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Ciguli - Romake

: Romake
: 4.04 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 61 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 47 İndirme
: 28-06-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ciguli - Romake )
  1. Shine With Chitranshi

    Thodi viewers ko bhi de do itne saari bnai h to

  2. be creative

    Glycerin melts slime 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

  3. Itz_ GachaJojo

    How to make slime:Poke your nose Play with boogersAnd have fun

  4. Safia Slime

    Check out my new YouTube channel 👍👉🌈

  5. willy kan

    Your so dumb

  6. Sunny Wong

    Nice turquoise color

  7. Dilesh Bansode

    I don't have clear glue so make a slime with white glue

  8. Simi The Cat

    It works for me but the first time I tried it was so sticky and I needed to wash my hands

  9. Rayan Bm

    Who has clear glue in a water bottle ?

  10. Ahmad Saeed

    Is that real

  11. Wassila ZN

    qui parle francais

  12. Karsan Patel

    Can we use laundry detergent instead of slime activator

    KaDance Bass

    You dobt have to use borax ( even tho its the main activator) you can use contact solution if you wear contacts. But I dont think laundry detergent will work

  13. M GH


  14. Pradip Adhikary

    Anyone here in 2019?

  15. Gacha_cake !

    So helpful, thank you a bunch!! 🥰🥰🥰

  16. 『BxariiChu』

    6.6M views6.6K dislikes

  17. xxxKatKatie xxx

    :3 very odd and satisfying when done with slime

  18. Pentagram - Music and Games

    yes but what is the slime activator called?

  19. Mara McClurken

    Wtf is slime activator

  20. Eloise_slimez

    Mine didn’t work :(

  21. arti rajput

    who's mother scold 😣 to make slime at home hit a like

    Araceli Maldonado

    My mom forbid slime into my house cuz it gets on the floor

  22. Olivia Maciel

    her: adds alot of activator and makes perfect slime me: adds alot of activator and makes a hard rough slime -_-

  23. Ashley ashley

    Anyone here in 2020? 😂

  24. Christy Maria

    Just Something? Can this work with Normal Glue

  25. Kenadi Sama

    Next time could you leave measurements? I want to make this slime but I wouldn’t know how to depending on how much clear glue I have.

  26. Safiur Rahman

    It works thanks

  27. Anya Sabanayagam

    i was expecting more jiggle.

  28. sanketh yadav

    Thank you so mch for ur tutorial it worked 🤩

  29. Americo Oliveira

    Fogo dever

  30. Reigny Brown

    do you let stand with cover or without cover?

  31. Mac Lorreal

    I love your silme so so so much

  32. Dinesh Parui

    Easy Tamar matha kizi

  33. Thay tatá

    Perfeito Amei 😍

  34. fnixx l

    What measures

  35. Gacha Wolfe Potato

    First I was thinking you was making a watery MESS but I loveeeeee the slime and I will try to make it my self

  36. Killer Nauhwars

    How to make slime activor

  37. Noir [Narrative]

    Thank God I have 5 glycerin on my storage for real

  38. BIA GAME

    I need to use clear glue?

  39. Gacha Hemimorphite

    What is the difference between water and clear water? -_-

  40. Firas Daaboul

    Do u put a lid on it wile your waiting the 2days🤩🤓😎😜❤️👍

  41. KP Nagabhushan

    Is slime dries after 3 days

  42. gachagurl _ØwØ

    YAY IM GOING TO TRY THIS MY MOM IS GETTING THE SYUFF YAY 😁 I liked the vid hopefully it works!! 😃

  43. joy pl

    I am a great fan of slime so i think this video will work slime activator means borax + warm water

  44. Martin Lyn

    But I don't have that third ingredient

  45. Denki Kaminari Lover

    Roses are red violets are blue I have activator or glue

  46. Princess Ashly Basa

    This recipe is easy and good to

  47. Dani Doo


  48. Happy You

    What is the clyserine?

  49. hyakkimaru jungkook

    Sorry but i think...for me....that's just clear slime..........(?)Sorry...😁

  50. SlimeBy Sharah

    you should add jelly cubes now!!

  51. ksi méritos

    Q activado usas

  52. Humaira Shaikh

    Slime activer

  53. Aidan Vu

    I wasted glue ;( I dislike video HOW DARE YOUUUUU

  54. Nilliby Bubble tea

    This is how many times you’ve been clickbaited👇🏻

  55. TIMO rai

    How to make slime activator you need water salt and any kind of detergent first put the salt into the water and mixet it well after that put the detergent intoxthe water mixet it well and who's it will work like and comment

  56. Ultra Man

    I love your water slime 💝💙💖

  57. Alexi clyde Elmido

    * so excited*Wow! just clear glueWater?! Hahaha Mom! what is glycerin?

  58. Badr Ri


    Badr Ri

    Give me 90000 likes for my comment

  59. Yogendra Shukla

    How to make activator

  60. pubg mobile

    What is your slime activator tell me please♥️

  61. Sophia Kutnyakova

    It doesn’t look like it’s stretchy like when ever you would try to stretch it I would just brake

  62. Alina Anish

    hi I am new to your channel.anyways good slime and good colour

  63. amran ahmed

    Making very easy slime😘

  64. Koli 007

    anyone do this can't believe it

  65. xXNightGaleXx

    Glycerin can be found in supermarkets in the baking section or in cake stores

  66. Cool Like


  67. Gacha Peppermint

    Glycerin if for food. I bet you can find it somewhere


    Very very very bad 😤😤

  69. Rita The Petty Girl

    This word is not good

  70. Gracie G.

    🥺😭 that’s so beautiful

  71. TheGamingGirl NamedBrooke

    2:07 stop stop stop


    Have you heard of ratios?

  73. ال اا

    before watching video how wanna going to see cooment hit a like

  74. pinkie winkie

    Is it meh or she is using a dog Bowl to make slime????

  75. Falguni das

    How did u made that activator ?

  76. Benjamin Angco


  77. Sumitra Biswas

    It is difficult ?

  78. Sumitra Biswas

    Where I kept

  79. Talha Amjad

    plz uses home made things to make a good or better slime and do not use so many expensive things on it like my comment hit a like ☺

    Yolanda Lesheil

    This is homemade-

  80. Alexis- the black wolfie

    Me:ohhh its so simple let's make it yayMe:makes itHer:wait for two daysMe:okay*1 hour later**plays with it*

  81. Isabelly Kerollyn

    Eu adorooo etc slime assim

  82. Ayla Rose


  83. AsNovaBoy 321


  84. Kiran Kumari

    If it work like me


    They don't say how much;-;

  86. Draco Playz

    Is it me bc I think that this Doesn't look like jiggly slime

  87. Juliana Dewi

    i like slime......

  88. cokie playz

    thats thick slime

  89. Da Wolf Lengends OwO

    *When You Want Slime But Don't Have Glue*Me: MoM i NeEd GluE oR i WoNt HuG yOu

  90. waffle Roblox

    anyone else like OMG I WATCHED S MANY VIDEOS AND I DIDNT KINOW WHERE TO GET THOSE THINGS .Then when they watch this there like omg found those things

  91. I don’t know how to do Gacha But I will try

    Slime is life☀️

  92. oofson is a noob

    That doesn’t look jiggly

  93. 10,00 subscribers with no videos

    Does it work without the clear glue

  94. Anjali Ramlal

    She should have play with it on the table

  95. Gryffindor

    It's not really the jiggly Aline I was hoping for

  96. Rokayia Bazzon

    I have another way 1- put cold water in the bowlput 5 spoons of guar gum2- mix 3- clear it from the chunks 4- mix well5 - add coloring 6- let sit for 2 days *AND WALA*

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