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Cardi B - feat Rita Ora-Girls

feat Rita Ora-Girls
: feat Rita Ora-Girls
: 3.37 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 64 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 43 İndirme
: 09-02-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Cardi B - feat Rita Ora-Girls )
  1. NORO 49

    You are the bright sun, love and adore You.❤️❤️❤️💞💞💞💕💕💕💋💋💋🌷🌷🌷🌹🙏.

  2. Erica Dela Cruz

    That nipple tho ❤

  3. Tania Minecraft love

    I love Rita Ora!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🦄🦄🦄😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😗😗😗😗

  4. Remedy

    Rita Ora=perfection ;)

  5. Tumblr Pics

    rita je ma e mira ne bot

  6. Vivek S


  7. Enkelejda Laze

    Rita is beautiful and talented.

  8. TheFrozenEASTENDBoy - Frozen, Original and more

    This is literally the only clean version 😭I want to listen to the studio but it has the N word in it and I hate that word because it is racist towards black people

  9. Pee Pang

    National anthem for pansexual. Love love love!

  10. ashesprouse

    underated queen.

  11. Jamme Jerdee


  12. Michael Francis

    Why the fuck is this song so hated?

  13. Robert Reid

    I wanna kiss girls now thanx rita..urr where are they..urrr hugs sexy talented gem bobby bristol boy..

  14. Robert Reid

    Love ya girl....friggin superstar underated gem ...hugs bobby bristol boy

  15. Maria Rinta-Rahko

    That was amazing

  16. Pokémon fan

    Missing Bebe💕💕


    Best outfit so far

  18. nesa nesa

    where is new one!

  19. Milton Sanchezjr.

    Cardi is Milton Sanchezjr Origanl Thank you for no for your support 😘 for you with my respect thoughts and prayers are with you ok

  20. Milton Sanchezjr.

    Thank you god bless you

  21. tımucın atar

    thıs world never saw such a self confidence and honest singer That is Rita ORA

  22. Nikolly Araujo

    3:06 Does anyone know the name of this girl on Instagram?

  23. Allysson Real

    Canta muito bm ao vivo

  24. Sophie Acott


  25. Petros K

    I love her , her energy and her voice ❣️

  26. Angeline Venus

    GIRLS 😍😚💖

  27. Special Things watch more rita ora live performace here

  28. Michael Miller

    making a mockery of bisexuality

  29. Idiotic Entertrainment

    Fantastic voice

  30. kawii kactus

    weres Cardi at

  31. riamisreal

    I love her so much ❤️🔥

  32. Bryan Navarro

    Shes copying super bass from nicki minaj with this performens 😜

  33. Emin Ramadani

    I Love this Song😍😘💋❤️😊👍👍

  34. Axel

    Wow amazing g performance

  35. Kevyn Karson

    All I can think is “I got one less problem without you.” The black/white outfit is giving me 2014 Ariana vibes 😍

  36. Ralfi Santiago Espinola Gonzalez

    Wow i love you rita ora 😍😍😍

  37. Bekka Bowers

    Why is the crowd so dead, I'd be screaming my ass off if I was there

  38. Kadaj2PL

    Swiat jest coraz odwazniejszy i to mi sie podoba :) żyjemy tak krótko wiec czemu nie być sobą :) ps Żona jest bi i to jest Piękne w niej :)

  39. Agnes Charles

    That crowd so dead af.

  40. Devine power

    Rita is so talented she needs more her songs....

  41. unicorn girl aka raeal diaz

    What was she wearing

  42. jenos

    The crowd was cold af

  43. AboutJhels

    Her voice is just Goddddeeeessss😍😍😍

  44. kari siu

    how is this fucking way better than the studio version?

  45. Official nanak17

    Her voice is very smooth and nice, although she is moving about



  47. Jean Carter

    That outfit was cute af

  48. Martha Papapdemetriou

    I love this song 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖😁💖

  49. Emily Wheeldon

    Vapid shit

  50. HYONCE •

    I want 4singers live in stage😭😭but this stage is good too💋

  51. Corby Howard

    She has so much fun when she preforms this song and it shows a lot.

  52. Gillian CN


  53. Lee Mendoza

    Am I the only one who knows cardi b looks like nicki minaj?

  54. María José Bahamøn Guzman


  55. cupcake smoothie


  56. Ali Joon

    Body rocks!

  57. Rica Dwitasarie

    always great ^^

  58. Claude Carter

    She has pretty good voice though.

  59. Sebb xD

    Perfect .

  60. Amin Dlima

    GUYS NEW MUSIC IS COMING 😍 IN MY CHANEL YOUTUBE, I'M EXCITED, SUBSCRIBE MY CHANEL, I promise not to disappoint you ♥️ see you soon

  61. Skinny Kween

    Checkboard chick,half up half down hair....ariana problem?

  62. Kate Speedie

    I was there!

  63. Nina Loyola

    so proud of mama rita😍😍😍

  64. Bartly Santos

    Rita ora's voice even live was totally amazing! No auto tuned needed

  65. njwasss

    i hope there is cardi bebe and charlie⚘btw rita is perfect !

  66. Paula Ruiz H.

    Rita slaying as always

  67. regular irregular

    She nailed it, but the dancers were not that good

  68. Om Prakash Sharma


  69. Jason Nicholas

    She forgot the lyrics of verse 2.

  70. Calebe Souza Silva

    maravilhosa! <3

  71. Villa K

    Why can't she just says"kiss girls, girls, girls?"

  72. Fanart_14 Fanart_14

    She killed it🔥🔥🔥


    The crowd has no spirit

  74. ohwell

    *the moment everyone thought Cardi B had just come into the stage and then they realised but they cheered anyway*

  75. Marshmello Lover 2004

    RITA could have done it on her own but no racist language.

  76. Marshmello Lover 2004

    This is literally the only clean version. No one released the clean version. I noticed she released the video but I'm not clicking on it because CARDI is being RACIST

    Jess H

    Marshmello Lover 2004 How’s she being racist, she says the n word because she’s black, black people can say that

    Bouncealong Inflatables Ltd

    She basically said in it rich people dont need black people which is racist "7 figure, never need a n*"

    Jess H

    Bouncealong Inflatables Ltd No she isn’t.... she says the n word because black people call each other that, so she’s saying she doesn’t need anyone or mainly a man and his dick

  77. Hassaan Saleem

    in some audios it is hush lovin but in the lyrics and official video its kush lovin

    Jess H

    Hassaan Saleem That’s because they can’t say Kush because it’s about weed, kiddies are easily influenced these days


    i'm so gay

  79. Carlos Huaman

    Same as studio; 😱

    Nana Osei Tutu Adomako-Bonsu

    Carlos hu she is a good vocalist.

  80. Büşra

    Awww she is so cute😍😍I love her❤❤❤

  81. Jagruti Patel

    Maybe 'girls' video is already made go to @bebeRexha - Bebe rexha - girls (snippet)

    Carlos Huaman

    #Strangers# teamup! It's gon be out today at 4pm

    Jagruti Patel

    Look what I told that was a clip of that video on the screen..and it came true.... because it was sure that girls video is going to come

  82. Namjooniezzz

    Her vocals tho!

  83. ariana grande official

    Αηδία 😛😛😛😛

  84. Jacob Patrick Poulsen

    I hope that she soon releases that second studio album. Don´t know why she is waiting so long before she releases it. :)

  85. Shilvey Subarno


  86. distorted

    This was amazing

  87. irvan Haryadi

    Part Charlie XCX Best 💕💕💕😍😍😍

  88. julieth Muhumba

    Unresistable song.

  89. Alain Bruno

    She sounds good live 👍


    Rita Ora is AMAZING

  90. Persian Girls

    Rita is so hot😍

  91. Persian Girls

    Perfect live

  92. Karin Heinzmann

    Des ist abr geil Ok em in echt hörts sich anders an abr geill

    Persian Girls

    Karin Heinzmann Yup

  93. Quốc Đạt

    her voice is flawless!

  94. Zedzaid

    👌Zedzaid Part 2 Out Now🤓Include JOHN WAYNE🏍, A-YO🍾, GOVERMENT HOOKER📊, JOANNE👱, Kau Nak Aku Buat and MORE🤘Download Now for FREE 👉:: 👈Out Now my MONSTER include TEAM👥, TEETH😆, MONSTER😈, MILF$💲, 3AM MUSIC VIDEO📹 and More. DOWNLOAD for Free here 👉 👈Out Now my Album RATED Z for FREE (include NO❌, AIN'T UR MAMA👱, ME TOO✌, One Call Away📞) 👉 👈

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