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BTS - Come Back Home

Come Back Home
: Come Back Home
: 3.72 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 284 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 186 İndirme
: 26-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (BTS - Come Back Home )
  1. Urata Tangi

    At the beginning Jin just owned that shiiii like damnnn. 1:14 Also RM an Kookie slayed this part too

  2. star plays1

    Am I the only one hearing ooooo chicken oooo roast beef just me okay

  3. tonight by Jin hae

    Jin's falsetto is so beautiful. 💜💜💜💜💖💖💖💖

  4. Hani Nelsay

    Голос Джина 😣😣😍😍😍😳😶💙(не могу выразить это словами)

  5. Gina Winters

    2 kinds of ppl- * Jin slaying falsetto *- "angry? hungry? YES I'M HANGRY"

  6. Tiranit Pain

    This song kills me at the beginning when Jin start to sing

  7. Yanet Fernández Baca Ayllón

    Sensual el baile de Taehyung y Jimin, y de Junkok 🤗👍💜💜💜

  8. Yanet Fernández Baca Ayllón

    Admirables RM, SUGA y J Hope💜👍👍👍

  9. Yanet Fernández Baca Ayllón

    Hermosa voz de Jin💜💜💜

  10. Hồng Thy

    0:18 Jin2:51 Jungkook3:32 V

  11. Savage world

    Jin getting the appreciation he deserves he fucking hit hard with this one this is his song even if he got the least lines💜💜

  12. Jeon Jungkook

    Let's be real this video killed us all😅😍

  13. Jimin's jams

    1:34 I saw it coming a mile away you illegal boy(taehyung) ahh yes hello 911 yes I was viciously attacked by a dangerous man help meEdit:okay thank you mister I think he likes you 😏(taegi)2:14 in the corner they are dancing together ahh ship

  14. wiwik febryanto


  15. D'Niya Crenshaw

    Omg V and jungkook😍😍😍

  16. Dagmar M.

    Hobi bias wrecker strong in this one woah

  17. Genax

    Ohhh ma Jin😍😍😍🔥

  18. Jimin's jams YOU'LL NEVER GET ME, JIMIN

    Jesus cxrist (not gonna take his name in vain💀) Jin fxcking snapped-

  19. beatriz Aldaco


  20. ur soleil

    jin voice is so perfect

  21. ur soleil

    i still amazed by seokjin vocal thoits just really beautiful

  22. yoongs_ _93

    one: jin’s vOCALS!!two: they all hot asf-tHREE: they better gimme the address- tHeY wOn’T- ✋🏼

  23. Cc_ Jimin

    Ok, but their outfits are like: 👌

  24. Cheryl Blossom

    Mano, já disse que amo Kim Seokjin ?

  25. Samantha Youle

    3:45Jungkook is JiminYou probably have no idea what that meansWell we've all seen "Blood Sweat and Tears" right??What I meant was Jimin made his jacket come off his shoulder like what happened just then to Jungkook

  26. JebaćDisaHujMuZwisa LubięTańczyć

    1:14 i love this

  27. Hoseok is the only hope

    Why are my eyes locked on Jimin?

  28. Iva g

    THE death of all armysBts:YES

  29. mo nowa

    So the original song is by the group Seo Taigi and Boys- *If you take all the Intitials you gets STB** ^^^SOUNDS/LOOKS FAMILIAR RIGHT?!?!*—- *BTS BACKWARDS IS STB?!?!?!???!??*CONSPIRACY THEORY

  30. Warrior Shut up


  31. Warrior Shut up

    And also the melody of jimin!!!!!

  32. Warrior Shut up

    I hope that more like this to jin

  33. Warrior Shut up

    Very wow to jin!!!!!


    Was Jimmin mad at the end of the song bc he yelled like he was

  35. Ro Lee

    Nobody talks about jhopes flexing like are you deaf or something, cuz i was mind blown

  36. the none sense sisters

    We need more Jin!!!

  37. The_Phycotic Insomniac_


  38. cU tY

    Everyone: i like sad songs, love songsMe: falsetto+ rap (smooth dissing)

  39. Aneth Mar


  40. Jimin's jams YOU'LL NEVER GET ME, JIMIN


  41. betta uo

    Jin is the best!

  42. Somendra Srivastava

    I have this on my instag @bangtanarmykookie :)

  43. Hafifah Hulisnaini


  44. Lệ Hằng

    OMG Taehyung with those expressions, you want us to die? ㅠㅠ

  45. He Is My Hope

    3:46 more *AcCidEntS*😂😉

  46. Candycat

    I swear, they made this cover look like it’s their song. I just keep coming back to this!

  47. Gogo &Kooks

    Yaass Jinnie🖤🖤🖤..tho his part was short he killed it to the point that I keep on repeating it..I luv bangtan💜💜borahaee armys*YoU mUSt CoME bACk HoME*

  48. Taetaes little jinnie !

    Angry? Hungry? Yes I’m hangry

  49. KDF Kdf

    I love this song and performance so much. Was perfect man also a seo tajiin cover? Cuz if so i want bts to cover all their hit songs.

  50. It‘s just me

    The looks, the voices, Jinbut fr joons voice is so deeeeep like dRoP it boi

  51. Mysti_OwO Uchiha

    Taehyung deep raspy voice is heaven to my ears❤💜👏😔👌

  52. cU tY

    0:30-1:15 it stole everything

  53. Bangtan_forever 13_13


  54. My winter little bear

    3:34 incredible performance and deep voice of Taehyung, pure fire, very good falsetto of Jin, and good voice of JK and RM.

  55. Sha _27

    So nobody gonna talk about jungkook in 3:46 ?????

  56. Munnuhangleena Rai

    Nailed it

  57. Anushree Doharey

    Gimme more of that Jim's falsetto

  58. Sugar

    Just jungkooks little wavy lines at the end of his lines

  59. Kavya Telang


  60. Saira

    Jin OMG that falsetto..... on point!!!😭

  61. Zahra IR

    This song and performance make me crazy🥴🔥💜

  62. Vanessa Priscilla

    One and only Worldwide Handsome Jin 😎👑

  63. saptaparnaisdead uwu

    only RM can pull off a Hawaiian shirt, red pants and a red cap and still manage to look hot af

  64. Taekook ARMY

    When ever is taes part I die

  65. Lydia Celine

    Aw I’m so happy the comments are all talking about Jin, he is really an amazing underrated vocal (ps anyone else Jin biased?) •ㅅ•

  66. heman the

    yet everyone underestimates jin's vocals

  67. Lucie Reynolds

    Literally jhope saying angry hungry yes I’m hangry is literally me!!!

  68. Aya Marwa


  69. Emma Dreyfus

    Perhaps Jin snapped

  70. space pirate

    who here is willing to tattoo this entire video behind my eyelids i’ll pay you an immense amount of money

  71. Pretty girl Anna

    Wow type was great but c and Jungkook ....

  72. Gacha Kpop 인생


  73. Be The Best Version Of Yourself

    Jin 🔥

  74. Be The Best Version Of Yourself

    Nd i don't have enough words to describe how hot Tae's lookin here.. He's DEADLY.. 🔥

  75. Be The Best Version Of Yourself

    Jin Tae jungkook jimin RM jimin snapped...

  76. sAmmy`s pOPTaRTs

    BTS: come back homeMe: give me the address BTS: •_•Me: -.-JIN SNAPPED

  77. ItSukiNova ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ


  78. Shashining Star

    2019 anyone?

  79. JC - 08FE - Mount Pleasant Village PS (1534)

    My cousin's going crazy cuz Jin was wearing a shirt with her name on it 😂😂

  80. Annette Morales

    Jin is stEALING MY HEART FUCK 😭♥♥♥♥

  81. RcomicC 18


  82. Timmy Tasha

    Just kill me already.

  83. Splash Goes BOOM

    Sorry for everyone who's stanning over Jin's part. Did anyone else hear him say "oooo chicken, oooo roast beef" I can't unhear this now.

  84. golden crackhead

    Tell me why jimin look so hot and smoll at the same time 😂😍

  85. Besje G

    jin has my favorite vocals in bts :) but they're all very gooood

  86. The best panda

    BTS: you must come back homeMe: ...BOI...I’m gettin groceries for ya’ll so you can eat well!But also Me: I never left home...I’m a hermit.

  87. t a e h y u n g i e

    *give me the fucking address-*

  88. Shon Star

    I am waiting for Jin to sing the intro again. I am really anticipating for a repeat.. i'm a bit disappointed. The song is great but you see I'm waiting for Jin's intro repeat and it never happened. Wow

  89. Maya K

    0:15 you're welcome

  90. stan bangtan

    bitch admitted it that everytime she watched this video, the bitch is having a mINiheArtAttAcK. and that bitch is us

  91. Jimin's jams YOU'LL NEVER GET ME, JIMIN


  92. Jimin's jams YOU'LL NEVER GET ME, JIMIN

    0:19*Jin I-*

  93. Monalisa Das

    R. I. P Reply Button

  94. Infires Man

    I— This —Ruuudeee I feel attacked

  95. Int._. ARMYY

    Jin's voice is literally hypnotizing me!? i feel so attacked.

  96. Bethany H

    Always proud to stan the Legend Worldwide Handsome Jin!!!!

Come Back Home Şarkı Sözü
BTS - Come Back Home Sözleri

[Intro: Samoria Green & Natalie Green]

(Yes, God)

We don't want no devils in the house, God (Yes, Lord)

We want the lord (Yes, Jesus)

And that's it (Yes, God)

Hallej- hand over Satan (Yes, Jesus)

Jesus praise the Lord (Yes, God)

Hallelujah, God (Yes, God)

We don't want no devils in the house, God (Yes, Lord)

We want the lord (Yes, Jesus)

And that's it (Yes, God)

Hallej- hand over Satan (Yes, Jesus)

Jesus praise the Lord (Yes, God)

[Chorus: Kanye West & The-Dream]

I'm tryna keep my faith

We on an ultralight beam

We on an ultralight beam

This is a God dream

This is a God dream

This is everything

This is everything

[Verse 1: Kanye West & The-Dream]

Deliver us serenity

Deliver us peace

Deliver us loving

We know we need it

You know we need it

You know we need it

That's why we need you now, oh

Pray for Paris

Pray for the parents

This is a God dream

This is a God dream

This is a God dream

[Chorus: Kanye West & Choir, Kanye West]

We on an ultralight beam

We on an ultralight beam

This is a God dream

This is a God dream

This is everything

Everything (Thing, thing, thing)

[Refrain: The-Dream, The-Dream & Choir]

I'm tryna keep my faith

But I'm looking for more

Somewhere I can feel safe

And end my holy war

I'm tryna keep my faith

[Verse 2: Kelly Price & Choir]

So why send oppression not blessings?

Why, oh, why'd you do me wrong? (More)

You persecute the weak

Because it makes you feel so strong (Safe)

Don't have much strength to fight

So I look to the light (War)

To make these wrongs turn right

Head up high, I look to the light

Hey, 'cause I know that you'll make everything alright

And I know that you'll take good care of your child

Oh, no longer am afraid of the night

'Cause I, I look to the light

[Verse 3: Chance The Rapper]

When they come for you, I will shield your name

I will field their questions, I will feel your pain

No one can judge

They don't, they don't know

They don't know

Foot on the Devil's neck 'til it drifted Pangaea

I'm moving all my family from Chatham to Zambia

Treat the demons just like Pam

I mean I fuck with your friends, but damn, Gina

I been this way since Arthur was anteater

Now they wanna hit me with the woo wap, the bam

Tryna snap photos of familia

My daughter look just like Sia, you can't see her

You can feel the lyrics, the spirit coming in braille

Tubman of the underground, come and follow the trail

I made Sunday Candy, I'm never going to hell

I met Kanye West, I'm never going to fail

He said, "Let's do a good ass job with 'Chance 3'"

I hear you gotta sell it to snatch the Grammy

Let's make it so free and the bars so hard

That there ain't one gosh darn part you can't tweet

This is my part, nobody else speak

This is my part, nobody else speak

This little light of mine

Glory be to God, yeah

I'ma make sure that they go where they can't go

If they don't wanna ride I'ma still give 'em raincoats

Know what God said when he made the first rainbow

Just throw this at the end if I'm too late for the intro

Ugh, I'm just having fun with it

You know that a nigga was lost

I laugh in my head

'Cause I bet that my ex looking back like a pillar of salt

Ugh, 'cause they'll flip the script on your ass like Wesley and Spike

You cannot mess with the light

Look at lil' Chano from 79th

[Chorus: Kanye West & Choir, Kanye West]

We on an ultralight beam

We on an ultralight beam

This is a God dream

This is a God dream

This is everything


[Refrain: The-Dream, The-Dream & Choir, Natalie Greene]

(Yes, God)


I'm tryna keep my faith

(Yes, Jesus)

But I'm looking for more

Somewhere I can feel safe

And end my holy war

[Outro: Kirk Franklin & Choir]

Father, this prayer is for everyone that feels they're not good enough

This prayer's for everybody that feel that they're too messed up

For everyone that feels they've said "I'm sorry" too many times

You can never go too far when you can't come back home again

That's why I need...

Faith, more, safe, war

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