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Accept - Balls To The Wall

Balls To The Wall
: Balls To The Wall
: 5.25 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 61 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 38 İndirme
: 26-07-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Accept - Balls To The Wall )
  1. MadBad Voodoo

    The 80's were MAGIC!

  2. Sidney Johnson

    The start of this song is phat

  3. sa ra

    نحبها نحبها نحبها تهببببل ♡....♡

  4. Trade Forex with Grant

    Most don't realize this is Udo's natural voice, with little or no manipulation...he STILL plays today, and his voice is just as insane as it was when we caught Accept at L'Amour in Brooklyn back in the day \m/

  5. Nickolay P

    выглядит как пародия на метал. клоуны))

  6. Евгений Игошин


  7. thewook79

    If nothing else, this video is badass for the dual flying vees.

  8. ToxiKDragon 117

    ACC/EPT = German AC/DC

  9. Geek Boy

    Why was the guitar solo cut out?

  10. George the Shark

    Peter Baltes is gone from the band like this to bring him back👇🏻

  11. zjldmd

    Still one of the best intros ever.

  12. Josie Springfield

    Yurok Tolowa and Karuk Native American males.....uh yeah. :))

  13. noel winslow

    early 80s metal, the best, I saw these guys at least ten times, they opened for every band on tour in the hey day, it just had a vibe that spoke to the kids at that time, even Great White was bad ass in the early 80s, check out the Street Killers lp, but by the time Warrent, and ugly kid joe, poison, britny fox came along it was done, thank god for Kings X

  14. King Bugs

    There was a time where the ugliest dude in the band could be the lead singer. No more...

  15. Maicon Lô

    Mistura de manowar com ac/dc

  16. quarter jukebox

    Balls on his chin.

  17. Wesley Peel

    I got this Accept LP from my cousin in the early 80's. Never been the same since😋

  18. armando chavez

    Great great band.

  19. wagner vianna

    rockingroll papai kkkk

  20. Steel Fury

    Such a baddass song, but Beavis and Butthead never let me see this in the same way again.

  21. GaBr1x Official

    Gta vice city stories❤️🤟🏻

  22. Sebastian Juarez

    GTA Vice City Stories V-Rock. 😀

  23. Lucio Cabral Chaves junior

    I remember a lonely time of my life. I bought 3 LP, in july of 1988. I took Defenther of the faith ( Judas Priest) Balls to the Wall ( Accept) and ( seventh son of a Seventh son (Iron Maiden). those days my friends gone , my brother gone to other city. I Get in adult time of my life and many changes i cannot realized.

  24. Robert e. Metzger

    first time I heard this was at Exit on Wells street in Chicago. With the killer sound system you can imagine the POWER !!! YOU GOT YOUR YOU KNOW WHATS TO THE WALL !!!!! LOLOL

  25. Shelby Johnston

    Corrosion of conformity just reused the same drum intro on albatross.

  26. Victor Rivero

    Geniales estos csm pura carne molida

  27. Theodor

    Accept = a much better AC/DC

    darrellw dobson

    You fucking think this is fucy battle of the bands? Fucking cannon fodder. Some tribes no didn't care about food they ate who they captured. Love peace and chicken grease.

  28. ANDRE LZ

    EM SP-BRASIL👈👈👈👈👈

  29. ANDRE LZ


  30. Игорь Жигула

    Ну какие мудаки дизлайки ставят ?

  31. Kevin alejandro Villanueva gonzalez

    De los mejores inicios

  32. FresnoCAPunkrockMetalHardcore OldFigGang


  33. Jonathan Parker

    That opening riff is still one of the best ever played... Go ahead try to argue. It's simple but hooks you in instantly.

  34. Sergey Petropavlosky

    Тевтонский рок

  35. Елена Дьяченко

    Вокалисту грима не хватает, например как у кiss) его дикую "красоту" прикрыть

    Fortuna Копатель

    У UDO харизмы и без грима хватает. Он красавчик, а со временем ещё круче!!!!!!

    Елена Дьяченко

    @Fortuna Копатель на любителя

  36. Kenny Gerald

    I saw them in concert in either 83 or 84 and they were the opening band and I liked them once I heard them and went out and bought their album the next day. What is so funny is I can''t remember who they opened up for but I do remember them.

  37. Tracy Cole

    If you're not gonna play it right, don't play it. It's a crying shame to play an edited version

  38. varga tunde aliz

    I think they were thinking of a wall that stretched between East Germany and West Germany...

  39. Ronald Shank

    Definitely a metal blast from the past!

  40. leibronjames

    Kkkkk os cara são muito bons mais a coreografia é muito tosca kkkkk

  41. wayne leonard

    Jesus Christ did he ever sound like Brian Johnson 🤘

  42. dax ukada

    The comedian's are entertaining and pleasingly.

  43. David Zajíček

    I love UDO in accept, I think the best singer

  44. Louis Csanko


  45. Wild Weedle

    Udo and Lemmy.

  46. franco junior

    Brasil também curte ❤️

  47. Chris Rohrback

    Sounds like they are saying Brock Lesnar

  48. John Mann


  49. Reggie Lovato

    People need to "Accept" the fact that this is NOT AC/DC!

  50. natanyofsho

    this song is weird

  51. Jonathan DeVries

    WOW! How did people actually find this entertaining?? The singer looks like a fuckin troll, lol

  52. Mr Feast

    Accept > Ac/Dc .... change my mind

    theodor 95

    facts, accept is muuuuuch better :)

  53. Glenn Hertel

    I've seen this and Stranglehold so many times lately, got to say who me. Yea pretty funny concert anymore someone get Mom home from this show. Me the lows are just getting lower got to the point I can't stand to be around me. Sory do not mean to offend, but people I wanted to see well now I really just want to be alone. America did such a great job helping us ( still trying to figure out how ) doing anything would have been to much to ask for. Been to busy to do what I should have and even at the VA Hospital an MRI would be to difficult to get done. Well don't worry about it I will pay for it. It's also nice to know everyone involved in the LSD incident at the VA got paid probably got a 100% Rating all they probably had to do is make a statement blaming me. When I told the Psychiatrist people were following me he said I was crazy, imagine that I got followed into the Hospital, it is not the only time either. Depleted Uranium cooked back ( coffee out of the microwave does not light up a geiger counter testing my blood was probably a waste of time. ) Sarin Gas, klosterman gas, experimental pills, Mystery shots, LSD Attack why would a veteran like me get a 100%, We do not need Money here everything we did was free. Fucking Disgusted.

  54. fred gomez


  55. Hardworking Peasant

    Thank you

  56. Cesar Recio

    Fuck usa viva México cabrones heavy metal vive en mexico

    Luis Monge

    A huevo

  57. steven cook

    In Australia Balls are called Kegs, therefore i declare "put ya kegs to the wall".

  58. mark harris

    patton Oswald lol

  59. ZER0 F0X

    This song kicks so much ass!

    Luis Monge

    Balls* lol

    ZER0 F0X

    @Luis Monge Lol yeah xD

  60. Guile716

    It's like watching an albino Brian Johnson with Down Syndrome—fresh out of the army—singing for Judas Priest.

    alejandro rueda

    Guile716 brian johnson? why?


    @alejandro rueda Some of the time he sounds like Brian Johnson.

  61. Jeff Lee

    i make these sounds when im poopin

  62. subie. ja

    This man sings as if Bon and Brian had a baby. Shits CRAZYYYYY

  63. Rickey Engle

    O,hell no,don't want my ball too the wall

  64. Anunnaki Prince


  65. Lis Spilman

    If you can listen to this and still be angry you need to hear it again it's really good therapy

  66. alex c

    "Hey man, I don't give a shit I just wanna wrestle!!"

  67. dixieken

    Why the sudden editing of the official video. Youtube cut out the best part, and, when you read the lyrics they cut, it's not hard to see why they cut them. “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”― George Orwell, 1984

  68. jonas de Oliveira

    Perfect riff introducion 0:01

  69. k san

    If there was only one song from the heavy metal 80's that I would say defined that era, this is it. Heavy metal anthem. What a great song.


    From 1983 the likes of the trooper, holy diver are much better musically haha

  70. Daniel Tessier

    Excellent souvenir 🤘

  71. CchewWitup

    it almost looks like jack black

  72. Justice For All

    неимоверное количество пафоса...но я от них без ума)))

  73. Chris Ridenhour

    Excuse me sir. Do you have a backstage pass?

  74. Team Night 384

    GTA Vice City V Rock

  75. Robert Fahey

    The longer version is better, with the quiet intermission and Udo mumbling about nonsense.

  76. Eric Norman

    Still rocking 2019!!!

  77. Shaohan Yu

    Take me back to Vice City.🚤


    oops i just had a flashback fart

  79. Mac Martin

    David Letterman's little brother 🤤

  80. R Co

    This song still rules. Who cares what Beavis and Butthead said.

  81. darrellw dobson

    You can take the window or the stairs.

  82. darrellw dobson

    Hello? Is this thing on.?

  83. darrellw dobson

    You made me don't be made me and then I stayed.

  84. darrellw dobson

    Young junkies here.

  85. darrellw dobson

    To all p.o.c. this is where they have us . Who and or what not are you fighting for. Eye hate you 😂.🖱️

  86. hipflask

    Still metal AF 30 years later

  87. Steve Wilson

    I'm on long as " the wall" is Avril Lavinges chin.

  88. Manuel Camargo

    Esta Cancion tiene un mensage es un Cancionson de puras toneladas de rock pesado con esta banda de heavy metal accept saludos a todos los rockeros del pinche planeta desde Illinois de guanajuato Mexico cabrones

  89. Schwen

    The amount of cheese in this video would clog a sewer pipe!

  90. Dude 63

    Saw Dirkschnieder Last year, He still Kicks ass

  91. Roger Fritz

    Well, they are saying, "balls", so that's kinda cool. Whoa! Here comes Krokus. They're coming to kick their ass!---Beavis and Butthead.

  92. Mr. Groovy 2 Shoes

    One of the best Metal anthems ever. Should have seen this back in 83 listening to it on a 1 speaker 13' TV lol. At least you could get a cassette player with 2 speakers lol.

  93. uesdto signin

    I run and accidentally crash the wallmy balls to the

  94. Tripping OOUTT

    All I remember is Laszlo getting told shut up while this shit was bumpin in Vice City🤘

  95. Ovik2k

    Early 80's heavy metal is the greatest sound ever

  96. austin thomas

    Too many slaves in this worldOne by torture and painToo many people do not seeThey're killing themselves - going insaneToo many people do not knowBondage in over the human raceThey believe slaves always loseAnd this fear keeps them downWatch the damned (God bless ya)They're gonna break their chainsYou can't stop them (God bless ya)They're coming to get you and thenYou'll get your balls to the wall, manBalls to the wallYou'll get your balls to the wall, manBalls to the wall - balls to the wallYou may screw their brainsYou may sacrifice them, tooYou may mortify their fleshYou may rape them allOne day the tortured stand upAnd revolt against the evilThey make you drink you bloodAnd tear yourself to piecesYou better watch the damned (God bless ya)They're gonna break their chainsYou can't stop them (God bless ya)They're coming to get you and thenYou'll get your balls to the wall, manBalls to the wallYou'll get your balls to the wall, manBalls to the wall - balls to the wallCome on man, let's stand up all over the worldLet's plug a bomb in everyone's arseIf they don't keep us alive - we're gonna fight for the rightBuild a wall with the bodies of the dead - and you're savedMake the world scared - come on, show me the sign of victorySign of victory - sign of victoryYou better watch the damned (God bless ya)They're gonna break their chainsYou can't stop them (God bless ya)They're coming to get you and thenYou'll get your balls to the wall, manBalls to the wallYou'll get your balls to the wall, manBalls to the wall



  98. Ryan Palermo

    When metal was about true rebellion, not city boy yuppies jamming on their weekends. Accept Rules !

  99. Filip P.

    Is that Dave Mustaine on guitar... ?


    Nope. Wolf Hoffman. Accept is german band

Balls To The Wall Şarkı Sözü
Too many slaves in this world die by torture and pain.
Too many people do not see. They're killing themselves, going insane.
Too many people do not know bondage is over the human race.
They believe slaves always lose, and this fear keeps them down.

Watch the damned. (god bless ya!)
They're gonna break their chains. (hey!)
You can't stop them. (god bless ya!)
They're coming to get you, and then you'll get your Balls to the Wall.

You may screw their brains. You may sacrifice them too.
You may mortify their flesh. You may rape them all.
One day the tortured stand up and revolt against the evil.
They make you drink your blood and tear yourself to peaces.

Watch the damned...

Come on, man, let's stand up all over the world.
Let's plug a bomb in everyone's arse.
If they don't keep us alive, we're gonna fight for the right.
Build a wall with the bodies of the dead nd your saved.
Make the world scared. Come on, show me the sign of victory.
dünyadaki bir çok köle
işkence edilen ve acı çektirilen
bir çok insan bunu görmez
kendilerini öldürüyorlar deliriyorlar
bir çok insan bunu bilmiyor
insanlık yarışında kölelik!!
onlar kölelerin her zaman kaybettiğine inanır
ve bu korku onlara sahip olur
allahın belasını seyret(allaha emanet ol)
onlar zincirlerini kıracaklar
onları durduramazsın(allaha emanet ol)
sana sahip olmak için geliyorlar
toplarını duvara atıcaksın dostum
toplar duvara (böle bişi olabilir mi yaa valla kusura bakma lise öğrencisinden bu çıkıo:p)
hadi dostum tüm dünyaya kalkalım
herkesin kıçına bomba tıklam
eğer bizi canlı tutamazlarsa doğru olan için onlarla kavga ederiz
ölü bendenleriyle bi duvar inşa et_ve kurtarıldın
dünyayı korkut_hadi zaferin işaretini göster bana
zaferin işareti zaferin işareti
allahın belasını izlesen ii olur(allaha emanet ol)
zincirlerini kıracaklar
onları durduramzsın(Allaha emanet ol)

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