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50 Cent - feat Akon-Still Will

feat Akon-Still Will
: feat Akon-Still Will
: 4.34 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 197 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 136 İndirme
: 10-04-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (50 Cent - feat Akon-Still Will )
  1. Mlk zika Original


  2. D Tohirov

    uzbekistan 2019 🤟🤟🤟


    East Coast Hits killings lol

  4. Ömer yüce

    50 cent 50 million

  5. graciela costa

    Assim meus inimigo vão paga um por um

  6. AvoMane 86West


  7. Kama Alma

    I will still chill😂😂😂😂😂

  8. arian rahimzadeh

    dislike for censoring

  9. Денис Ковальчук

    АУЕ Russia

  10. Dani's Slime Videos

    Still very good! 👍💜💙💜

  11. Chema33 Manuel


  12. MAIR

    Лучший фит в мире

  13. Why ?

    Everyone commenting 2019 anyone this crap is way way way out of hand look at this comment section one person comments it then another then another all for meaningless likes people are controlled by likes am.I the only one worried about this how easy people are nowadays amd how needy and sensitive you all are? But as usual it will just get worse and worse what a depressing world

  14. Carl 'The Bomb' Johnson

    November 3 2019 ✊✊5️⃣0️⃣

  15. Михаил Кожевников

    Русские есть?

    4elovek ok

    На месте

  16. Joel Solomon

    I love how f*ckin slept on half of 50s songs are

  17. Personal Vendetta

    50 cent turned too Commercialized vitamin water low budget films and an old show power!!?? Yes 50 you're Old Man dude


    Matter of Fact the reason I wear my Fitted LA Cap without folding the brim is for Gs

  19. Gerson Oliveira de Almeida Almeida

    Música boa



  21. Albi Ilnica

    29 October 2019

  22. Radman RA

    Where you are men you alive hahah ?

  23. TechnoGenuine

    Akon in the past was amazing. I don't like how many artists are now focusing on trends rather creating their own style.

  24. damon mitchell

    Who's watching Power ?

  25. Sifaw Khouya

    You changed the title of the song 50 why?You removed the word "kill" from it

  26. Matheus Chaves


  27. حيدر جفته


  28. SanttoS SanttoS22


  29. Rashmin Ediriweera

    I stared listening dis at grade 8 ❤️🔥🙊now I’m 23 🔥time flew but dis is still the same 😎👏

  30. Louey fockin shelby

    50 cent = 50 M views

  31. mamadou diang diallo

    Can’t stop enjoying this song 🥰From Galsen Akon for ever 👌

  32. Jacky Michel

    October 2019 ?

  33. a 7296

    Akon the only one to sing a hard hook and still sound gangsta

    Ryan Ryan

    Nate Dogg?

  34. rasmus skafte

    "Ask Preme, 50 dont back down"

  35. Baki XB

    ... Censorship

  36. Funker

    This song deserve much more than 50 mil..

  37. John Waltman

    Took me 11 years to find this song again 😐 wtf is wrong with me

  38. damon mitchell

    POWER: ( S6 - E1 )



  40. A N

    Akon done songs wid 50, snoop and em. Ghetto singer.

  41. Rafael Ricardo

    Esse som e top 🎤🙌👍✌



  43. Atilla Kong

    17.10.2019 anybody?

  44. ahmet sözen

    Turkey isnt ready for this song

  45. Gabrielomar Villarreal

    2019 🎵🎶🇦🇷✌

  46. nebio andrade

    Lenda cent 50✌️

  47. William Beard

    "Holden" commodore in the backround

  48. Lucas Hardw

    2019 ainda bombando 👆🔥

  49. paulo henrique

    2019 salve salve!

  50. Wes 2flex

    Ohhhhh I'm Stiiilll Kiiii iii iiiiiinnnnggg CuzIfUGetzeFussinARouuuund CuzIfUGetzeFussinARouuuuuund I'm Stiill The Kiiiiii i iiiiiiinG cuz i been long goone like the carrot or Flipper (the Dolphin) sooo i dont want, but i will if i got tooo ; -Oh former terrorist, i, honorable military, have a job offer for you, butchering social protesters and homeless that wont play by anymore if they're any smart (later) -Ohh yeah, it feeels, totally differennt, it's for the nation, im payiin back for ma miistaakes (actually feels going on haha) - good, here's for you ; Ohhh haan Doll Phiiins waaalkiin on their backk, in the parkiiing

  51. Kissia silveira

    É mt amor da minha vida

  52. Vìctør Hęx


    rudy kennedy


  53. Ewerthon Seipel

    Passa ano e essa música continua boa

  54. The_ Intruder

    Que bonitos recuerdos esto era música!! Like si piensas lo mismo y la sigues escuchando en 2019!!

  55. Jean Felipe

    BR 2019

  56. The Chosen1

    50’s bars are so natural because he actually about that life

  57. Dwyane Washington

    God said he will come back for the backside or Sinner and the fallen God doesn't want to destroy Satan because when he created Satan or Lucifer he created him good God doesn't have to kill Satan just like Jesus basically used his power to remove the demons from the person and then put them into the swine God can also do that to satan when God created everything he created it good in the beginning just like the Microsoft cloud when you send the picture or something and never goes away it's always there you just have to find it God created Satan the devil he created him good that story just like The Scorpion King and Other Stories like that Dracula Untold even he had the faith to turn in son over to the sons of god God instructed Dwyane Michael Washington to follow the Sun fathers who break his families tradition and decide not to name his son junior or Michael and when they decide not to name his oldest son micheal and then the son drops dead at birth and placed in the hands of god any artist named Michael. the son Dwayne Michael Washington looks up to as the father. or little brother godship the sons of michael inheritance for the firstborn who supposed to be a junior his name is supposed to be Michael but his father decided not to name his oldest son Michael breaking the families history of the first born. adam hamilton follows washington families stock market washington families stock market. city and county of san francisco ca 3802178019 new york stock exchange heirs beneficiary trustees and more everything being released through the chronicles or examiner san francisco newspapers mount zion jewish hospital san francisco that egyptians bible first born son inheritance 1600 divisadero street san francisco ca 94115 mount zion circumcision of dwyane michael washington federal government natural disaster relief sacramento california department of urban housing and development from 1999 to 2019 client 114019 jesus christ hedge fund into one michael the archangel participant 0670003262952 equal opportunity employer named. dwyane michael washington. was added to dwyane wade 5th child' and mother case. for sacramento county department of health and human services 7001 a east parkway sacramento ca 95823 dwyane michael washington was an uncle before i was a father was in the father till march 8th 2002 ssn 568-73-3448 90000 social media pages dwyane washington and dwayne washington 40000 equal opportunities fathers welfare to work on the mother case ssn 568-73-3448 christian catholic baptized christian washington introduction to world religion and introduction to international fellowship of christians and jews washington secret societies and farternal orders apple employee badge id t33448 dwyane michael washington who works for pacific bell telephone company win-back services washington sells everything that they sell metropcs t-mobile shares and t-mobile metropcs shares suncom wireless. sony ericsson california id d2174612 california lifeline and lifeline wireless to california id and driver's license number d2174612 sub recruiting california us stations take your son to work day. 835 market street san francisco 3802178019 new york stock exchange 102nd signal battalion united states of america passport id 052802245 0221949952 california's real id program dwyane michael washington driver license california id d2174612 hedge fund dwyane michael washington godship sonship god'son adoption in the hands of god but jesus is the resurrection godship the sons of Michael dwayne michael washington godship sonship godson adoption in the hands of god but jesus is the resurrection godship the sons of Michael

  58. Dwyane Washington

    now that Dwyane Michael Washington and grandmother is dead no one is praying for me

    Dwyane Washington

    God instructed Dwyane Michael Washington to follow the Sun fathers who break his families tradition and decide not to name his son junior or Michael and when they decide not to name his oldest son micheal and then the son drops dead at birth and placed in the hands of god any artist named Michael. the son Dwayne Michael Washington looks up to as the father. or little brother godship the sons of michael inheritance for the firstborn who supposed to be a junior his name is supposed to be Michael but his father decided not to name his oldest son Michael breaking the families history of the first born. adam hamilton follows washington families stock market washington families stock market. city and county of san francisco ca 3802178019 new york stock exchange heirs beneficiary trustees and more everything being released through the chronicles or examiner san francisco newspapers mount zion jewish hospital san francisco that egyptians bible first born son inheritance 1600 divisadero street san francisco ca 94115 mount zion circumcision of dwyane michael washington federal government natural disaster relief sacramento california department of urban housing and development from 1999 to 2019 client 114019 jesus christ hedge fund into one michael the archangel participant 0670003262952 equal opportunity employer named. dwyane michael washington. was added to dwyane wade 5th child' and mother case. for sacramento county department of health and human services 7001 a east parkway sacramento ca 95823 dwyane michael washington was an uncle before i was a father was in the father till march 8th 2002 ssn 568-73-3448 90000 social media pages dwyane washington and dwayne washington 40000 equal opportunities fathers welfare to work on the mother case ssn 568-73-3448 christian catholic baptized christian washington introduction to world religion and introduction to international fellowship of christians and jews washington secret societies and farternal orders apple employee badge id t33448 dwyane michael washington who works for pacific bell telephone company win-back services washington sells everything that they sell metropcs t-mobile shares and t-mobile metropcs shares suncom wireless. sony ericsson california id d2174612 california lifeline and lifeline wireless to california id and driver's license number d2174612 sub recruiting california us stations take your son to work day. 835 market street san francisco 3802178019 new york stock exchange 102nd signal battalion united states of america passport id 052802245 0221949952 california's real id program dwyane michael washington driver license california id d2174612 hedge fund dwyane michael washington godship sonship god'son adoption in the hands of god but jesus is the resurrection godship the sons of Michael dwayne michael washington godship sonship godson adoption in the hands of god but jesus is the resurrection godship the sons of Michael

  59. Jareduhman

    Damn, used to listen to this daily. Just popped back up in my head...

  60. canal nostra

    Qual nome dessa música 09 a 015

  61. ursu tapan

    come back AKON!

  62. MonsterTruck TV

    Will kill

  63. D K

    Still Will 2019

  64. Denis Strokatov

    Ностальгия. Nostalgically

  65. Patrick Kuhfus

    My man Akon maybe had the longest feature run through the 2000`s. The Hook Killer 💯

  66. Amadou Moustapha Dieng

    Amazing two legends duo

  67. Amadou Moustapha Dieng

    Amazing two legends duo

  68. Mensageiro do Rei

    Reliquia............... !!!!!!...2019

  69. Renata Borges


  70. ill Skillz

    True power

  71. offer gang cool offer gang

    50 cent is a OG

  72. Farah Hassan

    2019 BEST

  73. Bowfrankte Micheal

    I really loved this record, love it still. The lines were lit, beat still classic even in 2019. 💯🔥

  74. Ray Legg

    Corn cob them child molesters run this sissy ass country with MIND CONTROL!!!! You want to be with me! ???? RAY LEGG SAID IT?!

  75. Lucas H. Araújo

    É peso demais numa música só

  76. Donovan Ramirez

    50 cent is king

  77. Murat Özdemir

    I still watc ..

  78. Snoop Catt

    2020? There are UFOs flying about after area 51 raid

  79. Carlos ElMasri

    Ending OFF 2019?

  80. Dwyane Washington field operations tbcc# sd02659749 3802178019 new york stock exchange 341b85Z52 washington dwayne 3802178019 city and county of san francisco ca birth certificate dwyane washington Did you mean: 341b85Z52 washington dwyane 3802178019 city and county of san francisco ca birth certificate dwyane washington Ad Ad· CA Birth Certificate | Official CA Vital Records | Order your government-issued California Birth Certificates in 2 easy Steps! ONLY $47. Only $47. Expert Assistance. Avoid long lines. Apply Online. Quick & Secure Service. Official Vital Records. Simple Application. Certified Copy of Birth Replace Birth Certificate New Birth Certificate What is a Vital Record Search Results IMAGES View All Image result for 341b85Z52 washington dwayne 3802178019 city and county of san francisco ca birth certificate dwyane washington Image result for 341b85Z52 washington dwayne 3802178019 city and county of san francisco ca birth certificate dwyane washington Image result for 341b85Z52 washington dwayne 3802178019 city and county of san francisco ca birth certificate dwyane washington Image result for 341b85Z52 washington dwayne 3802178019 city and county of san francisco ca birth certificate dwyane washington Image result for 341b85Z52 washington dwayne 3802178019 city and county of san francisco ca birth certificate dwyane washington Image result for 341b85Z52 washington dwayne 3802178019 city and county of san francisco ca birth certificate dwyane washington Image result for 341b85Z52 washington dwayne 3802178019 city and county of san francisco ca birth certificate dwyane washington Image result for 341b85Z52 washington dwayne 3802178019 city and county of san francisco ca birth certificate dwyane washington Image result for 341b85Z52 washington dwayne 3802178019 city and county of san francisco ca birth certificate dwyane washington Image result for 341b85Z52 washington dwayne 3802178019 city and county of san francisco ca birth certificate dwyane washington View all PEOPLE ALSO ASK Where do I get my birth certificate in Washington state? Can you view birth certificates online? How do I get my birth certificate from King County? Where do I get a certified copy of my marriage certificate? Feedback › Birth-Certificates Web results Birth Certificates | Snohomish Health District, WA Obtaining a Birth Certificate. It's easy to get a birth certificate in Snohomish County, even if you weren't born here. The Snohomish Health ... Missing: 341b85Z52 ‎dwayne ‎3802178019 ‎san ‎francisco ‎ca ‎dwyane VitalChek › birth-certificates › calif... California (CA) Birth Certificates | Birth Records - VitalChek Securely get a copy of your birth record from VitalChek. ... Once your California birth certificate order is complete, it is electronically sent by the next .... San Francisco County Clerk. Missing: 341b85Z52 ‎dwayne ‎3802178019 ‎dwyane VitalChek › birth-certificates › wash... Washington (WA) Birth Certificates | Birth Records - VitalChek Obtain official Washington WA birth certificates online. ... Once your Washington birth certificate order is complete, it is electronically ... Grant County Vital Records ... 310 N Main St. Missing: 341b85Z52 ‎dwayne ‎3802178019 ‎city ‎francisco ‎dwyane › BirthDeat... Birth, Death, Marriage and Divorce - Washington State Department of Health Official Washington State site for Vital Records and ordering certificates for birth, death, marriage or divorce records. Missing: 341b85Z52 ‎dwayne ‎3802178019 ‎san ‎francisco ‎ca ‎dwyane › B... Birth & Death Certificates - Washington County Birth & Death Certificates is the overview page for Washington County Vital Records in Oregon. Missing: 341b85Z52 ‎dwayne ‎3802178019 ‎city ‎san ‎francisco ‎ca ‎dwyane RELATED SEARCHES birth certificate washington state order birth certificate california snohomish county birth certificate vitalchek review king county birth certificate washington state original birth certificate birth certificate olympia wa birth certificate online Notices about Filtered Results In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 10 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included. Page Navigation Footer Links 95824, Sacramento, CA - From your Location History - Learn more Terms

  81. Rifas Ahmed

    2019, I am heartbroken song after 1 year, same hipe which I get at first time,, now it's 100k times I m hearing this song, one of my collection with fav 90's kid akon

  82. zp cop

    Огонь !

  83. Noor Alden288

    He looks like cj

  84. Erick Espinoza

    This brings memories from 2007.

  85. MMG 115

    13/9/2019 still

  86. ThwartedMold

    New age rappers will be like "50 don't make me find you on tweeter".

  87. Robin Alberti

    Where's my god damn MONEY god damn husband and my god damn daughter

  88. BAYOU Amine

    well, at least there's no black on black crime depicted in this video

  89. Quézia Santos

    Love all Akon and 50cent ❤💪🏼💣💥❤❤🤤

feat Akon-Still Will Şarkı Sözü
Don't even look at me wrong when I come through the hood

Ain't nothin' changed, still holla at my homies

And when I hit the block, I still will kill

And I don't want, nigga but I will

If I got to, kill

If niggas get to fuckin' around, if niggas get to fuckin' around

Respect come from admiration and fear

You can admire me or you can catch one in ya wig

You see the Testarosa the toaster's right on my lap

So if a nigga get out of line, a nigga get clapped

I got an arsenal a infantry, I'm built for this mentally

That's why I'm the general, I do what they pretend to do

Front on me now nigga I'll be the end of you

Forget ya enemies and think of what ya friends'll do

I drop a bag off, then let a mag off

The Heckler & Koch'll tear half of ya ass off

I'm not for…

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