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BTS - No

: No
: 3.71 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 122 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 77 İndirme
: 26-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (BTS - No )
  1. MoniGail Slimes

    ok my official fav part 1:00 ISNT THAT SO SMOOTH OMG!!!!

  2. Cute_ Army

    Bts dançando:música de fundoA dancinha da mãozinha 🎶🎶Dancinha da mãozinha 🎶🎶Lalalalalala🎶KkkkkkQuem concorda comenta ✌️ e se inscreve no meu canalQuem não concorda comenta 🤧HehehehehehheheheheByee~~

  3. Teh Ara

    The live performance thooooo 😐💜😐💜😐💜😐

  4. guilherme plays

    Eu sou de São Paulo falo em português e meu sonho é ir ao show do bts mas queria que fosse no Brasil

  5. Alfiya Anum

    You made it 😭😭😭😭

  6. gautam jr77

    Siapa nonton 2019 like

  7. crayonyuqi

    Ladies and gentleman, this is exactly why the industry was afraid of them. They simply had too much stage presence and talent to be accepted

  8. Raysah Wolf Psycho

    I Love you Bts

  9. shaikha binnassar

    my sister loves its

  10. rose tyler

    A good houseA good carWill these things bring happiness?In SeoulTo the skyWill parents really be happy?Dreams disappearedThere was no time to restIt's a cycle of schoolHome or an internet cafeEveryone lives the same lifeStudents who are pressured to be numberOne live in between dreams and realityWho is the one who made us into studying machines?They classify us to eitherBeing number one or dropping outThey trap us in borders, the adultsThere's no choice but to consentEven if we think simplyIt's the survival of the fittestWho do you think is the one who makes us stepOn even our close friends to climb up? what?Adults tell me that hardshipsAre only momentaryTo endure a little more, to do it laterEverybody say noIt can't be any laterDon't be trapped in someone else's dreamWe roll (we roll)We roll (we roll) we rollEverybody say noIt has to be now or neverWe still haven't done anythingWe roll (we roll)We roll (we roll) we rollEverybody say noA good houseA good carWill these things bring happiness?In SeoulTo the skyWill parents really be happy?I want to play and eatI want to tear my uniformMake money, good moneyBut they already view me crookedlyMy obscure bank accountMy unhappiness is past its limitA factory of sighs while studyingA continuous cycleThe grown-ups confessThat we have it so easyThey say that we are happier than our portionThen how do you explain my unhappiness?There's no conversation topics beside studyingOutside, there are so many kids like meLiving the life of a puppetWho will take responsibility?Adults tell me that hardshipsAre only momentaryTo endure a little more, to do it laterEverybody say noIt can't be any laterDon't be trapped in someone else's dreamWe roll (we roll)We roll (we roll) we rollEverybody say noIt has to be now or neverWe still haven't done anythingWe roll (we roll)We roll (we roll) we rollEverybody say noEverybody say noEverybody say noEverybody say noEverybody say no

  11. titser akim

    September 2019 anyone? 💜

  12. elian meri

    Lebih bagus. Suara v BTS. Sama jin dan Jimin BTS

  13. JT & JD


  14. priti karediya

    This is really one of the best performance of BTS. I specially love the ending of it.... I love them all. Huge respect for BTS❤❤❤

  15. taekook taehyung e jeon Jung kook

    meu deus como os anos nao pasao pra esses meninos ja 2019 e eles tão lindos maravilhosos gostoso gente eles tão igualzinho 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😗😗😗😗😗😗😙😙😙😙😙😚😚😚😚❤

  16. Budhi maya subba Sani subbs

    Come let's roll

  17. erikaarhma _

    2019, anyone here?

  18. TatoChip

    Jimin flip made me satisfied 3:23

  19. Adel Anggraini

    Kapan ya bts ke indonesia

  20. • j e o n •

    They totally deserve everything they have now and more 💖🤟

  21. BTS Love

    Love you Junkook and Jimin and V Jin RM suga JHOPE BTS

  22. BTS’in Kızı

    BTS 사랑해<3 💜

  23. Only BTS & TWICE


  24. Only BTS & TWICE

    Música injustiçada💔

  25. LISA lisa


  26. Mimi 123

    Jungkookie ❤❤❤❤

  27. -p a r a d i s e

    Wow venir acá y recordar sus comienzos, esto me pone soft😪💕

  28. ARMY World

    Back in the days when jungkook used to rap

  29. Shakira Khaerunissa

    Saranghaeyo jungkook and V

  30. SOD. Celullar

    Jin anh hôm nay đẹp trai lắm và anh jungkook cũng vậy nói chung BTS của em đều đẹp trai cả. Các anh Yêu của em.😍😘💖💋💘.Yêu các anh lắm đó. 💋.

  31. Hoseokie Mel

    2019 watch this

  32. Aaliyah's ANGELS



    I miss their old songs!

  34. Ingridy Coutinho


  35. Agus Pribadi

    Hei 2019 ???!!!

  36. Zaskia Nuraliza

    Oppa so cute😍😍

  37. jenelle A L 221

    they were such babies omg 💞😭

  38. Bien Vu


  39. Android Solder


  40. Карина Бабичева

    Taehyung 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

  41. Gabby Park

    I love you Jimin ❤️❤️

  42. Adella Putri


  43. reaksmey dara

    I like this song

  44. haneul ___

    they get better and better

  45. Amy 76

    I love the lyrics of this song so much

  46. Tiara Salsabila Budi

    to army's who give them hard screaming and fanchant to the boys, thank u so much

  47. faeza qureshi

    they were such smol cute babies :( 🥺🥺🥺

  48. Devi Yanti


  49. itsjowshiee

    2019 anyone????


    JIMIN 😘😘❤️❤️

  51. Yulia Syahril

    Team rm like😚

  52. ruvzn

    أحب بانقتان القديمين🥺♥♥♥.

  53. Young Mi

    awwwwww ESTÁN DIVINOS

  54. Haya Bts

    I’m so proud of them

  55. Mariana Somnyadeul

    So baby's faces here!💙💜💙

  56. Stepy Stepy

    Public comment

  57. bunny girl

    I love you taetae 💜💜

  58. Sak Sak

    2019 here

  59. Salysson Azevedo

    Where do I find these clothes that they will wear

  60. minji Imni

    RM & J-HOPE. ♥️

  61. Marta Gutierrez

    Dale lik si cres que son los mejores que todos los cantante s

  62. BangTan BTS

    We taban chiquitos :')

  63. riska juli

    Anyone 2019 ? They are so young 😍

  64. Lisa Putri Aprilya

    thanks for screaming so hard legend armysss, i can hear you and i know u guys numbers are really small but since u guys scream so much BTS can hear u and they can give their best on the stage without feeling small :"))

  65. Phượng Kim

    so kewt

  66. Alyrmw


  67. Toshio Mar

    Anyone here after 5years

  68. liz tran

    bài này hay ghê , mấy bài khởi đầu BTS bài nào cũng hay, attack of Bangtan, No More Dream, No💋💋❤️❤️💯💯💯💯💯🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻💜💜💜💜💜

  69. Jasim Madbor

    tae ur deep voice killed me😍🎶


    fetus kings


    Taetae love you so much

  72. lusi maharani

    anyone 2019

  73. mark tuan

    still slayed back then too

  74. Angie Enriquez

    Quisiera que BTS regrese a este estilo, de verdad me encanta. Es tan hip hop!!!!

  75. Inayah zahra

    Jimin the best

  76. Ninay Otchengco

    Who's here after Persona?

  77. Rucita Alma

    J-Hope more handsome with that hair.

  78. Johana Rivas

    2019?.Jin se ve muy lindo

  79. lethicia E Nicole

    Brasil ?

  80. Astrid Yamileth

    Me encanta 💛💜💜💜💜💚💚💚

  81. army hilmi

    Jongkook and jin .sarangeo

  82. Audriena Ida

    I need rappers jk back

  83. shookt me


  84. Lovey Dovey

    Baby Jimin Is so 😍 Beautiful AND Cut 😘

  85. Min Sprounse

    V is soo Cute!, 💕

  86. BTS J - Hope

    We roll

  87. Febiola Ola

    2019? ok

  88. Pilar Ruiz


  89. Nina Nuzkiyanti

    Anyone here from 2019 ?? Really missing fetus bangtan 😭 V look so cute 💜

  90. Baby JiKook

    2019 I really miss this song

No Şarkı Sözü
좋은 집 좋은 차 그런 게 행복일 수 있을까?

In Seoul to the sky, 부모님은 정말 행복해질까?

꿈 없어졌지숨 쉴 틈도 없이

학교와 집 아니면 피씨방이 다인 쳇바퀴

같은 삶들을 살며 일등을 강요

받는 학생은 꿈과 현실 사이의 이중간첩

우릴 공부하는 기계로 만든 건 누구?

일등이 아니면 낙오로 구분

짓게 만든 건 틀에 가둔 건 어른이란 걸 쉽게 수긍

할 수밖에 단순하게 생각해도 약육강식 아래

친한 친구도 밟고 올라서게 만든 게 누구라 생각해 what?

어른들은 내게 말하지 힘든 건 지금뿐이라고

조금 더 참으라고 나중에 하라고

Everybody say NO!

더는 나중이란 말로 안돼

더는 남의 꿈에 갇혀 살지 마

We roll (We roll) We roll (We roll) We roll

Everybody say NO!

정말 지금이 아니면 안돼

아직 아무것도 해본 게 없잖아

We roll (We roll) We roll (We roll) We roll

Everybody say NO!

좋은 집 좋은 차 그런 게 행복일 수 있을까?

In Seoul to the sky, 부모님은 정말 행복해질까?

놀고 먹고 싶어

교복 찢고 싶어

Make money good money

벌써 삐딱한 시선

막연함뿐인 통장 내 불행은 한도초과지

공부하는 한숨 공장 계속되는 돌려막기

어른들이 하는 고백 너넨 참 편한 거래

분에 넘치게 행복한 거래 그럼 이렇게도 불행한 나는 뭔데

공부 외엔 대화주제가 없어 밖엔 나 같은 애가 넘쳐

똑같은 꼭두각시 인생 도대체 누가 책임져줘?

어른들은 내게 말하지 힘든 건 지금뿐이라고

조금 더 참으라고 나중에 하라고

Everybody say NO!

더는 나중이란 말로 안돼

더는 남의 꿈에 갇혀 살지 마

We roll (We roll) We roll (We roll) We roll

Everybody say NO!

정말 지금이 아니면 안돼

아직 아무것도 해본 게 없잖아

We roll (We roll) We roll (We roll) We roll

Everybody say NO!

Everybody say NO!

Everybody say NO!

Everybody say NO!

Everybody say NO!

Mp3 indir

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