mp3 indir dur

XXXTentacion - Teeth

: Teeth
: 2.18 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 65 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 47 İndirme
: 03-04-2020
Mp3 indirmek için tıklayın
Kullanıcı Yorumları (XXXTentacion - Teeth )
Teeth Şarkı Sözü
Where you said you going?
He can't fuck you like I can
Where you said you going?
He can't fuck you like I can
He can't fuck you like I can
He can't fuck you like I can
He can't fuck you like I can
He can't fuck you like I can
I, I don't remember much
I just seen her dead in there
It definitely stood out
I remember your smell when I touched you
How you used to talk to me
It all hurts so much now
How could I waste so much time on someone who doesn't even love me
Even though all the time I spent, its just worthless
Now I feel like I don't even wanna live anymore
Save me

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