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BTS - War of Hormone

War of Hormone
: War of Hormone
: 4.55 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 178 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 92 İndirme
: 26-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (BTS - War of Hormone )
  1. MC Everton Gostoso #ES

    Jungkook fazendo rap? Amei

  2. Senior Army

    It’s been 5 years 🥺

  3. Shweta Yadav

    2:49 I want you Jin....I want you 😅❤️

  4. Shivalingachari K

    2:03 see taetae

  5. stream DNA n DejaVu Thanks!

    210,055,four seven eight

  6. deekshant paliwal

    I won't be surprised if they played stone, paper, scissors for who will get the girl at the end

  7. Seema Pradhan

    I love bad boys....

  8. Coral Skye

    I listened to this song getting my ear pierced to help me stop focusing on how bad it would hurt and I barely even noticed when the girl put the earring in but I still almost passed out when it was done -_-

  9. Paul Justine Dumrique

    the wheels of the bike were not moving, nice one bighit

  10. Marley Etter

    Is it just me or does Tae tae look fabulous in this mv?

  11. EllaineNyssaH. Natividad

    2019 everyone???

  12. bella ლოლუა


  13. Gshjsnng Ksjhsj

    I can’t tell who is the best... They all are so good

  14. Anamika Barua

    I dont want anything and by which means did you say that, it was intimidating

  15. Anamika Barua

    V was like i am a good boy sucking a lollipop, but unfortunately.....

  16. jimini sadafi jbts

    Cool this song is cool😊😄😏

  17. Bear Bear

    The one that had the sucker tho!

  18. 레몬


  19. Saiful Islam

    Do u like jungkook??💜💗💖💟💝Hack yes-👍No-comment

  20. Julie Caracas

    *Im i the only one who notice **2:13** suga said "My testosterone is rising heavily" look at the subtittle*Then i guess im the only one -_-

  21. Mahin Nur

    At last : jin hits v with his show ! 😂😂😂😂

  22. beautaeful kookie

    November 2019 and its still inlove with this song. 😍💕

  23. hey stob it

    2:41 i can't believe this was released after frozen omfg i could have been a baby stan

  24. Julia Pikachu s2


  25. Lorena Cruz

    My sister loves junkook

    Lorena Cruz

    And jimin

  26. Lorena Cruz

    I love v

  27. ななまる


  28. Valentina

    im still in *shock* 😂

  29. Amna Rehman

    Jimin at the end just falling onto the ground 😂😂😂

  30. Random person


  31. Caro Ríos

    Un video de los BTS que no es de la big hit eto c fue a la mierda


    Jajajaja seee

  32. Mayoral Key

    No puedo con lo roto del sueter de Jungkook jajaja. Extraño ese cuerpower de Jimim y que linda voz se le escucha Jin ♡.♡ la rap line wow ☆☆☆☆☆

  33. R S

    Namjoon in that suit hits different

  34. Leroy Vasquez


  35. Zeynep Özaydın

    Jungkook ILOVE YOU

  36. Наталья Карловна

    В полосатом свитере - огонь !

  37. yoongi's뱁새

    *JUNGKOOK 2014:* Please wear more high heels.*JUNGKOOK 2018* Listen my baby I'm flying high to the sky.

  38. yoongi's뱁새

    0:53 *Me questioning my life:* is this really baby kookie?

  39. Gacha life is my life

    Bet all army's wish they were that girl ps how did jungkook not freak out

  40. JM Sibi

    But this a really good song. Why isn't this getting a lot of views?

  41. Awatif Louki

    Like jimin♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  42. Lillian Green

    Let’s all agree here... Jin literally looks so hot

  43. Hakuna My Tata

    this song gives me flashbacks to when i first started staning them🥴

  44. Aditya Saxena

    I don't know why but I want V to get this 'get up' again!!!!😙😙

  45. Jessi Duno

    Yo un 3 de noviembre 2019 dandole views a esta belleza!

  46. дипер мэйбл

    Хочу быть этой девушкой😂💓

  47. Elsa Dsniela

    BTS 💖💖💖💖

  48. Bella Kim

    Is it just me or did anyone else hear a beat from her heels at 4:33

  49. letizia

    I would love bts if they kept making music like this. I would love them too much, they have talent and an amazing style, unfortunately they now only make stupid songs.

  50. Mutia Wardhani

    i always like this song

  51. Srividya bandari

    Jungkook :INTERNATIONAL PLAYBOY jungkook (in this song ):iam a bad boy Jungkook (in fake love ): i wanna be a good manARMIES: WHAT DO U WANT TO BE FINALLY 😰😱

  52. ThreeSplashyDolphins

    the lollipop fits taehyung and that tongue of his

  53. -Yasmina-

    I just can’t get off my eyes of jimin.He looks amazing in that outfit😍

  54. 0bunny girl0

    Okay but Jimin is lookin FINE FINE in this mv.

  55. Eloisa Ketcham

    ANYONE see Suga flip off the camera?

  56. grande army

    O namjoon tá um lindão

  57. Blank Yuza

    1:25 Jimin does the hair thing 😃

  58. بي تي اس عاشقه بي تي اس بجنون

    انا غرت لما حضنته اوي اوي اوي اوي تاي احبك اكتر من نفسي

  59. Lala Pala

    I love bts

  60. Abhi

    For some reason, I really liked that they had the same outfits throughout the whole MV 😂😂

  61. Yaquelin Paredes

    November 2019??

  62. ドミノ。ココガール

    4:36 my shipppp ❤️😍

  63. Hà Phương Trần

    Anyone here(9/2019)

  64. rachelle ann mijares

    is anyone love rmyes=likeno=comment

  65. nicole blancio

    NOVEMBER 2019, ANYONE??!?

  66. Ananya Thakur

    Okay but why is no one talking about how cute and innocent our WORLDWIDE HANDSOME looks in this mv..💜Even tho the concept is being a bad guy.

  67. إرجو انيه

    هلووو هلووو 😄 هلووو هلوووو جمييييل ولاجمل انتم 😳

  68. Chicken Noodle Soup


  69. mahavir singh Kaswan

    Lalalala of bts is sexyIts is almost in every mv of bts

  70. Amaya

    0:24 that’s my first time seeing Suga do that 😂😂😂

  71. Jorge Armando Salinas

    Me choca la intro >:o

  72. Faith B

    Okay but the first line is the best "Thanks for existing. Call me, I'll buy dinner!"

  73. くら_おさ.める_かく.れる蔵

    i remember... when bts videos only had million viewsthis is AMAZING, and so STRANGE?

  74. 王馨儀


  75. Andrea Morales

    Ah!Que celos me da esa mujer!

  76. Cassandra Tinio

    Jk in the MV: Women are the best gift, best giftthen...*girls coming close*Jk IRL: *runs away*Honestly its not even funny...

  77. Wheein's Dimple

    ok sorry but tae's growl makes me feel things

  78. Reni isnir

    LOVE you btssssssss

  79. Reni isnir


  80. Reni isnir


  81. Reni isnir


  82. Reni isnir


  83. Reni isnir


  84. Reni isnir


  85. Maria De Jesus

    WOW ALL THIS IMPRESS ME...I dont even know that Jungkook I have a war of hormones with my friends jajaja...GREETINGS TO ALL...

  86. chanyui !


  87. All about the Kpop

    Can you guys believe it’s been 5 years since this was released😳 time fly’s by

  88. Meep Meep

    Haters: Jungkook is talentlessJungkook: 4:53Jungkook's mf leg has more power than you do

  89. Kõtø

    A mi que no me los agarre esa pendej×

  90. Sara Morales

    Los amo hasta el infinito y más allá ♥️♥️🥰🥰🥰😙😙😙🤗🤗🤗😍😍😍😻😻😻😘😘😘😋😋😋😜😜😜☺️☺️☺️😗😗😗😝😝👌

  91. Las actividades de Lu

    Es implosible no enomarse de estos chicos y no lo digo por su fisico si no por todo, ahora como duermo tranquila si ellos estam en mi cabeza sobre todo taehyung con ese look

  92. Min Yoongi

    who watching this in 2019 anyone? no? yes?

War of Hormone Şarkı Sözü
BTS - War of Hormone Sözleri

방탄소년단의 호르몬전쟁 가사


누구 때문에?

여자 때문에

누구 때문에?

호르몬 때문에

누구 때문에?

[Verse 1: Rap Monster]

존재해 줘서 (참) 감사해

전화 좀 해줘 내가 (함) 밥 살게

아 요즘 미친 미친 거 같아 기침 기침

하게 만드는 여자들 옷차림 다 비침 비침

(베리마취) 땡큐! 내 시력을 올려줘

(자연라식) 돈 들일 필요 없어

I’ll be in panic I’ll be a fan

And I’ll be a man of you you you you babe

[Verse 2: Jungkook]

자꾸만 눈이 돌아가네 여자들의 배 (Yup)

여자들은 방정식 우리 남자들은 해 (Yup)

땀 삘삘 괜히 빌빌대게 돼

더 많이 좀 신어줘 하이힐힐

나도 열여덟 알 건 다 알어

여자가 세계 최고란 것 말이여

Yes I’m a bad boy so i like bad girl

일루 와봐 baby 우린 잘 될 걸

[Refrain: V]

(Hello hello) (what!)

(Hello hello) (what!)

Tell me what you want right now

(Hello hello) (what!)

(Hello hello) (what!)

Imma give it to you girl right now


내 껀 아니라지만 넌 최고

니 앞에서 배배 꼬이는 내 몸


네게 다가서고 싶지만 너무 심하게 아름다워


여자는 최고의

[V] 선물이야 선물이야

진짜 내 소원은

[Jin] 너뿐이야 너뿐이야

[Rap Monster]

Everybody say


난 너라면 I’m ok

Oh 자제가 안돼 매일


앞태도 최고 뒤태도 최고

머리부터 발끝까지 최고 최고

[Chorus: All]

La la la la la la la la la

[V] 앞태도 최고 뒤태도 최고

La la la la la la la la la

[V]머리부터 발끝까지 최고 최고

[Chorus: All]

La la la la la la la la la

[V] 앞태도 최고 뒤태도 최고

La la la la la la la la la

[V]걸음걸이 하나까지 최고 최고

[Verse 3: Suga]

어림 반푼어치 없지 한두 번씩

놀다 헤어질 여자들에겐 관심 없지

근데 널 보며 배워 body 건축학개론

묵직하게 증가하는 나의 테스토스테론

호르몬과의 싸움 이겨낸 다음

연구해 너란 존재는 반칙이야 파울

미적 기준이 바다면 넌 좀 심해 그 자체

국가 차원에서 관리해야 될 미형 문화재

[Verse 4: J-Hope]

그녀 머리 바디 허리 다리 말 못하는 범위까지

관심 없단 말이 남자로선 많이 어이상실

작은 제스쳐 하나에도 뻑이 가지

Girl 니 유혹에 밤마다 지켜 내 컴퓨터 자리

그녀를 위한 lady first

여잔 차가운 빙산? Let it go

날 미치게 하는 female 날 자극하지 매일

오늘도 호르몬과의 싸움 후 내 여드름을 째

[Refrain: V]

(Hello hello) (what!)

(Hello hello) (what!)

Tell me what you want right now

(Hello hello) (what!)

(Hello hello) (what!)

Imma give it to you girl right now


내 껀 아니라지만 넌 최고

니 앞에서 배배 꼬이는 내 몸


네게 다가서고 싶지만 너무 심하게 아름다워


여자는 최고의

[V] 선물이야 선물이야

진짜 내 소원은

[Jin] 너뿐이야 너뿐이야

[Rap Monster]

Everybody say


난 너라면 I’m ok

Oh 자제가 안돼 매일


앞태도 최고 뒤태도 최고

머리부터 발끝까지 최고 최고


(누구 때문에?) 여자 때문에

(누구 때문에?) 호르몬 때문에

(누구 때문에?) 남자기 때문에

(남자기 때문에?) 여자 때문에

(누구 때문에?) 여자 때문에

(누구 때문에?) 호르몬 때문에

(누구 때문에?) 남자기 때문에

(남자기 때문에?) 여자 때문에


여자는 최고의

[V] 선물이야 선물이야

진짜 내 소원은

[Jin] 너뿐이야 너뿐이야

[Rap Monster]

Everybody say


난 너라면 I’m ok

Oh 자제가 안돼 매일


앞태도 최고 뒤태도 최고

머리부터 발끝까지 최고 최고

[Chorus: All]

La la la la la la la la la

[V] 앞태도 최고 뒤태도 최고

La la la la la la la la la

[V]머리부터 발끝까지 최고 최고

[Chorus: All]

La la la la la la la la la

[V] 앞태도 최고 뒤태도 최고

La la la la la la la la la

[V]걸음걸이 하나까지 최고 최고

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