suscannn allahhh suscannnnnnnnnn diyeee diyee bir rahatsizliklaaaaaaaaaa demistim hdppppp yeee ben

  30. Ulker Akkurt

    Sinsiiiii yilannnnn olmak kotu olmak gerekkkkkkkk iyi bakinnnnnnnn solummmm bunlar gibi olamadimmmmm ben sabRETTTIMMMMMMMM HEPPPPP SABIRRRRRRR hep

  31. Gom Hoboken

    We love you inna love from belgium from a turkish guy 😍😘

  32. Ulker Akkurt

    Hepinizeeeeeeeeee halen iyi uykularrrrrrrrr solummmmm karsimdaaaaa

  33. Ulker Akkurt

    Hani adimaaaaa her konuda neee oldugunu bilsemmmmm anlatacagimmmmmmmm yok bilmiyorummmmm bu saate solummmmm napmakta her yerden karsimdaaaaaaaa bakin bilmiyorummmmmmmm

  34. Ulker Akkurt

    Soyledimmmmm ya benim annem yok sovenlerinnnnn anasinaaaa gitsin youtubedennnnn de analarinaaaaaaaa

  35. Yasuonline

    Turkish ♥

  36. tanti irina


  37. rozola zry

    div-INNA - 1.376.850

  38. Agna Beja

    Love from Poland ..

  39. Agna Beja

    Love you

  40. Yareli Palacios

    Berry gooooooooood... INNA 😘

  41. Banu Akgün

    I Love you inna

  42. Matejko White black White2x siu

    Good premium link edition.

  43. Yana Yakov

    I'm belly dancing with this song

  44. Labu Labu

    sun is up , sun gose up , shining star seriously

  45. R Lubbers

    i want to see the son goes up with you elena ***********

  46. R Lubbers

    te gek echt

  47. Аминжон Насридинов


  48. Beril ile Eğlen


  49. Armando Marino Loko

    I love you so much INNA

  50. Aakash Buddha

    I loved your song my Darling inna love you

  51. Britney Vega

    I love your boobs

  52. Britney Vega

    So good

  53. giovanny duarte

    it's lit 🔥💖😍, Sun goes up! 🌞🙌💃😍, INNA is so my Idol! La mejor! 💖👑

  54. Luiza

    you are unique INNA i love you so much

  55. Ismail Mohammed

    Like for INNA eyes😘😍

  56. Brianna Jeffery Royal pink Princess

    Goes up English music You tube 4

  57. emmanuel william taylor

    sun goes up😍😍😍😍😍😍

  58. Valéria Léla croft


  59. Chris Iulian Dumitru

    Yesss love your music queen INNA❤💋

  60. Kamal Abdalla

    ow I love this lady

  61. bri guy

    i likey.. your music...

  62. Sagrario Magaly Chi Carril

    Sun goes upEverybody move your bodySun goes upEverybody after partySun goes upEverybody move your bodySun goes up, come lightFour'o'clock in the morning, time to partyTime to let it outWanna dance to the sunlightAnd I know you'll join me tonightI wanna feel it, I wanna feel it tonightI wanna feel it, I wanna feel it so tightTell me where's the party, tell me where it wentJust wanna keep it going 'til 4AMAnd we are gonna do it, gonna do it all againOh, when the sun goes upMove, let it go so tell me what you likeAnd come and give it to me, cause it feels so rightI gotta do it, gotta do it all againSun goes upEverybody move your bodySun goes upEverybody after partySun goes upEverybody move your bodySun goes up, come lightI wake up feeling hazyIt's so crazyDo it all againWent and danced and it's overAnd I need you, join me tonightI wanna feel it, I wanna feel it tonightI wanna feel it, I wanna feel it so tightTell me where's the party, tell me where it wentJust wanna keep it going 'til 4AMAnd we are gonna do it, gonna do it all againOh, when the sun goes upMove, let it go so tell me what you likeAnd come and give it to me, cause it feels so rightI gotta do it, gotta do it all againSun goes upEverybody move your bodySun goes upEverybody after partySun goes upEverybody move your bodySun goes up, come lightTell me where's the party, tell me where it wentJust wanna keep it going 'til 4AMAnd we are gonna do it, gonna do it all againOh, when the sun goes upMove, let it go so tell me what you likeAnd come and give it to me, cause it feels so rightI gotta do it, gotta do it all againSun goes upEverybody move your bodySun goes upEverybody after partySun goes upEverybody move your bodySun goes up, come light

  63. runinromantis23

    This song should be released as a single such an addictive hit! Been my number one besides Bad Boys off the album!

  64. Sagrario Magaly Chi Carril

    desperdicio esta rola para single:(

  65. Toni Jovanovic

    top inna

  66. jossy butterfly

    nice song

  67. Soukaina Bensaid

    Amaizing ♡

  68. İnci Koçak

    Hiç Türk yok mu? Türkler'e buradan selam 😂

    Juono Hernandez Started Jr.

    +İnci Koçak olmaz olurmu

  69. Joselaine Rodriguez A.

    me encanta esta canción :D


    La mejor x mucho INNA❤❤💕💕

  71. Khoa Lê

    Everybody move your body, sun goes upEverybody after party, sun goes upEverybody move your body, sun goes up, come light

  72. Beatrice Bea

    love you!

  73. Joy of Pepsi

    I love it! 😄

  74. TheWalkonmusic

    Hola latinos ! Me gusta el latino ritmo en esta canción ! ❤️

    Transitorios5CM11 ESIME

    Hola puto, que bueno que te gusta

  75. Nyyazdurdy Nuryyew

    I LoVe YoU INNA 😘

  76. vaibhav bhat

    love u inna..........soo much

  77. Beste klau


  78. Ayberk Özyol


  79. ayala Ayala

    Have you been to the Ellen show if not you have to go😀.PLEASE

  80. ayala Ayala

    Your better than Meghan Nichole

  81. BETHUN

    This song music familiar with "Jadugar Jadugar" form movie "Chand Sa Roshan Chehra". It's Bollywood Movie.#is_it_copy


    +karm 9 I am not kidding.

    karm 9

    +Bethun09 I sure hoped you were kidding.. unfortunately, or shoud I say fortunately, this is not even remotely close to your song ..yeah, I've searched that sh... sorry kid


    @karm 9 I know the sond "Jadugar jadugar" for years. So when I heard the song " Sun Goes Up" I got similar tune.So #No_Offence to InnaNo one like their own sh...Who you will like others sh...?Sorry Old Man.#No_offence to Any Sh...

    karm 9

    +Bethun09 well... maybe when you'll grow old like me and your musical common sense will start to kick in, you'll learn to make the difference between sh.. no offence given, none taken ;)


    +karm 9 well. that could happen. on a shiny day you will realise that the boy was right. Ohh Sh... he was right.

  82. Eduardo Aguilar

    I love u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #INNA #EL SALVADOR!

  83. laura martinez cortes

    F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C.O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C.O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Y F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C.O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C.O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵

  84. Ranz Catubigan

    All songs of yours are on my playlist. I'm your fan!!! I love you. <3

  85. Ranz Catubigan

    I'm inlove with you. From Philippines. :3

  86. said ali

    lnna i need to vidous and songs speak arabic plese plese

  87. Yajaira Jimenez

    La mejor canción de todas;3

  88. Simou Jihad

    Schönes Lied!!!

  89. bbbb27272

    That's a Gloria Estefan riff.....Whoever writes this stuff copies hits from the 90s.

  90. Maria

    Body and The Sun!!! The best Album from Inna!!! I looooove it, THIS is her style!!!!

  91. Weareyoungs

    make a video! ♥

  92. Daniel K

    Why doesn't Romania choose Inna or Alexandra Stan to represent them in Eurovision!? They would do so good!

    karm 9

    +Daniel K because most romanian artists don't want to. Why in the world I would want to go in a contest (do I need a contest?) to ruin my image, where a bunch of countries just share points and interests between them. We all know Eurovision is NOT about music, it's politics ONLY.

    Daniel K

    @karm 9 Of course LOL. It is just entertaining.

  93. Syvle The Boss

    te amo inna eres la mejor

  94. Ahmad Kayyali

    she has to improve her lyrics i love her songs just saying..

  95. Ezad Ezad

    i love you inna: *

  96. Menace Halim

    nice voise and music

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