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BTS - Love Myself

Love Myself
: Love Myself
: 3.85 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 201 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 111 İndirme
: 02-08-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (BTS - Love Myself )
  1. Ariena Junisa

    Cinta yang tak pernah dikecewakan adalah cinta terhadap diri sendiri, dan hal ini diingatkan oleh 7 orang figure manusia indah melalui karya2 nya dan kerja kerasnya. Thankyou so much BTS 💜💜💜Semoga kalian panjang umur, sehat selalu, dan bahagia selalu, dilindungi dimanapun kalian berada. Agar terus mampu menjadi pelita pengingat akan hal2 yang baik. I 💜 U#ProudtobeARMY

  2. j.jk__1997

    Weeeelp. Thank you for being there when no else does. Thank you, BTS :))💜

  3. Scarlet Ramirez


  4. 이월_oof

    My blink friend: why do you like bts?Me: I don't like them_I love them as a family_

  5. Jimin Es mio

    Realmente eso hicieron en mi vida 😊😍😍😍😍

  6. AvaaHerox GamerCraft

    I’m also *love myself*


    this always makes me cry

  8. ToxicEiye

    why’ guys so perfect...

  9. noodles

    bts have made so many people happier.Everytime I'm sad and I'm crying, i watch bts and it makes me feel better.i have so many reasons to love bts. i have so many reasons to love myself. 💜💜💜

  10. Kowar Growar

    Love the songe

  11. Sea Blue

    Honestly, since "love myself" is their slogan, they should not be afraid to just look like themselves. They actually just look like clowns with the bleach hair and fake colored eyes. How is anyone listening to them supposed to take them seriously? Live what u preach

  12. Baba Ram Baba

    I was heartbroken.... That's all-

  13. Adil Danska

    BTS you are the best . I LOVE YOU 😘

  14. JOY

    Gosh... this gives me goosebumps 😖 I guess that's one of the reason why we love them💜💜💜

  15. Mikasa & F-Dreamer

    Actually i love BTS but i love myself more than anyone .

  16. 천청

    힘들때 마다 보러와요

  17. Lakhdar Dine

    I love you BTS ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  18. Medha Shameer

    Proud proud proud Army 💜💜💜

  19. Nourane Yangui

    I love myself💜 I love BTS💜 kamsahamnida bangtan soneondan 💜👑👑

  20. *' ̈舞 ᴇʟ ᴍɪɴ sʜᴜɢᴀ 舞 ̈'*

    Son Ángeles ♡

  21. Camila parkjimina


  22. Putri Ramadani

    김석진은 노라 가니까 정말 잘 생겼어요

  23. yooo how

    oh god those dimples....💜💜💜😍

  24. érika melo

    I just know that everything's going to be okay because I know you guys are always by my side. Thank you all for existing.💕

  25. Грустная Картошка

    Добрий ранок вашій хаті 💜💫😘

  26. ARMY.13. Turkey

    어두운 세상에 제 빛이 되어줘서 고마워요

  27. madhabmohan mitra

    What song is it

    Delete Yourself

    Love myself

  28. Jungkook Jeon


  29. Monique Chim Chim

    There might be new groups who are “more popular”, like SuperM or BLACKPINK (no shade), but BTS will always be the ones for me. This video is an example of why....

  30. Gguklovable tk

    Cada vez que vengo a verlo termino llorando 😢💜

  31. Stefania alejandra

    Son tan perfectos que duele 😍😭❤️

  32. محمد اكبر

    📲whatapps* *00212.645.760.441*📲شـبـاب🙋‍♂️ لاحـظـت👀 كـثـيـر كــومــنــتــات عــن تــكــبــيــر الــقــضــيــب وضـعـف الانــتــصــاب وســرعــة الـقـذفولا يـهـمـك👍 تــواصــلــو مــع الــدكــتــور👨‍⚕️ الــلــي نــصــحــنــي بــوصــفــة اسـتـعـمـلـتـهـا كــم أسـبـوع وحــصــلــت عـلـى نـتـايـج مــذهــلــة🤩الـلـي عــايــز الــدكــتــور👨‍⚕️ يـتـواصـل مــعــه الـواتـس اب *00212.645.760.441*📲

  33. brazyyulisa !

    thank you bts I finally love myself from my “ugliest point” to my prettiest

  34. Eara jt

    Wao, i am so speechless 💜💜

  35. Kawaii Kimchaii

    Thank you, BTS. You showed me, when I feel useless and weak, that I matter. that I deserve better. You showed me that loving myself is the answer I was looking for. you saved me from many times I felt I shouldn't be here anymore. you saved me.


    remember if you feel terrible, armys and bts are there for you.i purple you! 💜

  36. Сакура Чан

    Семь лучиков солнца, что рассеивают тьму, и миллионы звёзд освещающих небо💜🇷🇺

  37. Aisha Abdi

    So cute!💜💖

  38. Jesús Ismael Echavarry

    Bts is love 🥰🥰

  39. Romane Simond

    pour les army Français ils ont pensé a nous a 0:25 l'enfant il dit aretter

  40. L O V E LY아미

    *Without them I will be dead.*

  41. Apple Trixie

    My friend : Why do you like BTS ?? Me : Cause they are the cause of my euphoria..... duh My friend : * googles the meaning of euphoria * That's it ?? Me : I can srsly write 5 pages of essay to describe why I love BTS , but in short they taught me to love myself My friend : What if they tell you to jump out of the video , would yo-- Me : They would never say that !! My friend : * goes away , annoyed * Me : Fake love ..., Fake love Me : heyyy I forgot to tell you that told me that I have a reason ....... and......My friend : oh sorry I forgot to apologize for asking this question .....

  42. B-ARMY-L

    I'm really in love,deeply in love

    Kawaii Kimchaii

    me too, me too


    but sadly, only 7 people out of the whole world are the luckiest to date them soon 😔

  43. Tilde Saurus

    Well...This was the best birthday gift iv`e ever had

  44. lovely littlegirl

    I would always sing "I'm learning how to love myself" along with Jungkook so I keep reminding myself that I might not be where I want to be, I might not be there yet, but I'm getting there. "The me of yesterday, the me today and the me tomorrow, all parts of me." Answer: Love Myself is such a beautiful song💜

  45. Retaj Alschra

    Love you bts 💜💙💚💛🧡❤

  46. lea zanetti

    Thank you BTS!💜

  47. yousra mahamoud

    À chaque fois que je regarde cette vidéo je pleure😭. BTS ON EST TOUS AVEC VOUS💕💕💕ARMY UN JOUR, ARMY POUR TOUJOURS 💖🤜🤛💪

  48. CHESKA Pico

    I literally cried though.. After these years Bts changed me and made me love myself 😭😭😇abangtan Fighting!

  49. Aliia Izabekova

    My family doesn’t pay attention to me and I have problems at school and I don’t know what I am in future and one time I decided to commit suicide but these guys saved my life💜BTS is my everything, my friends and my family, my happiness and support... armies are my large family... just wanna thank you all 💜💜💜


    thank you for fighting through, armys and bts will be there for you.i purple you, 💜

    Aliia Izabekova

    justakpopstan thank you 💜💜💜 I love you all sooo much

  50. 여보brenda angélica

    2 years wich UNICEF UNICEF X BTS

  51. ayman khumaini

    why i'm crying

  52. Sibtia Mj

    Pengen nangis liat yg satu ini

  53. Gacha Stories

    I have been an ARMY for a year*Its Sad That I Still Can’t Love Myself*Yet


    yet, someday you will 💜

  54. regina Miranda

    Like si lloraste el lo hacen para que los niños sean felices

  55. WavyAprilChild

    Anyone still crying after watching this😔

  56. Kabbo THE Geek

    It shows me how to love myself BTS that's why Army's love u we purple u 💜💜

  57. Vitória Feliz do Nascimento Silva

    ha a a a a a a a a a. um dia eu vou estar aí do lado deles

  58. Vitória Feliz do Nascimento Silva

    ha a a a a a a a a a. um dia eu vou estar aí do lado deles

  59. 방탄보라해아미영원해

    방탄에게서 느끼는 감정은 뭔가 형용할 수 없달까... 다른 그룹을 덕질하면서 소름돋지는 않았다.하지만 방탄은 하루하루가 소름이다, 발끝에서부터 전해져오는 저릿한 느낌 어색하지만 뭔가 익숙하다.방탄에게는 사랑한다는 말이 부족하다, 가장 어울리는 말을 찾다가 "보라한다"라는 작은 한 마디를 건네 보았다. 내 인생에서 단 한번도 느낀적 없는 감정을 많이도 선사해주었다.욕심이란게 생기게 해주었다. '나도 사랑받고 싶다'고..많은거 바란게 아니라 사랑, 그거 나도 받고 싶다고 생각이 들었다. 그리고 현재, 방탄소년단을 보라한다. 아미들을 보라한다.

  60. Mochi Jimin :3

    Who cried while watching? | | | V

  61. saima hammad

    * Sees war of hormone as an add *l am never ganna skip it

    zara danish

    I had that as an add too 😂

  62. Leila Rodrigues SOY ARMY ZTUHPIDA Y K-POPER

    Cada vez que veo este video lloro, no se por que pero lo hago.Recuerdo que yo antes me volví una chica muy triste y pensaba en cortarme por culpa de unas "amigas" que me decían cosas, pensé en cortarme muchas veces, pero no lo hacía por miedo, así que lloraba hasta dormirme. Luego conocí a #BTS y mi vida cambio completamente, ahora me importa muy poco lo que me digan, ahora hay veces que no lloro cuando estoy triste, sólo pongo a mis chicos favoritos y me calmo, igual cuando estoy muy enojada, los escucho y me calmo, por que cuando me enojo mucho empiezo a pegarme y rasguñarme, pero lo escucho y me acuesto en mi cama. Definitivamente BTS me cambio y eso me gusta, porque si no los ubiera conocido sería otra persona, una estilo suicida o algo así. El día más feliz de mi vida y uno de los más importantes es el 24 de mayo del 2018, ese día me volví #ARMY.Mi familia (menos mi mamá) los critica y la verdad es que no me importa lo que digan porque yo se que lo que dicen es mentira y sólo lo dicen lo que escuchan en otros lugares o sobre como era antes la cultura asiática oriental. Y gracias a ser ARMY conocí a un montón de personas que son ARMYS y otros no pero les gusta el k-pop, ahora soy bastante feliz.THANK U BTS#BTS #ARMY4ever #ENDviolence #UNICEF #BTSyARMY4ever #BTSxARMY

  63. Tudo por Bts e Blackpink

    Love Bts love Jin Love Namjoon love jungkook love v levo suga love j hope love Jimin

  64. Chan Moua

    I cried so much if I watch this video everyday 😭

  65. ikon suga bambam


  66. Leandro Rodrigues

    Meu coração

  67. ella grace benliro

    Bighit just forgot his intro.

    zara danish

    They forgot it in Agust D's mv too

  68. Bts Bts

    سوف نبقى نحبكم للأبد BTS ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  69. Lucy Thao

    I remember the first time I saw then when it came out. I cried so hard. No matter how much I tell myself that I should love myself it doesn’t seem to work. I lived with a mask telling people I was happy when I really wasn’t. Though things aren’t the greatest right now I’m happy to know their are people like BTS, that knows we are going through rough times right now.


    at some point you'll feel happy like you want to be, armys and bts are there for you, i purple you 💜

    Lucy Thao

    justakpopstan 💜

  70. Lexyy L

    Beautiful ❤

  71. V xox

    I cry every time I watch this video

  72. jade christine

    No one:Not even my friend:Not even my family:Not even a single thing on earth:Me; How to be a WATER?!!


    me; how to marry all bts members

  73. jade christine


  74. Smiley Suga

    I’ve had a very bad day so this is making me feel so much better I don’t know what I would do what there music

  75. Selly Agustin

    Everything about them is beautiful :( please I'm crying this is so beautiful

  76. Emilia Nilsson 9B

    am I the only one that is crying here lol

  77. Sidra Altayeb

    I am very proud of you all. I am very proud to be a fan of you, to be ARMY.

  78. Sidra Altayeb

    I just love this video so i came to watch it again

  79. star v

    I hate this world, I hate my life, I have had anxiety and depression for over 3 years and I have no one. Not even my family, I help people and they dont help me back. When I first listened to bts I thought nothing. My first song was fire, now i am in tears crying became this band has helped me so much, while they have helped me, my friends stit Back and question why I like them. THANK YOU BTS FOR HELPING ME!!!! ( I know not alot of people will actually read this but ik bts helped all of us in some way) love yourself as bts would say💜💜💜💜

  80. Park kau

    Sim,esse clipe me define completamente!!Quando eu tô triste eu começo a ouvir as músicas deles e tudo em mim renova,eu me sinto viva.e por causa deles,eu me amo cada vez mais e mais,sou army sofredora,e com garra!#LOVEYOURSELF #ILOVEBTS😍👑💌QUEM É ARMY BRASILEIRA DEIXA LIKE E COMENTA AEE,BJUS

  81. Bebe Cell

    Apakah di sini ada army indonesia?

  82. ulya frda

    Cause we love ourself :) 💜💜💜💜💜

  83. K Kazuma

    Wish Jonghyun was still here to see and do this. I can't believe how bad the people are. First Jonghyun and now Sulli.

  84. emy ARMY

    I learn how to love my self 😊😊thank you BTS

  85. emy ARMY

    Bts the best😊

  86. ArmyOfBangtan jjang jjang man bbong bbong

    At first, I hated myself for being who I am, for looking who I am and all that was healed when I saw BTS and I just want to say thank you for making us love of selves, thank you for teaching us how to love Ourselves thank you for being on our side even though you’re far apart from us and I hope I always see Armys and BTS smile. It’s just crazy that I laugh,cry,smile,anger and feel happy with BTS, I could write thousand or million comments about BTS how grateful and good people they are for helping us but I would probably be annoying hehe~. And just so you know the haters can hate how much they want but remember they could never take our Happiness and pride💪🏻💜 never hate always love💜

  87. Goth Girl546

    Good that they love theirselves

  88. Raisa ARMY

    BTS deserve all the LOVE all the RESPECT all the BLESSINGS of the UNIVERSE 💜I LOVE them with my everything 💜

  89. марина тян


  90. Rania Hamlaoui

    I love bts so much

  91. An Dương

    This video really touch my heart! 💕💕💕

  92. Laurene Bec

    J'adore cette chanson ❤❤❤❤

  93. 줄리아나Army

    بموت صحت😭💔💔

  94. Hanna karylle

    than loving other people(lovelife) i just loving my self and stanning this 7 great and handsome humans❤️lol im a human HAHAHAHA

  95. ᄏ켕티

    어머 내생일이 우정데이였다니..

  96. Luana Mattos

    I LOVE you bts!!! 😘😘😘🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷

  97. Tae Yoon-Gi

    Des armys français ? 💜💜

  98. Яна Утябаева

    Bts поют о том что надо любить себя таким каким ты есть ! И я так и делаю! Спасибо Вам за всё , за то что я узнала о вас , и теперь я всегда слушаю вашу музыку. 😘😍🤩😚😍😍😍

Love Myself Şarkı Sözü
BTS - Love Myself Sözleri

[Produced by Rahki]​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

[Directed by Alexandre Moors and the Little Homies]


Is this mic on? (Hey, move this way, this way)

Hey, Hey! Hey! Turn the mic up, c'mon, c'mon

Is the mic on or not? I want the mic

We're bringing up nobody, nobody...

Nobody but the number one rapper in the world

He done traveled all over the world

He came back just to give you some game

All of the little boys and girls, come up here

(One two, one two, what's happening, fool?)

Come right here, this is for you, come on up

Kendrick Lamar, make some noise, brother

I done been through a whole lot

Trial, tribulation, but I know God

The Devil wanna put me in a bow tie

Pray that the holy water don't go dry

As I look around me

So many motherfuckers wanna down me

But an enemigo never drown me

In front of a dirty double-mirror they found me


And (I love myself)

When you lookin' at me, tell me what do you see?

(I love myself)

Ahh, I put a bullet in the back of the back of the head of the police

(I love myself)

Illuminated by the hand of God, boy, don't seem shy

(I love myself)

One day at a time

[Verse 1]

They wanna say it's a war outside, bomb in the street

Gun in the hood, mob of police

Rock on the corner with a line for the fiend

And a bottle full of lean and a model on the scheme uh

These days of frustration keep y'all on tuck and rotation (Come to the front)

I duck these cold faces, post up fi-fie-fo-fum basis

Dreams of reality's peace

Blow steam in the face of the beast

Sky could fall down, wind could cry now

Look at me motherfucker I smile-


And (I love myself)

When you lookin' at me, tell me what do you see?

(I love myself)

Ahh, I put a bullet in the back of the back of the head of the police

(I love myself)


All ya'll come to the front, ya'll come up to the front

(I love myself)

Baby what about you, come on

[Verse 2]

(Crazy, what you gon' do?)

Lift up your head and keep moving, (Keep moving) turn the mic up

(Haunt you)

Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart

On my sleeve, let the runway start

You know the miserable do love company

What do you want from me and my scars?

Everybody lack confidence, everybody lack confidence

How many times my potential was anonymous?

How many times the city making me promises?

So I promise this, nigga


(I love myself)

When you lookin' at me, tell me what do you see?

(I love myself)

Ahh, I put a bullet in the back of the back of the head of the police

(I love myself)

Illuminated by the hand of God, boy don't seem shy

(I love myself)


Huh (Walk my bare feet) Huh (Walk my bare feet)

Huh (Down, down valley deep) Huh (Down, down valley deep)

(I love myself) Huh (Fi-fie-fo-fum) Huh (Fi-fie-fo-fum)

(I love myself) Huh (My heart undone) one, two, three

[Verse 3]

I went to war last night

With an automatic weapon, don't nobody call a medic

I'ma do it till I get it right

I went to war last night (Night, night, night, night)

I've been dealing with depression ever since an adolescent

Duckin' every other blessin', I can never see the message

I could never take the lead, I could never bob and weave

From a negative and letting them annihilate me

And it's evident I'm moving at a meteor speed

Finna run into a building, lay my body...

[Spoken Interlude]

(Offstage Argument)

Not on my, not while I'm up here

Not on my time, kill the music, not on my time

We could save that shit for the streets

We could save that shit, this for the kids bro

2015, niggas tired of playin' victim dog

Niggas ain't trying to play vic— TuTu, how many niggas we done lost?

Yan-Yan, how many we done lost?

No for real, answer the que—, how many niggas we done lost bro?

This—, this year alone

Exactly, so we ain't got time to waste time my nigga

Niggas gotta make time bro

The judge make time, you know that, the judge make time right?

The judge make time so it ain’t shit

It shouldn’t be shit for us to come out here and appreciate the little bit of life we got left, dog

On the dead homies, Charlie P, you know that bro

You know that

It’s mando, right, it's mando

And I say this because I love you niggas man

I love all my niggas bro

Exac— enough said, enough said

And we gon' get back to the show and move on, because that shit petty my nigga

Mic check, mic check, mic check, mic check, mic check

We gon' do some acapella shit before we get back to-

All my niggas listen, listen to this:

[Verse 4]

I promised Dave I'd never use the phrase "fuck nigga"

He said, "Think about what you saying: "Fuck niggas"

No better than Samuel on Django

No better than a white man with slave boats"

Sound like I needed some soul searching

My Pops gave me some game in real person

Retraced my steps on what they never taught me

Did my homework fast before government caught me

So I'ma dedicate this one verse to Oprah

On how the infamous, sensitive N-word control us

So many artists gave her an explanation to hold us

Well, this is my explanation straight from Ethiopia

N-E-G-U-S definition: royalty; king royalty - wait listen

N-E-G-U-S description: black emperor, king, ruler, now let me finish

The history books overlook the word and hide it

America tried to make it to a house divided

The homies don't recognize we been using it wrong

So I'ma break it down and put my game in a song

N-E-G-U-S, say it with me, or say it no more

Black stars can come and get me

Take it from Oprah Winfrey, tell her she right on time

Kendrick Lamar, by far, realest Negus alive

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