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Andre Rieu - Die lustige Witwe

Die lustige Witwe
: Die lustige Witwe
: 3.93 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 49 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 38 İndirme
: 11-11-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Andre Rieu - Die lustige Witwe )
  1. Nihal Dinçer

    Kıskançlık yapacaksanız. Andre Rieunun video larını paylaşım yapmayacaksınız, paylaşım yaptığım videolarınıza girip benim tabletim ile oynuyorsunuz. Ben Aptal mıyım. Suç işliyorsunuz. YouTube nin güvenliği ölmüş mü .

  2. Ona Bush


  3. Victor Schepers

    👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌😉😉😉🇳🇱 P Performanse in Maastricht Holland

  4. Donato Del Core

    Non trovo nessun commento quando scrivo Tutti bravi


    Quando viene in Italia per un concerto? Sarebbe stupendo!!

    Rosy Avigliano

    Lo sto aspettando anch'io.

  6. pino mugo

    Come tutti i concerti uno SPETTACOLO di musica e voci, continuate per altri 100 anni !Infondono commozione ed emozioni che rallegrano l'animo

  7. ria

    How beautiful they sing and how beautiful the performance is

  8. Soledad Oliva

    André cada día te admiro más eres un artista extraordinario con tu música llegas a todos los rincones del mundo y nos unes por medio de tu violín y llegas a nuestro corazón porque tú entrega es total en el escenario lo haces con el alma que Dios te proteja y bendiga siempre

  9. marta bauml

    PE R F E C T O - B RA V I S S I M O ! ! !

  10. Lidia Isabel Szust

    No hay adjetivos para decir lo que se siente vibra el Alma h el corazón como ese violin gracias bes

  11. Serdar Saran

    like in heaven..angels singing...

  12. Harry Oelgart

    This is my favorite song from the Merry Widow I just love it.

  13. Zoltan Szabo

    Super ,super asa ceva!

  14. hyongchol han

    Sweet and Beautiful music, VIVA Lehar!

  15. maria Rodriguez

    Beautifull me encanta estoy embelesada es mi terapia

  16. Shin-i-chi Kozima

    Standing ovationaly!Exquisite!

  17. Claude Karkel

    Une grande émotion !

  18. Ona Bush

    That is butiful.Chicago IL.

  19. Gerda Wendl

    Andre Rieu und sein Orchester immer ein Genuss!

  20. Shakira Ariana

    couples voice

  21. M. Souza

    Essa canção me leva a um lugar agradável e me traz lembranças que não vivi !

  22. William Powhida

    Thing of beauty etc. True, true, true. Melody is Queen!

  23. Giancarlo Barale

    La musica deve essere un balsamo per l'anima, e questa esibizione lo è Allegra, Divertente spensierata.Le voci sono terribili, ma ci si diverte e questo è importante

  24. MSK MSK

    Terrible voices...

    John Meyer

    What rock did you crawl from under?

    Júlio Faria

    Margarita canta melhor para a gente ver.

    Júlio Faria

    Cante melhor,

    chang jin Choi

    Please go to a doctor to check if you hearing is gravely damaged by some cause.

    Mike Barnard

    Donald and Margarita please both get your hearing checked out!! The singing style was entirely appropriate for the occasion! You should listen to the singers individually or as an ensemble performing some of the other classics and you should both appreciate how excellent they all are. I'm not so familiar with some of the vocalists but Mirusia and Carla Mafioletti are outstanding in their field. Listen to Carla singing Caro Nome and Mein Herr Marquis with Andre and the JSO. Absolutely stunning!


    es la version mas impresionante que he podido oir en mi vida del vals de la Viuda Alegra. Grracias

  26. Manole mihaela


  27. Rodrigo Estrada Mora

    Bellísimo como todo lo de este gran violinista André Rieu.

  28. Rodrigo Estrada Mora

    Bellísimo como todo lo de André Rieu.

  29. marga janssens

    Zo waar!Prachtig!

  30. antje tautkus

    brilliant..... brilliant..

  31. Felicia Chirila


  32. h825benny

    what's the name of the song started from 3:00 ?Viele viele Danke...


    It is, "Das Studium der Weiber ist schwer"

  33. Liliana Vilchez Vidalòn

    Hermoso !!!!

  34. Murph3579


  35. Murph3579


  36. Murph3579

    Magnificent! Brava!

  37. Carmel Pule'

    Excellent in every way, elegance  fills the air it is all food for every soul. Everything is so complimentary and  colours, music, movements, and a flight of fancy to a space that is being lost in industrial developed countries, Congratulations Andre' Rieu, for  retaining all this in the human souls,

  38. Mary H

    A medley of joy!!!  Happy!

  39. mario luis lopez succar


  40. mirtateresa haidamacha

    Maravilloso !!!

  41. Agus Hartadi

    Beatiful music, make us fly and dream.

  42. Felicia Chirila

    This song is on of my favourites from The Merry Widow

  43. Violet Vassallo

    FantasticAndre Rieu.Special Maestro.I love his music.The Mary Widow one of the best,

  44. Dj Luciano Lucshark

    Alguém tem o link deste show completo ?

  45. Lenise Petry

    Wunderbar! Dank! <3

  46. MandyDoll

    How gorgeous are those dresses? Beautiful complements to the music.

    Maria Elena Zignago


  47. MegaHERA2010

    Here´s the lyricsMerry Widow Waltz" (lyrics in German) Lippen schwigen, 's flustern Giegen hab' mich lieb! All die Schritte sagen bitte, hab' mich lieb! Jeder Druck der Hände deutlich mir's beschrieb. Er sagt klar, 's ist wahr, 's ist wahr, ich hab' dich lieb! Bei jedem Walzerschritt, tanzt auch die seele mit, da hüpft das Herzchen klein es klopft und pocht: sei mein, sei mein! Und der Mond er sagt kein Wort, doch tönt es fort und immerfort: Ich hab' dich ja so lieb, ich hab' dich lieb!

  48. Irena Orlinska

    O każdym koncercie można napisać :cudowny .Tylko żal,że nie można w w nich uczestniczyć . Mogę tylko dziękować .

  49. Olga Ivanecka

    beautiful super 1 thank you

  50. Walter Hille


  51. M Desmond

    my mother passed about 5 years after my dad, we used this song (from the Live in Dublin CD) as part of her memorial. Hauntingly beautiful, and as only Maestro Rieu can play it. Tres Bon!

  52. Erika Kálna


  53. Lia Nasti


  54. fine fleur

    I love this song ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  55. Gina Melgarejo

    Es un lindo regalo del cielo para el alma!!!!

  56. Lourdes Pasos

    Es una delicia oír sus conciertos yo lo veo en vídeos. Pues a Mérida nunca ha llegado.

  57. JACKYღ jesus

    Beautiful pieces of music, Beautiful singer, Beautiful Orchestra, Beautiful Violin, Beautiful André Rieu...

  58. jaykid160

    In love with Andre...and I'm 24 haha!

  59. Dilip Cherian

    Simple-touching-awakening.- Beautiful.

  60. Thomas Dormer

    A fine song,the 2007 concert was one of the few times when there were 4 girls singing and Suzan and Bela were always good singing together

  61. elena rudilla puig

    Maravillosa musica!!!!!!, gracias

  62. Colleen Massey

    lovely song with beautiful music and and great voices

  63. Włodzimierz Olszewski

    Wesoła Wdówka to na pewno jedna z najsłynniejszych operetek. A aria Ach kobietki , kobietki cudo muzyczne.

  64. Julian Rios

    Magnifico, sería un verdadero honor contar con su presencia y la de su orquesta en Colombia, ojala algún día.

  65. Ezio Gianmoena

    mi piace davvero

  66. Silvia Graciela Martínez

    Andre you're unique! Your music carries all your feelings!!!

  67. Margó Szendreiné

    Nagyon tetszik gyönyörű minden koncertje . :)

  68. Christiane Deschrijver

    merci pour le partage !

    Zdenka Nejezchlebova

    Vsechno moc pekne

  69. Imbi Raid

    This is so lovely song - Platin Tenors and our lovely sopranos Mirusia, Carla and Carmen singing, humming... I like also the same song, when Bela sang with Suzan Erens and Carmen sang to Maestro Andre.( in Vienna 2007)

  70. Gökhan ŞİMŞEK


  71. Rodolfo Luis Klainsek


  72. katarina zist


  73. Freda Pretorius


  74. Imbi Raid

    Beautiful music performed by wonderful singers and the magnificent Maestro Andre.

  75. Danielle MERLIER

    comme tout ce qu il fait c est magnifique je ne me lasse pas de l entendre

  76. Мария Ермилова


  77. Pioneer

    I love Andre Rieu very much. Thank you.

  78. Elizabeth Cunius


  79. trevorbaldwin1

    this is just beautiful, thankyou andre. hope that the next video is the performance with jermaine jackson.

  80. Antonio Igartua


  81. Jean-Paul Gallimard

    hopa hopa hoopa

  82. Mary H

    Just when you think Andre couldn't possibly get any better...Wella!!! ...This man is brilliant !

  83. Rosa Jones

    Wunderbar !!!

  84. Maria Claret Penteado Del Arco


  85. Michael Friedman

    Fantastic musical performance !

  86. Paulo Cesar de Souza Mendes

    Um espetáculo de se ver...!!!Grato...

  87. dick12235

    Andre One of the Greatest.Thanks.

  88. mihaelafuerniss mikifuerniss

    ja.....wunderbar !....

  89. zaanseshadow2

    Absoluut mooiGroetFred AKA Zaanse Shadow

  90. Miriam Omphroy

    Simplemente Maravilloso!!!!

  91. Maria Vargas

    MARAVILHA!! teria dado um dedo da mão direita para estar lá! grata pelo vídeo, que venham outros!

  92. Anna Knoop

    prachtig groetjes anna


    Bu müziği bize sunduğu için şefe çok teşekkürler

  94. Gitti Marie

    Traumhaft schön.... Dankeschön <3

  95. Jerzy Jurek Grochowski

    My Idol - Carmen Monarcha!

  96. Krystyna Kozakiewicz

    Thank you my wonderful Friend!!!

  97. Владислав Дорошенко


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