First thing i hear when getting in (megaloviana )
Happy to know!
Dr. Skull vid
Why Do You Use Megalovania
I still hate capy and even dolphina a lot more that relic bun, i guess
Told you top 10 would get those tasty views ✌️(^_^ )👌Also love how u are growing so quickly! Nearly 400 subs!Congrats! 🎉🎉
Thx, three other top tens are decent
Actually I'm stuck at relic bun and he danks me but I don't understand why people hate him
He's stage is just a whole bunch if stacking Cyberpunk and using TF legends. And that means having to do An Elder Secret at least 20 times to get all 4 legends TF,then you have Ultimate Bun Bun.You can see why
Eh, they're honestly unnecessary especially with cyberpunk p coins coming next week. Cyber stacking works fine. I still have no tf legends and I'm about half way through UL
Capy is easy, it is single attack so just use a few 75c meatshields
I still "like" R ost than capy even if he's traitless...
Well it’s normally backed up
Something like drunken backrub is deadly and all of those enemies could just "use a few 75c meatshields" or on something like Vulcanizer they can just one shot your heavy hitters if there's a gap and they force you to but at least 4/5 meatshields which makes the stage a lot harder. Same goes for Sir Rel, on his own he is very weak and easy, but on some stages like John Gool they easily tear through you if you don't have excellent attackers. Hardly any enemies are good on their own
@Wave Well I just find them easy, I just use meatshields, maybe some resist and massive damage cats.
Sir rel I agree because they rip through everything
Would say that tackey, brollow or metal seal are worst but it is pretty relatable
I hate hackey more than tackey somehow...(pro tips use rusher especially yukimura)Brollow? Use a manic cat/kai (unless the brollows are heavily buffed like in the cubist crime)Metal seal? Crazed moneko+ summer neneko rekt him
I have Grammy and jizo